09-10-2009, 01:46 PM
Does anyone know where i can find classic video game consoles, like hmmm i dunno know maybe a PSX, SNES, NES, and a N64 console with their games sold seperately on the same site?
Appreciate it.

09-10-2009, 02:09 PM
Probably ebay.

I saw a Goodwill here where I live that had an NES... but they were auctioning it.

09-10-2009, 02:10 PM
I really dunno any stores besides some in Japan that sell that. I know there are stores here in Maryland that do that, but I think they do not have an online store.

09-10-2009, 02:18 PM
I bought a Commodore 64 on ebay a few weeks ago, very cheap too.

I've seen all those you've mentioned selling cheap to a single bidder before, so you might get lucky.

09-10-2009, 02:40 PM
Sometimes a swapmeet is your good friend... Sometimes.

09-10-2009, 10:06 PM
I'm looking for perfectly mint condition, still in good shape, workable, and playable. And of course budget friendly so i can go after the other old consoles.

Any more suggestions other than ebay, swapmeets, yard sales, and pawn shops?

09-10-2009, 10:09 PM
ive gotten all my systems in very good codition off flea markets for killer prices.

I'm looking for perfectly mint condition, still in good shape, workable, and playable. And of course budget friendly so i can go after the other old consoles.

i dont know why, but that sounded like you want a colecovision factory sealed for 1 dll.

09-10-2009, 10:15 PM
What are your prices and whats your site if you posted them online?

09-10-2009, 10:17 PM
i said i got them in flea markets.
and the most expensive system was an atari 2600 black finish with 8 games, in its box, for (back then) 20 dlls. adjusting, it might be 15 dlls.

09-12-2009, 10:43 PM
Well how much did you buy them for? and are they still in good condition? i don't want to buy from you i just want to know the facts when buying from a flea market or anywhere else hidden.

09-13-2009, 01:03 AM
I find my PSX, NES, and N64 at a house me and my dad were working on.

09-13-2009, 03:38 AM
Well how much did you buy them for? and are they still in good condition? i don't want to buy from you i just want to know the facts when buying from a flea market or anywhere else hidden.

i wouldnt sell anything anyway, i buy, not sell, unless i have a second copy of a game.
they are all in working condition.
little dusted, but that was cleaned and now look like brand new.

09-13-2009, 10:56 AM
IDX Rider and Catastrophe sounds like you guys won't give it up but thats okay, i'll continue my long awaited search to reunite with my childhood.

09-13-2009, 11:03 AM
>Old school
>Nintendo 64

I don't think so, Tim.

Additionally, this might be right up your alley (

09-13-2009, 03:42 PM
Dodgesxt, I can tell you right now to get used to one of two things(maybe even both):

1. Learn to be very, very patient and thorough. When you see a store that might even REMOTELY have something to do with video games, check it out. Wait a week, then check it again. Make sure you ask them if they even bother carrying/taking in trade the aforementioned systems and games(This is how I got Suikoden 2 ten years after its release for $40.).

2. Learn to either accept inflated prices or negotiate like a fiend. All too often, you will come across stores(online or not) that overestimate how popular a game is. Case in point: one of my local stores here has Super Mario 3 for the NES. Now, SMB3 is a good game, and I have many fond memories...but there is no way in hell that I'm spending $35 on it, especially seeing as how they have around 10 copies sitting there at this moment. Fortunately, I have another store to choose from that sells it for $25.

SO...those are the two golden rules that I've learned the harsh realities of. I will pass on a little more bit of advice: it seems like you're insistent on getting the ACTUAL consoles(very admirable), but if you want a stand in until you get them, there are some sort of 'retro systems' that pack two systems into one(SNES/NES, Genesis/SMS, etc), and they sell at one of my stores(Play N Trade) for $10. Not a bad price, all things considered.

I wish you luck in your search...depending on your games list, you might need it!

09-13-2009, 08:13 PM
i had my NES since before i was born (belonged to my parents, that explains why i have VEGAS DREAM).

so, since there are NES clone systems, im seriously thinking of purchasing one in order to use that instead of my aging nes.

09-13-2009, 09:04 PM
IDX Rider and Catastrophe sounds like you guys won't give it up but thats okay, i'll continue my long awaited search to reunite with my childhood.

I have 2 NES and 2 PSX actually. And they both work.

09-14-2009, 05:39 AM
Do you have a Pink Godzilla in your vicinity? You can purchase some classic consoles there.

09-14-2009, 06:17 AM
Butter Building, who the hell is tim? george. CHazA4 thanks for the handy tips i'll keep that in mind since i never went on an actual hunt to look for these consoles due to the fact because i don't know how and where to start.

09-14-2009, 06:22 AM
Butter Building, who the hell is tim?

I guess you've never watched Home Improvement?

09-14-2009, 06:24 AM
Ahhhh! ok i get it, yeah i remember but i never liked the show.

09-14-2009, 09:57 AM
not clear about that,nintendo ds resource should be more

09-14-2009, 06:39 PM
Ahhhh! ok i get it, yeah i remember but i never liked the show.

I have officially lost all faith in humanity. lol, j/k.

Tom Toonami Tunes
11-04-2009, 07:08 AM
Well, Game Stop has cleared out anything older than PS1 about 5 years ago and I have no EB Games local so for me that would leave 2 small businesses, 1 a hobby store and the other a small game store that's kinda tucked away and actually has been here for about a year but I had no idea because there sign looks like it's for insurance or a travel agency.

That's what you should be looking for.