09-04-2009, 03:02 AM
Hello. So, this is the second soundtrack I've thrown together, Although this one didn't require me to rip all of the tracks strait from anything. Most of them I got from looking at the music in the credits and looking them up. a few had to be recorded to get a hold of. So, here it is!

PLEASE NOTE: All music on this soundtrack already existed before the films creation. This is simply a collection of all the songs in the original order of the film in one file.

For those who don't know, Return To Little Planet is a live-action Fan-made film by Sasso Studios adapted to Sega's Sonic The Hedgehog Series and characters. You can watch the full film Here ( and learn more about it Here ( and Here (

----------------------------------DISK 1----------------------------------

The Rundown ----------------------------------------------Opening Diologe
Would You Fight The Last War-----------------------------------Intro Poem
Good Morning Sunshine----------------------------------------Wake Up Call
Keeping Up-------------------------------------------------Sonic's Exercise
Tripping On Visions---------------------------------Sonic's Vision Aftermath
Good Energy----------------------------------------------------Meditation
The City Zone----------------------------------------Going To Amy's House
The Plot Thickens---------------------------------Shadow's Untimely Arrival
Tinker Toys-----------------------------------Tails Introduction (W/ Lyrics)
Not A Cell Phone---------------------------------------Chemical Plant Zone
Robotnik's Got A Plasma Gun-----------------Past Battle For The Time Stone
Sonic One, Knuckles Zero-----------------------------Time Stone Collected!
Anger Management--------------------------------Knuckles Fitness Session
Climbing The Rocks-------------------------------------Another Time Stone
Confrontation----------------------------------------Shadow Grabs The Girl
Robotnik's Speech-----------------------------------------The Fall Of Sonic

---------------------------------DISK 2----------------------------------
Cliffhangers--------------------------------------------------Act II Prologe
Riding The Tide---------------------------------------Sonic's Been Rescued
Get Some Rest--------------------------------------------Sonic Wake's Up
Put Some Clothes On!---------------------------Getting Dressed For Ice Cap
Plans--------------------------------------------------------Group Meeting
Taking Away That Chance-----------------------------Race Against Shadow
Chasing Ghosts-------------------------------------------Knuckles Appears
Don't Just Sit There---------------------------Knuckles Gives Sonic The Ring
A Fair Fight------------------------------------------Battle Against Shadow
Truth Shines Above All----------------------------------Shadow Showdown
Off Of Your Game-----------------------------------------Robotnik's Defeat
Recap Zone--------------------------------------------------------Epologe
Getting To Know Them Better-----------------------------------Credits Roll

You can download the full soundtrack Here! (116MB)
( (Hosted by DivShare)

Enjoy! :)

EDIT 5/3/2014: So I happened to log back in after being gone for a while, and I figured I'd check my Soundtracks to make sure they were still up. Well... this one is down. And I'm sorry to say, I no longer have the soundtrack. I'm sorry. :(
On the other hand, anyone could potentially look up all the songs themselves by looking at the credits. So there's that I suppose...

09-05-2009, 05:11 AM
A live action Sonic fan-movie? This gets my attention...thanks for the soundtrack!

09-06-2009, 04:02 AM
No problemo. :)

Download file slightly updated. Enjoy. :)