09-06-2009, 01:10 PM
This will be quite a longshot, but I'm hoping that SOMEONE has these still.

I'll try to keep it short as best I can. The Wingless is an amazing composer on the video game remix site OC Remix. He has a few of his mixes up there, but not all of them, his other remixes (and, in my opinion, better songs, especially the Dungeon Explorer remix) were available on his website here.


Unfortunately, not anymore though. Most of the songs on his website are completely missing or just incomplete now. I used to have them, but a while back, I suffered from a nasty computer crash and lost pretty much almost everything. Searching the internet for his non OC Remix songs hasn't worked at all either.

So here I am asking if someone else has his remixes from his website anymore and could please post them here.

Much thanks in advance.