Skye Vrbas
08-09-2002, 10:22 PM
I love MGS2 , couse you can be VERRY sadistic in it :D

Well the most sadistic thing I ever did :

I killed many soldiers , trowed them together and fired 1min at them , there was a lot of blood involved :D
at the end I trowed a granade at them and .................. BOOM :D

I did a lot of sadistic things , but I don't remember them

how about you ?

" keep it decent , ok ? "

08-09-2002, 11:02 PM
Well, I'll just try not to toss GTA3 in here.... mostly because almost everything you do in that game can be sadistic. o_O

So I'll just go back to this one time in MGS2 when I had Emma with me. Just out of pure boredom and stuff... and see what I can get from Otacon out of this. I did a shitload of stuff to her. Shot at her, punched her, strap C4 on her, spray her, blow her up, lay on her, throw her around.

After about an hour of this... I got around to thinking... "Damn I'm a sick person." o_O

08-09-2002, 11:36 PM
GTA3 - Do drivebys on random people just to be chased by cops, then do insane stunts, turn around and watch their cars blow up from flipping over.

I havn't played MGS2 unfortunately.

Other than that I don't have any games that allow you to do sadistic things that you arn't required to do to further advance in the game.

08-10-2002, 12:30 AM
Ummm...In "Max Payne", I killed many innocent people that were high off of drugs. one RPG (can't remember the name) I chose to continue on with the journey and leave the villagers to die...umm...yeah...sadistic...woo!

08-10-2002, 02:07 AM
This is impersonal, but still sadistic.

Alpha Centauri (A turn-based strategy game, Civ2 in space): I used my terraformers to drop the elevation of the land near my opponents' bases that were beside the ocean, causing all the citizens in the town to come to a watery death.

Haw haw.

Exiled Archangel
08-10-2002, 03:03 AM
In MGS2,after i beat the bad guy with the C4's(i don't remember his name),i took the gun with the sleeping darts and i was shooting him to his head.After that,he was look like Hellraiser:D !!!!!

08-10-2002, 05:54 AM
In driver I'd go to a series of hills in san fransisco and see just how many cop cars I get to be overturned chasing me without any of them dissapearing from the screen, I think my record was eight.

In GTA3 on the second island I'll sometimes load up on every type of weapon available and head to the roof of the parking garage and see just how many people/cops/FBI agents I can kill before they kill me, one time I blew up about 5 helicopters before they got me.

08-12-2002, 07:37 AM
I don't know... it's hard NOT to do sadistic stuff...

It all started back in Half-Life...ah...those poor scientists...white-coats never saw it comin. Heh heh...

And yeah, those Valkyr junkies in Max Payne just ask for a slow motion Beretta to the back of the head.

....but I draw the line at harrassing Emma. Moggie boy, you goin DOWN!

the one
08-16-2002, 10:48 PM
well GTA3 knocked sum 1 down then beat them up on the ground with a baseball bat for bout 20 mins:D

and in MGS2 kiled solider then got the tranquliser gun n shot him in the face about 50 times so he looked like the guy from hellraiser:D

Skye Vrbas
08-17-2002, 01:02 PM
ow wait , I think I remember one ...

In MGS2 I "freezed " 2 soldiers at the same time , and I took a picture of it :) , saved it on my memory card , and look at it verry often :D . And what , did you think I let those two live ? .... naaaah !!!!;)

08-18-2002, 03:00 AM
In Romance of the Three Kingdoms 7 I executed every general in the game until only I was alive, and it gave me the 'good' ending.

MGS2, took a picture of Emma's crotch. o.O

08-18-2002, 08:19 AM
In GTA2...No, that's not a typo, Grand Theft Auto TWO...I equiped my car with 99 Oil packets...then, in the widest street I could find, I dropped all 99 oil packets onto the road...and gout the hell out of the way! Cars going everywhere...those car jackers who speed sure did get a nice death...^^ Also, watching cars swirve out of control into citezens is also quite fun to fun was shorlty ended, as I got out of my car, walked around a bit, and had a cop car swirve into me, right into a building....still, i love doing that...^_^

Tactical Error #5
08-18-2002, 10:02 PM
Not as sadistic as some, but I had a guilty pleasure. In Perfect Dark I would set up a senario as follows. Myself vs. 8 meat-sims in the Falicity(the Facility from Goldeneye). I would make sure that the laptop gun was in the room at the end of the long hall then I'd run in there, grab it, put it in sentry-mode and toss it to the ceiling hidden behind a beam right above the door. Then I just sit in the room with the door closed watching the radar. Meat sims come close, generally massed together, I open the door and watch as they all drop like flies.
I've also killed off all of my party members in multiple RPG's out of sheer boredom.

Psuedes Psyche
08-18-2002, 10:22 PM
In GTA3:

Steal a car run someone over, get out, blow it up, blow up the fire truck that comes, hijack the ambulence and run over any "survivors".................................................. ..................................Ok. I didn't do that I read it from a magazine but I did knock out Emma Emerich in MGS2 and lie on top of her...What?

08-18-2002, 11:26 PM

i tortured Emma :eye: i punched her, shot her, and i also photographed her crutch...i really dont know why.

also, i held a gun to a soldiers head, and he went "dont shoot me!" so i knee capped him. also shot one in the arm, and watch it twitch, while laughing :eek:


went nutty with an Uzi, and shot some Chinese chef in this takeaway, when he was dead, i kept blasting him in the head and his body slid across the floor.

Soldier of Fortune:

blew off there limbs with a shot gun, then slice there torso with a knife till it vanished in a puff of red blood.

08-19-2002, 04:02 AM
I'm not very sadistic. Off the top of my head, the worst I can remember doing in a game was purposely casting thundaga on Rikku because she's scared of lightning. Even nice people like me become sadistic after having to put up with Rikku for a while.

Most of you probably aren't familiar with this game but I used to be a big fan of the Wheel of Time game. Sometimes I would make my warder run over explosive wards. I dunno why; sadistic urge I guess. And in the single-player level where the White Tower is being invaded, I'd sometimes shoot down other Aes Sedai. By accident, though.

Rabid Monkey
08-19-2002, 03:20 PM
In the first Diablo I would go onto multiplayer games with 3 other people, after I knew they were legit (for those who don't know, was only Open for the first Diablo, so there was a lot of hacking going on, and I was one of the little bastards that did) I would wait till we were about to free Diablo. Then, as they were rushing off to fight him I would change all their equipment to really basic items like a short sword. The items changed back after they left the game, but it was sure fun watching people go after big D with really crappy equipment on...

Bus Driver
08-20-2002, 07:25 AM GTA 3 ....let's just say......if you look at my record......I've killed thousands and thousands and thousands......of civilians and like 400 criminals, lol.

Neo Xzhan
08-21-2002, 12:42 AM
GTA3 just look at the blood splats and denses in my cars :D. Yes GTA3 is sadistic in any possible way, highjack a car step on the peddle take a good speed and aim at the peds who r walking around.

08-21-2002, 06:49 PM
putting the ultra violence cheat on GTA3 made it even more sadistic. heads and limbs come off in explosions, and with weapons such as the sniper rifle and M16. lots of limbless bodies often lined the pavements when i played that game.

poster formerly known as ian
08-21-2002, 08:49 PM
Played through the whole of max payne (with cheats, yes) using only groin-shots to complete the game with the sniper rifle. Every man in that ashamed to be proud of it...:D

Alice Wonderbra
08-24-2002, 02:38 PM
i dont really play games that let u b sadistic, so i havent really done much.

in goldeneye, i used 2 shoot the bogies n the crotch. if u get it n the right place, they drop 2 their knees and hold themselves while rocking back and forth until they finally just die. yeah, that was always fun :D

"Good times. Good times."

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
08-25-2002, 12:52 PM
I think what I did rules them all

In Black and White, I just left everybody praising me forever and the all died of starvation.


In Half-Life, I beat the scientist's to death with a crowbar, until all there limbs and body parts all spilt out.

08-29-2002, 12:49 PM
Most sadistic thing I've ever done (or played) was in Half-Life, Scientist Hunt. That is the most sadistic game ever! The whole purpose is to kill 100 scientists. But the thing I did was use the special sawn-off shotgun you get in the game, and I lined the scientist up with the goal posts on the football field, pressed the trigger and watched him soar through the goal posts. HE SCORES!! That game rocks so much. Oh yeah, after the first scientist is killed, the rest run around like loonies, it's great!!

09-03-2002, 12:08 PM
In my opinion, that's how you have the most fun in a game. Take Perfect dark, for instance. I once sat there for 20 mins ( unlimited ammo & invincible), emptying round after round of Magnum ammo into an aliens' skull (elvis).

Another of my favourites is Conkers BFD- Here's a bit of maths...
Me + :notgood: + Bazooka + Computer allies = :D :D :D .

09-04-2002, 12:30 PM
On GTA 3 i kept spamping on a dead persons groin for half an hour while giggling to myself hehehehehehe

and on Black & White i kept throwing that guy who asks you to throw him around i even zoomed out from the island and watched him go down (it took about 2 minutes for him to hit the ground)

09-04-2002, 04:32 PM
Somehow I don't think I'm quite as sadistic as all the rest of you, but here are my attempts at sadism.

In Rollercoaster Tycoon, I loved to build rides that would lead their passengers to immeninent doom. I would bulldoze it after the rest of the guests got suspicious and build a brand new deathtrap. I also was fond of drowning my employees.

And in rpgs, in particular, Final Fantasy 6, I too have been known to kill off my party members many a time. There is a part of the game where I always have my guys attack Relm, because I only use her when I absolutely have to, and I'd rather the rest of my party be cashing in on her exp. points. I also like to take down each character at least once so I can see what they look like K.O. ed. Strago looks like a dead hamster, hehheh

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
09-05-2002, 06:38 PM
Terra, your actually pretty sadistic, building Death Traps, for innocent people who think they're going to have a time of they're life. MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

And, just killing characters, just to see what they look like dead.

09-05-2002, 07:39 PM
TOCA Touring Car Championship. not explicity sadistic, but turning tail on ur own team mate and ramming him into a barrier so his car flips into the air and slams down onto its side was kinda horrific, seen as crashes that big were very rare in that game. then driving off and seeing "P. Radisich is out of the race" makes u wonder if he lived or not, or is paralysed for life :eek:

09-05-2002, 07:44 PM
GTA3 - beat down, 3-5 people walking the street, wait for an ambulance,kill the medics, and then steal the ambulance for some joy!

Skye Vrbas
09-05-2002, 08:00 PM
State of emergency : I just kept shooting at an old laydie "who touched me"(a little bit) ... All thanks to school , I became a mad guy ...

Hey, dudes , if you like the sadistic stuff and stuff , why don't you join the sadistic club and post some nice pics ...

Neo Xzhan
09-11-2002, 09:30 PM
Another sadisctic thing I did was in Red Faction. I mined a ceiling with remote bombs and I blew the whole ceiling up. Then all the guys who wanna kill me come tumble down, so I take my Fusion Rocket Laucher (for all those who haven't played the game this weapon is over the edge). So I take my aim and blow them all up bfore they hit the ground :D:D:D:D.

09-12-2002, 11:11 AM
Heh, Toca Touring Car 2 was always fun for a while. I used to turn around at the start of the race and drive in the opposite direction for as long as I wanted, taking out as many cars as possible in the time alloted, all the while trying to make my team-mate win. I think the best I did was lose the entire front chassis from the car, all the windows and the boot. It was a classic!

Love tales from the Sims are always a classic! One time I created this super rich guy (yeah I cheated but meh!) and he then proceeded to flirt with another man's wife. I then got her to move in and marry me while she was still married to this other guy. I then invited him over and as he got inside, kissed his wife right in front of him. Pretty funny! Another thing a friend and I did was make a house with a man and two girls. The guy fell in love with girl A, and then girl A fell in love with girl B. Soon the two girls were pashing their hearts out and what happens? The guy comes up and slaps girl B. We did this for a while and wanted the lesbian relationship to continue so we repeatedly tried to kill him. In the end he died of grief!

09-12-2002, 08:36 PM
well, I thought up a lot a lot of stuff to do on MGS2,set up claymores,torture the guards,shoot their radios and arms but one leg.....have fun with the stealth suit.......drop down on them....punch them while in the stealth suit while he's looking away and there's a guard nearby, but not too close and he'll blame the other guard....hip toss them over a railing....hold them up from behind,then go infront,shot them in the head in FPS mode and watch the blood on your screen run down....lotta detail in that Game......

09-23-2002, 07:35 PM
Let me say one thing....


Anyone whos ever played this game will know how sadistic it is, forget GTA3 ffs!! this thing allows you to do anything, you name it rape, murder, cannibalism, paedophilia, necrophilia and very detailed deaths. It was an awesome game ehehe. Because theres no restrictions on what can be done, you can make a hardcore porn if you like. I made some devastating films.

I have done many of the other sadistic occurences in this forum including the rollercoaster tycoon ones, sim ones, half life and gta3 ones, but another one i used to like doing at the arcades was to simply shoot the innocent people in house of the dead. Sure, i lost a life every time i did it but i just couldnt resist shooting them, im not joking it was an addiction, i couldnt let the innocent go i HAD to kill him, it cost me easilly �20 (i used to play alot and i dont think an innocent got by me once) Well, one nearly escaped.. my friend told me to not shoot as one appeared on screen, i hesitated, thought about the life i would loose if i shot him, and them blasted him right between the eyes which made me relaxed again, i nearly broke down with sweat from not killing him. Jesus i need to play that game just to kill the innocent people, just talking about me has made me irritable and i feel like a nervous wreck

09-24-2002, 12:39 PM
You've got some serious problems there bucko :D Innocent people are the first to go IMHO, they are just so irritating! Once when playing Tactical Ops, A friend and I were Terrorists. We got sick of the idiot hostages and my friend chucked an HE genade in the room :D needless to say they weren't around for much longer. I think one of them flew out the window XD

09-24-2002, 06:20 PM
heheh, torturing innocents! in SWAT3 i used to handcuff em, then drop flashbangs next to there heads. then i'd get CS gas and drop it right next to em, and watch em cough and choke, lol. then shoot em in the back of the head!

and, in Perfect Dark, if me and my friends ever do a team game, with us on the same team, i sometimes turn on them. we were doing king of the hill against a team of i think, 2 perfect sims, and 2 hard sims? i forget. anyway, we had the hill protected, and they were all lined up infront of my cross hair. i gunned them all down. they wernt very happy, needless to say!

we were in this same situation once again, but instead, i deployed a proximity mine. they all tried to leg it out the door, but all 3 of em tried it at the same time, got stuck, and died in the explosion. ahh man, that was sum funny shit!

09-24-2002, 06:59 PM
Yea what is it about innocents, the scientists in half-life just had to be killed, as well as all the barneys. And in counter-strike i couldnt help but up close headshot the hostages.

09-30-2002, 08:26 PM
Well how fitting this topic is for me eh :)

Sadistic means first and foremost to impose sexual pain upon someone as means of self gratification or direct harm
The second definition is to impose general pain upon someone as a means to yapyap.

But considering everyone is basically talking about MSG2 and GTA3, I don't see the former applying much here, so I'll use an example of the latter.

If anyone has ever played EverQuest for a long enough time, they know the importance of certain aspects of the game. Such as not dying in the middle of the OT, or for that matter in WL when they have a bad faction.

They also know that especially on PvP servers, you can really lose your head when someone takes advantage of you.

There was a raid going on in Chardok and I was sitting invisible outside. A rebel group of Iksars were from the City of Mist and were heading in. I kept my visual whereabouts a secret, but I knew one of the lizard men and told him about some Elves inside. For the detailed information I gave he offered me first roll on a Lamentation blade if his group found one. Thing was that the I told him there were only three Elves who were 6 levels below them and were just paddered guilded n00bies. So the Iksar group headed in with a full head of steam. A few minutes later shit hit the fan, the Iksar necro's came flying back out of the zone, and the Elves took off after them. Feeling the need to explore and be curious, I followed them until we all ended up in at the Tox portal(s). The Iksars headed for the Hole, and I follwed the Elves in their chase.

Upon finally getting back to the water's surface, I saw another clan that mine was at war with. So I summoned up a pet removing my invisbility and while they were at odds with some npc's I ran by and let my pet round up a junk load of Golems.

Needless to say that the Golems came in a group of about eight and because of their unawareness, all 34 of those people in that raid were not paying attention and ended up dying or having to flee the zone for safety.

Welp the Elves had got the Iksars to run back out almost simultanesouly with the fleeing clan from moments ago.

When the weakened clan stepped outside, the Elves mistargeted them for the Iksars and finished them off. Being weak and low on mana, the Iksars slayed the Elves, then walked back into the zone unaware of the Golems still hanging around. They also got killed :)!

All I can say is, thank goodness for the original invisibility spell :)
