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iconoclastic pastry
09-01-2009, 08:02 PM
I haven't gotten many replies from my post in another thread (thanks to those that did!), so I thought I would make a redundant thread in the hopes of receiving more feedback. So, yeah.

With both systems dropping to 299, I'm in a bit of a bind, because I've put off getting either until now, and I have the money, so....

My girlfriend is really wanting to upgrade to a HDTV, and I would like to be able to watch high def movies on it if we're going to get it, so the blu-ray capacity of the PS3 appeals to me, but the actual library doesn't impress me all that much. Having said that, I don't have much time for gaming these days, and I play on the PC a lot, so this is not too big of an issue. The few games I will be spending quite a bit of time with on either system are fighting games (SFIV, blazeblue, king of fighters, etc.), so the deciding factor may be the online communities for these. If they are about the same for either system, then I may go with the PS3 for the blu-ray (I don't want to buy a separate blu-ray player, at least not at this time), however, I've heard that the online experience is better for the 360. This may sway me in favor of the 360 (and the superior library of games does not hurt either).

I'm quite torn. Any thoughts?

09-01-2009, 08:15 PM
360 is ok... not really that great if you ask me... it may have more games now as it's been out longer then the ps3 has been but i believe the ps3 the better choice to go for... it many not have many games to go for now but give it time and there will be alot to pick from also playstation network is free as the 360 is not for their network... there also games to download on it as well form new stuff to the good old school to pick from... i was not sure what to think about the ps3 until i got one and i have friends with 360's and did not do anything for me... so i hope this helps and just look online for a list of ps3 games and you might find something up your ally? right now there not alot of rpg's but it growing...

09-01-2009, 08:26 PM
Ignoring the obvious fanboy post above this one, I think you'd be better off not buying either of them. From what you've said, it seems pretty obvious that you have very little use for them.

As for your question about online communities, you'll find pretty much the same thing either way. Both have their bright spots, but are largely populated by people whose mere presence would make you run to the shower.

With prices on stand-alone Blu-ray players reaching mass market levels, I'd just pick one of those up for movies and make do with PC gaming.

09-01-2009, 08:59 PM
sorry if my post sounded fanboyish... but i just think you can do more with a ps3 then 360 but then again it really up to Kubirio on if he buy ether or none...

09-01-2009, 09:03 PM
Well to tell you the truth I am torn in this matter as well. Both systems are at about the same now for game library, PS3 has been releasing a ton of great games and from the looks has a lot more exclusives so far. I sort of decided I am gonna get the 360 elite because it has dropped in price quite a bit and seems reliable, no chance of the RROD. I decided on the 360 mostly for the online and also because it allows me to play with some friends and family who also own a 360 so really its all about preference, what you can get the most enjoyment out of.

09-01-2009, 09:09 PM
Get a PS2 if you don't have one yet & save your money till the holiday season.

09-01-2009, 09:30 PM
The clear choice is a PSWii60.

iconoclastic pastry
09-01-2009, 11:40 PM
I have a Wii and a PS2 already. I see your point, Prak, but I will probably end up getting one anyways, even if not now.

I guess I shouldn't care too much about online play, but I'm seriously jonesin' for some fighting game action and the offline options here are pretty much nill.

09-02-2009, 12:09 AM
I guess it also depends on what you want out of your systems as far as games are concerned. I was going to get the PS3 originally for blu-ray and MGS4, but that was before I had an HDTV. And because I liked Halo 2 a lot (way more than 3 but I didn't know Halo 3 was going to suck this badly), I decided to get the 360 Elite so I can play with some friends at home when I was in college.

But if what you really want is a Blu-Ray player, then I suggest just getting that; a player. The PS2 is still a lot of fun anyways you know.

09-02-2009, 12:21 AM
I have a Wii and a PS2 already. I see your point, Prak, but I will probably end up getting one anyways, even if not now.

I guess I shouldn't care too much about online play, but I'm seriously jonesin' for some fighting game action and the offline options here are pretty much nill.

Then still wait till this holiday season.

You're gonna get a better deal, it's only a few months away.

09-02-2009, 01:04 AM
Did someone mention fanboys?

Hi guys.

09-02-2009, 01:06 AM
Then still wait till this holiday season.

You're gonna get a better deal, it's only a few months away.

for the win

iconoclastic pastry
09-02-2009, 08:39 PM
Why am I going to get a better deal around the holiday season? I don't remember any great deals last holiday season for the products in question. But maybe I didn't look hard enough. =/

also: this is probably a dumb question, but is there any problems associated with playing these systems on a cathode-ray television, other than it not looking as good? I"m thinking about lag and so forth.

09-02-2009, 08:48 PM
Why am I going to get a better deal around the holiday season? I don't remember any great deals last holiday season for the products in question. But maybe I didn't look hard enough. =/
also: this is probably a dumb question, but is there any problems associated with playing these systems on a cathode-ray television, other than it not looking as good? I"m thinking about lag and so forth.
The difference is, the last season was pretty much the 'our install base' time.

Now with the price drop of the 360 & PS3 (along with the slim).
This is going to get more competitive this time around.
At least that's what I think.

As to TV, IDK.
I've seen a PS3 on a 'reg' tv and it looks like crap, IDK if there's any other issues.

09-02-2009, 09:00 PM
I haven't ever seen a PS3 on a CRT TV, but I have seen a 360 on one and it definitely does not look nearly as good as it does on my HDTV, but it's still a perfectly passable picture.

As for lag, no. None whatsoever. In fact, loading times tend to be much shorter when it doesn't have to render everything in higher resolutions. I think it's safe to assume that applies to the PS3 as well.

Dr Faustus
09-02-2009, 09:00 PM
also: this is probably a dumb question, but is there any problems associated with playing these systems on a cathode-ray television, other than it not looking as good? I"m thinking about lag and so forth.

No - lag is down to the online connection - if you mean the refresh rate then just make sure you choose the non-HD settings in the set-up and it's fine. Obviously it won't look as good.

09-02-2009, 09:51 PM
Did someone mention fanboys?

Hi guys.


09-02-2009, 11:45 PM
No - lag is down to the online connection - if you mean the refresh rate then just make sure you choose the non-HD settings in the set-up and it's fine. Obviously it won't look as good.

Is this a referance to the PS3 or 360? I've never had any problems playing my 360 in 1080p.

09-03-2009, 12:54 AM
Did someone mention fanboys?

Hi guys.


09-03-2009, 02:49 AM
This choice is quite obvious PS3 is superior in almost every way I own every system and to put it simply the only argument I hear from Microsoft fan boys is that they're system is better because they have more games.... does that make a PS2 better than? Cause I'm pretty sure actually PS3 has more games with their superior backwards compatability. PS3 has blu ray. On a PS3 if you have friends with one you can each download a game, go on your friends account download any game they've downloaded onto yours, play the game on your own account and not have any issues when you both play at the sametime. Playstation store is far superior and you never have to buy live or batteries or recharger packs. it's all wireless and oh yeah you can play your favorite final fantasy's and even download them from the playstation store. I would name more but I just got off work. If you get a PS3 gimme your PSN name.
Oh also only get an xbox around the winter seasons I hear those things can overheat an entire household.

09-03-2009, 02:55 AM
@ Kubirio,
the mainstream fighters are on both ps3 and xbox360, but I recommend you get a ps3 if you want to play fighting games mostly.

most tourneys use ps3 also like EVOlution.

I was gonna pick PS3 but ended up getting Xbox360 because I wanted DOA4

I guess if you really want to narrow it down. Think what controller you like more. If you use a joystick, then that is not important lol.

iconoclastic pastry
09-03-2009, 03:08 AM
I'm terribly ignorant when it comes to these things, but are there certain HDTVs that are 1080p and others that are not? The ones I've seen at the local stores are 720p. Does it have something to do with the cables or just the t.v.?

I hate new media technology. Makes me feel much older than I am.

Dr Faustus
09-03-2009, 03:13 AM
Just the TV. All HDMI cables are capable of a 1080p signal, but not all screens are able to display it.

09-03-2009, 03:22 AM
Go to 'Sam's Club', I got a 32in 1080P for a pretty good price.

If you wanna go 'next gen', you really need to get the TV and the cords.
Sad part is, the TV costs more or equal to the damn gaming system.

09-03-2009, 03:23 AM
I got a 32" 1080p HDTV for less than $500 at Wal-Mart. Works like a charm :).

Dr Faustus
09-03-2009, 03:47 AM
Is this a referance to the PS3 or 360? I've never had any problems playing my 360 in 1080p.

Sorry, I missed your post - I was referring to playing on a non-HD CRT screen... I have a PS3 but I imagine its the same with xbox(?) - you need to set the machine to output the correct signal for the source used to display it; for example it's no good having your machine output 1080 if you can display only regular 540. It's like a dvd player outputting 4:3 on a 16:9 dispaly - it's just wrong.

09-03-2009, 06:28 AM
Ah, I know what you're talking about but I never had the problem. Before I got my HDTV, I looked in the settings and stuff and you can change the output to whatever you want as long as it's not grayed out. So I set it to 1080p and the screen flickered for a second and came back clear as hell with a message that said "Press A if you can see this image" and blah blah blah.

09-03-2009, 02:34 PM
This choice is quite obvious PS3 is superior in almost every way I own every system and to put it simply the only argument I hear from Microsoft fan boys is that they're system is better because they have more games.... does that make a PS2 better than? Cause I'm pretty sure actually PS3 has more games with their superior backwards compatability. PS3 has blu ray. On a PS3 if you have friends with one you can each download a game, go on your friends account download any game they've downloaded onto yours, play the game on your own account and not have any issues when you both play at the sametime. Playstation store is far superior and you never have to buy live or batteries or recharger packs. it's all wireless and oh yeah you can play your favorite final fantasy's and even download them from the playstation store. I would name more but I just got off work. If you get a PS3 gimme your PSN name.
Oh also only get an xbox around the winter seasons I hear those things can overheat an entire household.

I know there's really no reason for this since it won't help Kubi at all, but I fucking hate rabid fanboys and this one needs to be put in his place.

So, little fanboy, you've made quite a few ridiculous and misleading claims. First of all, PS3 does NOT have superior backwards compatibility. The models currently being sold are not compatible at all with PS2 titles, as any moron who's done even the most basic research knows.

Second, it's like you're saying that you can play a game a friend bought and downloaded by downloading it directly from their console without paying for it. Obvious bullshit. If you simply miscommunicated and meant something different entirely, your language skills suck, so you're an idiot for that either way.

Third, if you're going to claim that the Playstation store is superior to the Xbox equivalent, back it up with relevant comparisons between them. As it stands, you're talking out your ass like a retarded fanboy twat.

Most 360 controllers are wireless, just like PS3 controllers, and while the rechargeable battery packs do require a cord to charge them, SO DO THE FUCKING PS3 CONTROLLERS, YOU LYING PIECE OF DOG SHIT.

Very few people here are actually Final Fantasy fanboys. Most of us acknowledge a lot of other games as being superior and some of us can't even stand the series these days, so talking about that series being available on PS3 doesn't mean a hell of a lot.

Lastly, your ad hominem attack against the 360 is a complete lie, as any significant heat issues with the console were ironed out quite a while back. My Wii actually runs hotter than my 360.

Now go drown in an acid bath.

09-03-2009, 05:57 PM
Never really had anything against the XBox 360. The only thing about them I'm not really fond of is how reliable they are.

Even from people I know who swear by the XBox have told me they've had problems with theirs (red ring of death, for example) and have had a lot of hassles getting them replaced. I just don't want to go through all that mess, *if* something were to happen if I actually owned one.

I will say that the heating problem of the PS3 is a huge problem I've noticed ever since owning one. It does get pretty hot and will heat up a room pretty bad over a long period of time. I would say this is the only strike I have against the PS3.

As far as games go... really no opinion on this. But I do want to play Left 4 Dead since that was an XBox game not released on the PS3.

09-03-2009, 06:35 PM
Yeah, the reliability of the Xbox 360 is pretty questionable. I've had to send mine in for repair 3 times this year. Once was for Error 74, a hardware failure pretty similar to the RRoD. They fixed that and got it back to me quickly. A couple months later, the disc drive started developing problems. I sent it back in early this month to get that straightened out. Then the blasted thing came back last week (another fast turnaround) but it still wouldn't read half my discs. Huge fucking fail for Microsoft.

Still, when I contacted them about it, they did take the time to get every possible detail about the problem, then sent me a new shipping kit with a next day air label. It left town on Monday and is coming back today, supposedly fixed. Assuming it does work properly now, Microsoft redeems themselves a bit for the speedy response. Also, they've thrown in a free month of XBL Gold every time I've needed a repair, if that means anything.

09-03-2009, 06:58 PM
Also, they've thrown in a free month of XBL Gold every time I've needed a repair, if that means anything.

Heck, if I were in your position, I demand a new system entirely considering it's been three times with the same system (machine). ;) But I guess that would kinda suck since you could potentially lose all your game data/achievements unless they had a good process for transferring that stuff over to the new system.

09-03-2009, 07:00 PM
Playstation store is far superior
Orly? Explain to me then why the Playstation store refused to let me buy stuff just because I'm not living in any of the countries in their list of elite countries, and makes it impossible for me to bypass checks by means of forcing me for a credit card billing address from a country in their list. Likewise, my Wii bypasses all checks as soon as I set it to Brazil.

I'm on a perpetual boycott against Sony. I'm never buying a PS3 or a PSP. My PS2 was only out of the necessity that I need to play a particular pair of games. My PS1 was bought long before, and even then it was modded.

09-03-2009, 07:55 PM
Haha, ignore him.

09-03-2009, 08:36 PM
Am I the only person here whose 360 has never died?

Kubi, I'd just get a blu-ray player and a DS if you don't already have one. I am still feeling pretty underwhelmed with this generation of consoles, especially when I compare it with the game library for my DS or my (*sniff*) PS2. Prices will probably keep on dropping for both consoles at this point, and their game libraries will keep improving.

09-03-2009, 08:37 PM
Clearly, you guys are all pathetic fanboys.

Just sayin'. :p

09-03-2009, 09:04 PM
I will say that the heating problem of the PS3 is a huge problem I've noticed ever since owning one. It does get pretty hot and will heat up a room pretty bad over a long period of time. I would say this is the only strike I have against the PS3.

Another gripe would be dodgy media server problems, but I think that has more to do with my own personal network... I have no desire to own a 360, and the over 25% failure rate solidifies that for me.

09-03-2009, 09:10 PM
Another gripe would be dodgy media server problems, but I think that has more to do with my own personal network... I have no desire to own a 360, and the over 25% failure rate solidifies that for me.

Oh yeah, I had this same problem too. I used the media server to play video files from my computer on my TV, but it would lag horribly and it would pause the video every 5 seconds. Got sick of it, so just got rid of media server on my computer and stopped using the PS3 for that purpose. :-P

09-03-2009, 09:11 PM
Heck, if I were in your position, I demand a new system entirely considering it's been three times with the same system (machine). ;) But I guess that would kinda suck since you could potentially lose all your game data/achievements unless they had a good process for transferring that stuff over to the new system.
As long as your gamertag has been on Xbox Live, you will automatically keep all achievements and stuff if you recover it to your new system. But before you ship out your system, Microsoft tells you to take out the hardrive and any disc that could be in the disc tray. No cords or anything; just the system. So you don't really have to worry about losing saved games if you get a new system. Just plug the HD into the new one and game on :).

Oh yeah, I had this same problem too. I used the media server to play video files from my computer on my TV, but it would lag horribly and it would pause the video every 5 seconds. Got sick of it, so just got rid of media server on my computer and stopped using the PS3 for that purpose. :-P

I used to have the same problem doing this with the 360. Until I realized it only happens when the computer is being used. After that, I never had a problem anymore.

09-03-2009, 09:26 PM
Oh yeah, I had this same problem too. I used the media server to play video files from my computer on my TV, but it would lag horribly and it would pause the video every 5 seconds. Got sick of it, so just got rid of media server on my computer and stopped using the PS3 for that purpose. :-P

I had a good run with my media server for the last 9-10 mos, but i had to wipe my PC, and its been pretty horrible ever since.

09-03-2009, 09:41 PM
Am I the only person here whose 360 has never died?

Kubi, I'd just get a blu-ray player and a DS if you don't already have one. I am still feeling pretty underwhelmed with this generation of consoles, especially when I compare it with the game library for my DS or my (*sniff*) PS2. Prices will probably keep on dropping for both consoles at this point, and their game libraries will keep improving.

Mine has not died either.

Dr Faustus
09-03-2009, 10:24 PM
I don't want to get involved in the school yard debate about which is best but wanted to clear one thing up... it IS possible to play your mate's game for free on the PS3 IF it's a downloaded game, you simply sign in under his/her name and download it again to your machine (I think you're allowed to do it 5 times - it is in place in case your machine breaks and you need to get the game again without paying for it again). Simple.

09-03-2009, 11:10 PM
Wait. You can't just borrow someone else's game and play it on your PS3 for free?

09-04-2009, 01:49 AM
My Wii, Xbox360, and PS3 survived a thunderstorm surge, but my 42" tv didn't. ;_;

I dunno, I kinda like my PS3 since it can play PS2 games (and japanese PS3 games, but I don't have any just yet). ^_^ My 360 is alright, I really don't like the new dashboard interface for it. My 360 definitely gets problems with the 'cannot read disc' error if you just keep popping in DVDs, or course, it tells you to clean the cache but it's kinda dumb, imo. My 360 is also iffy with my network while my Wii & PS3 said hey, I found your network wanna me connect? Just give me your WEP. I'm only sick of my 360 just breaking down and having to send it to repair almost per year.

Dr Faustus
09-04-2009, 02:01 AM
Wait. You can't just borrow someone else's game and play it on your PS3 for free?

LOL - yeah sure you can borrow your mates game if it's on disc - what I meant was the stuff bought from the store - the stuff that has no tangible shiny disc to borrow. If you sign in with his/her password on your machine it gives you access to his/her purchases.

09-04-2009, 02:02 AM
My Wii, Xbox360, and PS3 survived a thunderstorm surge, but my 42" tv didn't. ;_;

I dunno, I kinda like my PS3 since it can play PS2 games (and japanese PS3 games, but I don't have any just yet). ^_^ My 360 is alright, I really don't like the new dashboard interface for it. My 360 definitely gets problems with the 'cannot read disc' error if you just keep popping in DVDs, or course, it tells you to clean the cache but it's kinda dumb, imo. My 360 is also iffy with my network while my Wii & PS3 said hey, I found your network wanna me connect? Just give me your WEP. I'm only sick of my 360 just breaking down and having to send it to repair almost per year.
Sounds like you have a suckey 360. I didn't like the new dashboard at first either but because I play it constantly, I kinda got used to it and don't really have problems with it anymore. As for my network on my 360, it always connects when I sign on (I set it that way). Is you console connected directly to your router or is it through wireless?

09-04-2009, 03:12 AM
I've had all three consoles. Sold off my Wii and my PS3 quite a while back, kept my 360.

Now with the release of the Slim and the games that have started to become available for it, I'll be picking one up.

All PS3s except the Original release model are only backwards compatible with PSone games. In order to play PS2 games you need to buy a PS2 (which is the reason for them still being sold).
The Xbox 360 does play some original Xbox games. For a list of what Xbox games the Xbox 360 can play visit here (
As for downloading games that a friend has purchased through PSN, it is possible. For a guide on what needs to be done visit here (
Downloading games friends have purchased on Xbox Live isn't as easy and requires you to log into their account each time you wish to play. Meaning they can't be online otherwise Microsoft find out and ban that account (for 999 years I think is the standard banning period) lol.
All 360s available on the market including the Arcade console come with wireless controllers. Yes, you need to purchase either AA batteries or a rechargeable battery pack for the 360 however with the added cost of the rechargeable battery pack, controllers still work out to be around the same price.
Heating issues with the 360 can still happen though. I'm currently on my third console which is a pain in the arse but the fact that I still have one and use it despite it's flaws should give an indication of how much more I felt the 360 was the better "gaming" console.

If I was to be buying today though and the games I was interested in were available on both consoles and if the bias of which console my friends had wasn't involved, I would go with the PS3.

Positive points that the PS3 has over the Xbox 360?

PS3 has region free gaming, meaning purchasing games from Japan will be fine. The 360 does have region locking BUT developers need to choose to region lock and some of them don't. Still, PS3 is one up.
PS3 is quieter, having gone through 3 different 360s (Xenon (1st release), Falcon (3rd release) and Jasper (current release), I can tell you that the PS3 is definitely quieter.
PS3 allows for easy and cheap HDD upgrade (they use 2.5" laptop SATA HDDs I believe) but to upgrade 360 HDD you need to purchase a Microsoft 360 specific HDD.
PS3 has built in WiFi whereas the 360 needs a further attachment for wireless capabilities.
PS3 online play is free, on the 360 you need to pay (either 1, 3, 6 or 12 months subscriptions), note though that 360 online play in my opinion is still (borrowed my friends PS3 for Killzone 2) a better experience than the PSN online play.
PS3 is capable of playing Blu-Ray Discs.

In the past, due to the game lineup and the price point the 360 in my opinion was the sensible choice. Now though, I feel that the PS3 is the better choice.

Note though that this is only if you can't afford to buy both. If you can, I'd recommend getting both.

09-04-2009, 05:18 AM
I guess I shouldn't care too much about online play, but I'm seriously jonesin' for some fighting game action and the offline options here are pretty much nill.

I have discovered something recently that's a thousand times better.

Your world will never be the same!

Spend the money on a really good arcade stick that will work with your PC. :D

09-04-2009, 07:22 AM
I am pretty sure most of the worthwhile fighting games are on PC anyway, aren't they? I don't really play my 360 at all much anymore since any games worth playing on it are playable on my computer anyway and look a lot better on it. I'd recommend just sticking with your computer and buying a blu-ray player / blu-ray drive for your computer.

09-04-2009, 03:01 PM
I am pretty sure most of the worthwhile fighting games are on PC anyway, aren't they? I don't really play my 360 at all much anymore since any games worth playing on it are playable on my computer anyway and look a lot better on it. I'd recommend just sticking with your computer and buying a blu-ray player / blu-ray drive for your computer.

Only if you mean via emulator.

SF4 is coming out on PC but that's not the norm at all.

09-04-2009, 06:22 PM
LOL - yeah sure you can borrow your mates game if it's on disc - what I meant was the stuff bought from the store - the stuff that has no tangible shiny disc to borrow. If you sign in with his/her password on your machine it gives you access to his/her purchases.
Oh. I must've made a post at the same time you did and didn't see it until now. When I get my PS3, I'll be the only one in my group of friends who will have one so I won't have anything to worry about then.

Thanks for clearing it up!

Dr Faustus
09-04-2009, 06:33 PM
np - I'm in the same boat. Almost. Until just recently none of my friends had PS3 either. One has now. The rest are all xbox zealots. If you put it online it doesn't matter... lots of friendlies on there.

EDIT: Just found this, thought it was relevant to topic.

09-05-2009, 12:35 AM
np - I'm in the same boat. Almost. Until just recently none of my friends had PS3 either. One has now. The rest are all xbox zealots. If you put it online it doesn't matter... lots of friendlies on there.

EDIT: Just found this, thought it was relevant to topic.

Sure, it's not exactly news to hear that the Xbox 360 is the most unreliable console of the big three, but just how unreliable is it? Now there's a point of contention. The good news for Microsoft, of sorts, is that a new study from SquareTrade found that just 23.7% of Xbox 360 consoles failed within the first two years of ownership, which is actually a fair bit better than some of the previous numbers that topped 50%. The study also found that 10% of PlayStation 3 users reported a system failure, compared to a mere 2.7% of Wii owners. The Wii actually fared the worst when it came to power and remote control issues, however, while the most common problems with the Xbox 360 and PS3 were disc read errors and output issues. For its part, while Microsoft hasn't responded to this particular study, it has previously pointed to its "best warranty in the industry" to reassure its users and, of course, to its more recently-produced consoles, which are less likely to buckle under the pressure of a marathon Call of Duty session.

09-05-2009, 12:55 AM
Yeah, I had the 3 RRoD after the first year. I sent it in and got it back a week later. No problems since though.

Now granted, when I got it back I didn't have internet. And because they fucking decided to reset the system software, it also wiped the licenses I had for all the content I downloaded. Which means I couldn't use/play the content offline anymore. It took them three weeks to finally give my gamertag the clearance to re-download the license by re-downloading the content. It was a bitch without internet because I had to bring my console to the local comic book store twice to test one of their "other methods" that failed. The fact that I didn't have internet until they told me to re-download it didn't help my frustration.

iconoclastic pastry
09-05-2009, 02:07 AM
I have discovered something recently that's a thousand times better.

Your world will never be the same!

Spend the money on a really good arcade stick that will work with your PC. :D

I haven't tried this one yet, but I did try GGPO which is basically the same thing, and I could never get it to work properly. Had all the necessary things, but I could never actually start up a game with someone. =/

When I say fighting games, I mean blazblue, SFIV (I realize I can get this on PC, but it can barely run it), and KOFXII. I would like to play some SFIIHD and MvC2 online as well.

09-05-2009, 03:58 AM
I dunno, those games are good (actually, from what I hear, it looks like KOFXII actually... isn't. Sadly.) but given the choice between those or SF3:TS and KOF 98 it's clear to me what I'd take! But I also don't play fighting games, really.

2DF is so easy, I can't imagine how it could not work. All you need is the ROM, an account, and a web browser. Seriously.

iconoclastic pastry
09-05-2009, 05:54 AM
I was under the impression that KoF XII was quite good, actually. I know there have been problems with the online functionality though. I think patches are on the way to address it, but who knows.

I really, really want blazblue though. =(

edit: I keep getting a setup error with the first thing you have to install. =/

09-05-2009, 06:24 AM
Patch for Kof XII was available like a few days after its release, so it's already out.

09-05-2009, 07:15 AM
I was under the impression that KoF XII was quite good, actually.

It's uh... well. It depends who you ask, I guess. Strangely enough, I think Street Fighter players are more inclined to like it than SNK fans are.

If you only care about vs. play (which I think is good, but a lot of people care about single player) the game has a lot more merit to it, but even then there's some insanity with the custom combo-like standing counter thing it does (I forget what it's called exactly but you know what I mean right?) But overall at the very least I can agree SF4 and, from what I hear, Blazblue both came out quite successfully.

edit: I keep getting a setup error with the first thing you have to install. =/

But... you don't install anything at all. X_X

Don't download the file, if that's what you're doing. Unless you mean the plugin for firefox that allows you to activate the ClickOnce application. That installed in 2 seconds for me but if it really doesn't work just use IE? Don't download the .application file, just click the link. It starts right up.

09-05-2009, 07:28 AM
I really don't like compairing the PS3 and 360 systems since I only have a PS3. My only knowledge of the 360 is "he-say, she-say" and what appears to be unreliable and misleading statistics. However, I do hear more negative stories, regarding the hardware reliability, about the 360 from other system owners than I do PS3 owners.

I will say my only reason for getting a PS3 are for the variety of exclusive games it has, not to say the 360 has no variety compaired to the PS3, I just like 1 set of variety over the other. I'm also happy as to how much the PS3's features have improved over the last almost 3 years through it's firmware updates. It really is not the same system it was back in '06 when it first came out. Thus far I've been very happy. I've been pretty happy with the PS3 online gaming, but since I've never played online with the 360, I have no way of telling if perhaps I'm missing out. But I do love the fact that the PlayStation Network is free and it has been very reliable for me - no lag.

Prak does make a good point regarding not buying either system and just sticking to PC gaming and buying a Blu-ray player. Walmart has had Magnavox Blu-ray players for $100 for several weeks now which is the cheapest I've seen. But if it were me, and if I had another extra $200, I'd just buy a PS3 and have the "complete package". I figure it might pay off in the long run.

09-05-2009, 06:54 PM
I know there's really no reason for this since it won't help Kubi at all, but I fucking hate rabid fanboys and this one needs to be put in his place.

So, little fanboy, you've made quite a few ridiculous and misleading claims. First of all, PS3 does NOT have superior backwards compatibility. The models currently being sold are not compatible at all with PS2 titles, as any moron who's done even the most basic research knows.

Second, it's like you're saying that you can play a game a friend bought and downloaded by downloading it directly from their console without paying for it. Obvious bullshit. If you simply miscommunicated and meant something different entirely, your language skills suck, so you're an idiot for that either way.

Third, if you're going to claim that the Playstation store is superior to the Xbox equivalent, back it up with relevant comparisons between them. As it stands, you're talking out your ass like a retarded fanboy twat.

Most 360 controllers are wireless, just like PS3 controllers, and while the rechargeable battery packs do require a cord to charge them, SO DO THE FUCKING PS3 CONTROLLERS, YOU LYING PIECE OF DOG SHIT.

Very few people here are actually Final Fantasy fanboys. Most of us acknowledge a lot of other games as being superior and some of us can't even stand the series these days, so talking about that series being available on PS3 doesn't mean a hell of a lot.

Lastly, your ad hominem attack against the 360 is a complete lie, as any significant heat issues with the console were ironed out quite a while back. My Wii actually runs hotter than my 360.

Now go drown in an acid bath.

How did I know there would be a shitty mislead Xbox fanboy commenting on this.

1st,There still are some systems that are able to go backward compatible you terd gobbling shit head.

2nd, You're the obvious idiot since you can download a game your friend has download by logining onto his account and going to their downloads and hitting download again, you fucking ball licker.

3rd, The Playstation store is better in the way it is setup, you stupid fuck.

4th, You have to buy the the fucking battery packs and charging cables most of the time where PS3 comes with it all in box.

5th, I was using Final Fantasy saying we have it if you like it you fuck tard I wasn't saying get one because only Final Fantasy is the best fucking game out there and nothing can top it, you fucking cock sucking American.

6th, obviously they haven't ironed out shit since my buddies just overheated the other days and more overheat each day cause xbox to have to replace them constantly.

and lastly, go eat yourself to death you fat American fuck.

09-05-2009, 07:02 PM
I say this thread needs to be locked before another flame war starts... Or let it run.... It might be entertaining. Up to you guys mods/admins.

Also, if this going to continue take to PM, kubi made this thread and I believe this wasn't intended.

09-05-2009, 07:08 PM

Prak isn't fat. O_o

09-05-2009, 07:09 PM
3rd, The Playstation store is better in the way it is setup, you stupid fuck.
How is it better if it discriminates people by where their credit card is billed to? As far as I know it, the PS store is the only store to demand an entire billing address.

09-05-2009, 07:33 PM
How is it better if it discriminates people by where their credit card is billed to? As far as I know it, the PS store is the only store to demand an entire billing address.

Well where do you live I've never heard of anyone else having issues with this.

09-05-2009, 07:53 PM
We have Microsoft Points to buy stuff...

Dr Faustus
09-05-2009, 07:58 PM
Sony is giving us UK gamers the ability to buy points in stores - woo hoo - about damn time too - Rastards - and I'm not getting involved in that mess up above... but the xbox store is actually better... and I'm a PS3 owner! Shhhh

09-05-2009, 07:59 PM
We can all admit everything, no matter what. Has it's pros and cons. But then again fanboys/girls break theses barriers and only think absolute pros... Fanboys/girls are blind to cons.

09-05-2009, 08:07 PM
Well where do you live I've never heard of anyone else having issues with this.
Malaysia. Last I checked, Sony only accepted Singaporean cards, but not Malaysian cards. Most people I know share account with Singaporean relatives and friends. But I don't want to.

09-05-2009, 08:17 PM
We can all admit everything, no matter what. Has it's pros and cons. But then again fanboys/girls break theses barriers and only think absolute pros... Fanboys/girls are blind to cons.

09-05-2009, 08:28 PM
Sony is giving us UK gamers the ability to buy points in stores - woo hoo - about damn time too - Rastards - and I'm not getting involved in that mess up above... but the xbox store is actually better... and I'm a PS3 owner! Shhhh

We already have the cards.

09-05-2009, 08:30 PM
We can all admit everything, no matter what. Has it's pros and cons. But then again fanboys/girls break theses barriers and only think absolute pros... Fanboys/girls are blind to cons.

I know the cons but there's no point in naming cons.

Sony is giving us UK gamers the ability to buy points in stores - woo hoo - about damn time too - Rastards - and I'm not getting involved in that mess up above... but the xbox store is actually better... and I'm a PS3 owner! Shhhh

We already have the cards.

Malaysia. Last I checked, Sony only accepted Singaporean cards, but not Malaysian cards. Most people I know share account with Singaporean relatives and friends. But I don't want to.

Why not just put your billing adress as some fake Singapore one?

09-05-2009, 08:46 PM
Glad I waited for the weekend to take this thread in. Entertaining stuff.

I'm a PC person myself, but since devs collectively don't give a shit about us on PC I like to keep a console around so I can get certain games when they're released as opposed to six months later. I have both a 360 and PS3 (finally) and I prefer PS3 overall. It's the free online that does it for me.

BC sucks for both. Moreso for 360 circumstantially because PS3 still plays PS1 games. But both are incredibly crap with last gen BC. Sony removed it entirely while MS just stopped trying.

I know the cons but there's no point in naming cons.

Yeah, there is-- to paint an honest picture as opposed to a shameless advertisement.

09-05-2009, 08:57 PM
Kryborne is giving us Canadians a very bad rep.

I say rip the guy apart.

09-05-2009, 09:27 PM
Alright fine, the issues PS3 most commonly has is multiple mic whore there are sometimes slow load times. The BC is very hard to find. Sony is constantly updating the system software which sometimes becomes very annoying. People have told me you can yet I don't believe you can play music from your system while playing a game. There is a current lack of games. The blu ray is useless for games since the game end up being so short anyways

09-05-2009, 09:44 PM
Why not just put your billing address as some fake Singapore one?
One would think Sony will check the card against the records at Visa's office or something. But truth to be told, I just gave up as soon as I saw the billing screen doesn't allow me to choose a different country for billing, never bothered trying.

09-05-2009, 10:13 PM
Kryborne is giving us Canadians a very bad rep.

I say rip the guy apart.

Thanks, Canadians are gay though.

One would think Sony will check the card against the records at Visa's office or something. But truth to be told, I just gave up as soon as I saw the billing screen doesn't allow me to choose a different country for billing, never bothered trying.

Yeah good point I'd probably do the same but I wouldn't send it back I'd wait to see if they fixed it or anything

09-05-2009, 10:43 PM
I say this thread needs to be locked before another flame war starts... Or let it run.... It might be entertaining. Up to you guys mods/admins.

Actually, I think that aside from Kryborne acting like his usual self, this thread has been pretty great. People have made some really good, well thought out points and I think Kubi got a lot of good advice.

It makes me so happy to see people talk about this stuff without the whole thing devolving into console wars. Console wars/comic company wars/etc annoy me so very much.

09-05-2009, 10:47 PM
Actually, I think that aside from Kryborne acting like his usual self, this thread has been pretty great. People have made some really good, well thought out points and I think Kubi got a lot of good advice.

It makes me so happy to see people talk about this stuff without the whole thing devolving into console wars. Console wars/comic company wars/etc annoy me so very much.

Really cause I just named some points and Prak decided to retaliate so.... hmmm

09-05-2009, 11:07 PM
Can't we all just get along?

09-05-2009, 11:20 PM
Can't we all just get along?

I would like this so I'm just not gonna reply anymore.

Dr Faustus
09-06-2009, 01:30 AM
Can't we all just get along?

Mars attacks?

09-06-2009, 03:28 AM
I would like to say however that if Kryborne threatens to derail the thread with any more unwarranted flames I'll delete his post and temp ban him.

This goes for if I see it derailing any other threads in here, too.

09-06-2009, 04:01 AM
Mars attacks?

I don't remember... I think I may have heard it off of "In Living Color" back in the day... ;)

09-08-2009, 07:11 PM
In Living Color? That brings back memories... Homie don' play that way, huh?

Sorry, slight digression. Just to toss my 2 cents in, I've got a PS3 hooked up to my HDTV and the Blu-Ray looks beautiful, if you care how your movies look. Plus, even if you don't have much of a care for exclusive games, I'm fairly certain the PS3 is the cheapest Blu-Ray playing machine out there as of now, so if you want Blu-ray but want to save a little, that might be in your favor.

I've got Street Fighter 4 and BlazBlu, and they're both a helluva lotta fun and absoutely gorgeous to play. Never and lag or issues online for me, so I've got pretty good experiencces all the way around. Best I can say is that if you want HD movies (and fighting games it seems) you might want to check out getting a PS3.

Hope we can help, and good luck.

09-08-2009, 11:12 PM
I'm fairly certain the PS3 is the cheapest Blu-Ray playing machine out there as of now, so if you want Blu-ray but want to save a little, that might be in your favor.

You can get a Blu-ray player for around $100 now at Target/Walmart/Best Buy type places. That said, getting a PS3 is obviously going to be much cheaper than buying a Blu-ray player and buying a console. I don't own a PS3 or a Blu-ray player, so I don't have any idea how they compare quality wise either. Hey people who have both: how does a PS3 compare to a regular Blu-ray player? Probably good info for Kubi and other curious people to have.

09-08-2009, 11:26 PM
I, personally don't own a PS3 and a Blu-ray player (I only have a PS3), but my brother owns both... but there really isn't any difference in quality between the both. After seeing a few movies from his Blu-Ray player, I really can't notice any considerable difference between the two. If there is a difference, it may be the television itself rather than the player.

The PS3 is a good choice if you're a gamer and want Blu-Ray capabilities. Otherwise, you're good with just getting a Blu-Ray player. :)

09-08-2009, 11:55 PM
I only have a Blu-Ray player. I remember reading up on it and I guess the only drawback of my player is that it isn't good for upconverting DVDs to 1080p and the time it takes to load discs. Oh, and it can't connect to BDLive either. But it's alright if it's being strictly used for blu-ray movies. They compared it to the PS3 and they said the PS3 would be better because it did better than my Insignia. Can't remember if it said anything about the quality for Blu-Ray movies (I personally don't think there is between any Blu-Ray players).

iconoclastic pastry
09-11-2009, 11:33 AM
Thanks for all of the replies. It's been helpful. For the more tech-savvy among you...

I'm wanting to know if I can hook my PS3 up to my computer monitor (so I can go ahead and get one without waiting for the HDTV [waiting for black friday]). Mine only has VGA and DVI inputs, but I've read that there are converters. I've also read, however, that the contrast ratio should be 16:1, but mine is 1000:1. This a potential problem? And I don't know how to find out if mine is HDCP compatible?

09-11-2009, 01:45 PM
Thanks for all of the replies. It's been helpful. For the more tech-savvy among you...

I'm wanting to know if I can hook my PS3 up to my computer monitor (so I can go ahead and get one without waiting for the HDTV [waiting for black friday]). Mine only has VGA and DVI inputs, but I've read that there are converters. I've also read, however, that the contrast ratio should be 16:1, but mine is 1000:1. This a potential problem? And I don't know how to find out if mine is HDCP compatible?
If you can find component to VGA/DVI converters, yes it'll work. I don't know where you heard about the contrast ratio being a requirement, but it most certainly isn't. A contrast ratio is just telling of how black the blacks of your monitor really are. A monitor/TV with a contrast ratio of 16:1 wouldn't show blacks, it'd show greys bordering white. I think what you mean is an aspect ratio of 16:10, which is good for PC games but not movies/PS3/360.

09-11-2009, 02:44 PM
And I don't know how to find out if mine is HDCP compatible?
Well, If you run Vista or Win7 and have an Nvidia video card, you can check it from the NVidia control panel (look up "View HDCP status" under "Video & Television"). Also, note that HDCP only works if you're using DVI connectors. If you're still using the D-Sub connectors, then HDCP is not available.

If you can find component to VGA/DVI converters, yes it'll work.
Word of caution: when buying a converter, make sure you're getting one that suits your display. If your display does 1920x1200, get a converter that is capable of receiving 1080P video and outputting that video in 1920x1200. Otherwise you may not use the display to it's full potential. Also, make sure the converter box doesn't suffer from bad image lag. Cheaper boxes suffers from image lag and are not meant to be used for gaming.

09-17-2009, 02:54 AM
This choice is quite obvious PS3 is superior in almost every way I own every system and to put it simply the only argument I hear from Microsoft fan boys is that they're system is better because they have more games.... does that make a PS2 better than? Cause I'm pretty sure actually PS3 has more games with their superior backwards compatability. PS3 has blu ray. On a PS3 if you have friends with one you can each download a game, go on your friends account download any game they've downloaded onto yours, play the game on your own account and not have any issues when you both play at the sametime. Playstation store is far superior and you never have to buy live or batteries or recharger packs. it's all wireless and oh yeah you can play your favorite final fantasy's and even download them from the playstation store. I would name more but I just got off work. If you get a PS3 gimme your PSN name.
Oh also only get an xbox around the winter seasons I hear those things can overheat an entire household.

I have quite enjoyed my ps3. Amazing games (Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2, etc), free online play (a big bonus for me), and much more. I would be glad to give you my PSN name. :) Now if only i had a headset lol. PSN: Venatusvir

09-17-2009, 06:36 AM
*sighs* Remember, back in the day around '06 or so, when I was the only supporter of the PS3? Good times. *nods*

09-17-2009, 06:58 AM
when in doubt, choose a third: the dreamcast

iconoclastic pastry
09-17-2009, 10:52 AM
Already have one.

09-17-2009, 01:34 PM
I have quite enjoyed my ps3. Amazing games (Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2, etc), free online play (a big bonus for me), and much more. I would be glad to give you my PSN name. :) Now if only i had a headset lol. PSN: Venatusvir

Headsets are simple to come by, what annoys me (and its the only bad thing about ps3 to 360) Depending on which game you play, its really bad quality audio that transfers over the online network when you use the bluetooth headset. Whereas with 360 you can here every single comment the asses scream down the mic as you play Halo, it's rare that you come across a person with bad quality microphone, unless its broken. (Actually, that isn't such a bad thing :P)

All Seeing Eye
09-17-2009, 01:54 PM
In my personal opinion, I would say PS3. I've sat back and watch both systems progress and the main thing I noticed, is how the xbox360 is filled with faults. 1. It breaks down after a period of time. 2. The system has horrible online where you have to pay, and you have to deal with ignorant, racist, children and adults. 3. The system doesn't have enough exclusives.

In my case, I have a gaming PC and any one with a PC capable of playing current-gen games, can really see why getting an xbox360 would be a waste of money. Most of the xbox360 and multi-platform games get released on the PC either at the same time, or mouths down the road.

PS3 on the other hand just got a price drop, which was just what I've been waiting for. Now I can get one because of the blu-ray player, and games I know will only be for that system, like Infamous. Not to mention playing games online, is free with a PS3, and the community isn't nearly is bad as on the xbox360's. It's community is a lot like the PC one; only a few assholes here and there.

09-17-2009, 02:03 PM
Actually whats hilarious is, apparently When PS3 dropped their price by $100 guess what microsoft did? $100 drop on the Xbox 360. Typical :P

09-17-2009, 02:16 PM
It's called competition. Neither side is going to sit back and let their product become less appealing than the other. Do you have any more retarded console fanboy comments to make today or has that filled your quota?

execrable gumwrapper
09-17-2009, 09:21 PM
PS3 performs fellatio on its loyal owners.

Hand jobs for those who also have a Wii.

You'll be lucky to get a kiss if you've got a 360.

09-17-2009, 09:33 PM
The DS gives the best hug you have ever had.

09-17-2009, 10:20 PM
PS3 performs fellatio on its loyal owners.

Hand jobs for those who also have a Wii.

You'll be lucky to get a kiss if you've got a 360.

i like handjobs.

09-17-2009, 10:42 PM
i like handjobs.

09-17-2009, 11:20 PM
Well, lesse here. If you can get both, do it, but if you have to have one...

-Depending on the model of PS3 you get, you may or may not have backwards compatability for your PSX and PS2 games. The Xbox 360, however, will play most notable games. There's a list on their site if you're interested.
-The PS3 has some longer load times for certain games. SFIV on PS3 takes a while to load, while 360 is instant.
-I've heard bad hardware claims about the 360. It's never happened to me, but just in case, the PS3 has hardly any claims against the system.
-Notable titles for the 360 tend to be FPS games (Halo, Call of Duty 4, Gears of War), while PS3 games are all over the place. (MGS4, Little Big Planet) Look at the libraries for both games, and if you see something you like, get the console it's good for.
-Online is about the same. At least, I never saw major differences.

That's all I know. I'm no expert.

09-18-2009, 01:28 AM
PS3 performs fellatio on its loyal owners.

Hand jobs for those who also have a Wii.

You'll be lucky to get a kiss if you've got a 360.

The DS gives the best hug you have ever had.
Then that means I get the best experience, I own all those systems. What does the PSP do?

09-18-2009, 01:36 AM's the only hand-held system that has a Silent Hill game!

Uh...+1 for creepiness?

And for the record, I got more than a kiss with my 360 :naughty:.

09-18-2009, 05:06 AM
TWhat does the PSP do?

Rim job. ;)

09-18-2009, 07:10 AM
My PS3 likes to suck while my PSP licks my balls. It's total win!

My Wii also give handjobs, but always likes to cuddle afterwards. It's cunting(since we can't say fuck) annoying.

My PS2 likes to "make love"'s the only hand-held system that has a Silent Hill game!

Uh...+1 for creepiness?

And for the record, I got more than a kiss with my 360 :naughty:.

I just downloaded Silent Hill from the PlayStation Store last night for my PS3/PSP. My goal is to enjoy the series as much as I can from the biggining.

09-18-2009, 04:26 PM
What the fuck!?!? DEJA-VU!?!?

09-18-2009, 05:45 PM
My PS3 likes to suck while my PSP licks my balls. It's total win!

My Wii also give handjobs, but always likes to cuddle afterwards. It's cunting(since we can't say fuck) annoying.

My PS2 likes to "make love"

I just downloaded Silent Hill from the PlayStation Store last night for my PS3/PSP. My goal is to enjoy the series as much as I can from the biggining.

So you can download a PSX game through the PS3 and play it on your PSP? I demand to know how.

09-18-2009, 05:59 PM
The PS games on the PSN Store are both compatible with the PS3 and PSP for play.

09-18-2009, 09:09 PM
i like handjobs.

The DS gives the best hug you have ever had.
One reason why my DSLite sleeps with me every night. Can't sleep without hugging to something...

The PS games on the PSN Store are both compatible with the PS3 and PSP for play.
Until you find out that you can't use PSN because you have a Malaysian credit card (yes, I'm going to keep bitching about that until Sony fixes that. Then I'll import a US PS3 :P )...

09-18-2009, 09:11 PM
GamesRadar (
Check it out, guys.
A tutorial on getting to download games from PSN japan. Should work for other countries and all that jazz~

09-18-2009, 09:21 PM
Check it out.
PSN Cards, eh? Do they exist for the US PSN store? Address is a non-issue- I have a Virtual Post address that's in Portland and worse comes, I guess I can ask Agent for help. Problem starts when they want a valid billing address for the credit card.

the masked moron
09-18-2009, 09:24 PM
I think the general consensus is; if you have a decent gaming PC, get a PS3, and if you don't, get a PS3 anyway.

09-18-2009, 09:40 PM
GamesRadar (
Check it out, guys.
A tutorial on getting to download games from PSN japan. Should work for other countries and all that jazz~

Which 10-only Japanese games are they offering?

Edit: Nevermind... saw the list. If Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix was available on this, I'd so do it.

RE2 would be the only game worth doing this for, but you know they're going to do a US release at some point, so I'd rather wait for that one.

09-18-2009, 10:30 PM
Well you know its for people that can't wait.

09-18-2009, 10:58 PM
I'll dl SH in a couple days. I am so very happy.

Allen gave me the heads up a while ago.

09-18-2009, 11:08 PM
Well you know its for people that can't wait.

Yeah, 'cause there's nothing like not understanding Japanese text. ;)

09-18-2009, 11:42 PM
The PS games on the PSN Store are both compatible with the PS3 and PSP for play.

Oh man. I have enough money now to get a PS3, but I wanted a computer first... WHAT SHOULD I DO!?!?

Wait, can I play FFVIII on the PSP?

09-18-2009, 11:44 PM
Yes and no.

Yes you can play it on a PSP if your PSP is hacked (popstation) and PS3 is backwards compatible with PS1 games, and no because it's not in the PSN store (yet).

09-18-2009, 11:50 PM
You can play FF VIII (or any other PSOne games that you have [on discs]) on your PSP if you have a PS3.

09-18-2009, 11:58 PM
No way! Oh man, oh man...

Wait, as long as I have the discs I can play it on the PSP? Is that for any game?

09-19-2009, 01:24 AM
Any PSOne games.

But don't get too excited. The PS3 is reading the game, and is streaming it via wi-fi to your PSP. There are still some lags from time to time because of that. But yeah, you can play any PSOne games.

09-19-2009, 01:28 AM
Or you could, you know, get CFW and play the PS1 (Among others) on the PSP directly.

09-19-2009, 01:55 AM
Or you could, you know, get CFW and play the PS1 (Among others) on the PSP directly.

What is this method?

09-19-2009, 02:12 AM
Yeah, 'cause there's nothing like not understanding Japanese text. ;)
Turns out some people play games for the gameplay and not the story they've gone through several times before.

09-19-2009, 02:30 AM
What is this method?

1) Get a PSP (1k or 2k preferably)

2) Go to & register (it's free)

3) Go to the 'PSP Tutorial' section and find what you need to downgrade your PSP so you can run custom firmware.

4) Do it.

5) Go back to and grab w/e games you want.

BTW, if you do, for the 'who refereed', put in 'The_Red_Sun' and then contact me and I can give you a feel links to threads I have.

09-19-2009, 03:47 AM
Turns out some people play games for the gameplay and not the story they've gone through several times before.

Yeah, but sometimes people want to re-read what was actually said if they haven't played in a long time.

09-19-2009, 09:07 AM
So you can download a PSX game through the PS3 and play it on your PSP? I demand to know how.

When you're in the PlayStation Store on the PS3, you may purchase some PSone games that are available and download them to your PS3. From there you may play the PSone game on your PS3. If you have a PSP, you can plug it into the PS3, via USB cable, and copy that PSone game to your PSP and play it on the go. The PSP also has a PlayStation Store available in the PSP's XMB where you can buy and download PSone games to your memory stick. Another option is the Media Go ( wear that's free from Sony that will give you access to the PlayStation Store on your computer and download those games, demos, videos, etc. to your computer as storage. At any time you can plug your PSP into your computer and copy whatever games you want on to your PSP at any time.

09-19-2009, 07:16 PM
Oh wow. I might try that media go software after work. Now do they save onto the memory stick of the PSP?

09-19-2009, 09:54 PM
Oh wow. I might try that media go software after work. Now do they save onto the memory stick of the PSP?
Enjoy re-buying your games.

09-19-2009, 11:23 PM
You failed to answer my question. And considering I bought these games before I was even a teenager, I'm sure anyone wouldn't really care. Hell, I don't even think I bought them.

09-20-2009, 12:24 AM
You failed to answer my question. And considering I bought these games before I was even a teenager, I'm sure anyone wouldn't really care. Hell, I don't even think I bought them.
All you need to do is go to pspiso, they have a tutorial section that can help you better than me.

It's what I used to do hack my psp.

09-20-2009, 02:36 PM
I don't think it'll work on mine since I got that new one that can plug into the TV.

09-20-2009, 04:23 PM
Does you button say "PS" or "Home", at the bottom left?

09-20-2009, 06:53 PM
I don't think it'll work on mine since I got that new one that can plug into the TV.

PSP3k (the new-ish one) has recently been hacked too.

PSP1-3k are hacked.

09-20-2009, 06:54 PM
How can I tell which version I have?

Does you button say "PS" or "Home", at the bottom left?


09-20-2009, 07:09 PM
You have a 3000.

09-20-2009, 07:11 PM how do I hack it then?

09-20-2009, 07:39 PM how do I hack it then?
@ pspiso there's something called 'GEN', it's a CFW that somehow exploits the PSP3k into working.

I have a 2k, so I don't really follow PSP3k.

09-20-2009, 07:44 PM
Will it screw up my PSP at all?

09-20-2009, 07:50 PM
It may and it may not. If you follow the instructions you should be fine, IMO.

I have not done any 3000 stuff, but I'm guessing (like the 1000) it should be simple.
Sadly I'm at work and cannot help you in-deph. Until I get home which is like 7 and half hours away.

09-20-2009, 07:56 PM
Will it screw up my PSP at all?
Really doubtful unless you don't follow the instructions and try and do shortcuts.

But, there's something called 'hellcats' or w/e from 'Dark Alex'.
I've heard it can fix most 'bricked' PSPs.

09-22-2009, 03:29 PM

09-22-2009, 05:32 PM
"Nigeria also demands an unconditional apology from Sony Corporation for this deliberate negative campaign against the country's image and reputation"

how much can you go negative on a country thats full of nigers (yes, nigers, with one G) and dirt?

jewess crabcake
09-22-2009, 06:25 PM
"Nigeria also demands an unconditional apology from Sony Corporation for this deliberate negative campaign against the country's image and reputation"

how much can you go negative on a country thats full of nigers (yes, nigers, with one G) and dirt?

Nigerians, nice try though. Original.

09-22-2009, 06:44 PM
Nigerians, nice try though. Original.


09-23-2009, 12:36 AM
"Nigeria also demands an unconditional apology from Sony Corporation for this deliberate negative campaign against the country's image and reputation"

how much can you go negative on a country thats full of nigers (yes, nigers, with one G) and dirt?

And what did Spain have to say when RE4 depicted a white protagonist killing the Spanish?

09-23-2009, 12:37 AM
Absolutely nothing (that I know of). RE5, forever and all time <333

09-23-2009, 02:27 AM
And what did Spain have to say when RE4 depicted a white protagonist killing the Spanish?

just what the germans, the vietnamese and japanese say about the countless world war 2 games:

Absolutely nothing

The Joker
09-23-2009, 05:38 AM
Seriously, you can play PS2 games on the slim version of the PS3? I think the PS3 is the better system, but many, Sony is fucking up left and right with a lot of decisions....I cite this as evidence to the claim that Sony is better than the XBOX 360 (and the Wii)


Granted, the second could've used a bigger sample set, but the results appear rather significant.

09-23-2009, 05:47 AM
I just found out that Sony has started allowing Malaysians onto the PSN. Spotted prepaid cards. Ironically, this came a few days after my argument with a salesman about not being allowed on the PSN with a PS3. Odd, but good to know that someone's listening.

Now that my biggest gripe has been settled, time to start scheming on getting one.

09-23-2009, 05:57 AM
I really don't care for research that's done on less than .0001% of the gaming population.

09-23-2009, 06:07 AM
The Illuminati have no need of science. We have faith.

09-23-2009, 06:09 AM
I just found out that Sony has started allowing Malaysians onto the PSN. Spotted prepaid cards. Ironically, this came a few days after my argument with a salesman about not being allowed on the PSN with a PS3. Odd, but good to know that someone's listening.

Now that my biggest gripe has been settled, time to start scheming on getting one.

Awesome work, man.

The Joker
09-23-2009, 06:49 AM
I really don't care for research that's done on less than .0001% of the gaming population.

Are you trying to imply there are not enough samples, and that consequently, neither study is reliable? In both studies, the sample sizes seem adequate. I noted in my earlier comment I would prefer more samples, but being an analyst as a job and having access to the population (all observations), I've never needed to sample. Consequently, I have a desire for more observations in all studies.

If you indeed think there is something inaccurate about the study (faulty methodology, samples are biased towards certain populations, etc), I think that would a great discussion to have. However, I don't think the sample size would be one of the problems for either study, especially the one that tested thousands of consoles.

09-23-2009, 07:42 PM
All I know is that I like my 360 because it has more games I like than the PS3 would. And the Wii doesn't even have one game that I feel I must have.

Red Arremer
09-24-2009, 03:32 PM
Got me a 360 today. Yay! :D

09-24-2009, 03:50 PM

I kid I kid.

Or am I kidding?

jewess crabcake
09-24-2009, 04:31 PM
Sherlock your win has just increasd ;D

09-24-2009, 04:50 PM
Got me a 360 today. Yay! :D

It's okay, Sherlock. I still like you. ;)

09-24-2009, 04:56 PM
Oh man Skunk!!!! What Ari just said.

Red Arremer
09-24-2009, 05:32 PM
The PS3 offers nothing to me that I'm interested in. At all. And I already own a Wii.

09-24-2009, 05:35 PM
Did your xbox come with a headset and hdmi cable?

Red Arremer
09-24-2009, 06:04 PM

09-24-2009, 07:03 PM
Get RE5 and experience the hunky sexyness that is Chris Redfield. :D

09-24-2009, 07:22 PM
I just think he's on steroids. After seeing him in CV, he looks like an entirely different person. Maybe the developers "re-imagined" him!

09-24-2009, 07:52 PM
I just think he's on steroids. After seeing him in CV, he looks like an entirely different person. Maybe the developers "re-imagined" him!

Who's to say, but it had been at least 6-8 years after original RE incident and CV incident... maybe he just has good genetics and finally decided to hit the gym hard. :D

09-25-2009, 12:09 AM
He was buff in RE1. CV is just a weird ass anomaly.

09-25-2009, 12:57 AM

We have spoken and that is FINAL!!!

09-25-2009, 01:10 AM
He's bulky, mang.

09-25-2009, 01:25 AM
Because it's been a while since I played the first one (it's been years and I lost my disc of the DC version long ago), I guess I'll stand down.

Still looks like he's on steroids :D

09-25-2009, 02:40 AM
Xbox 360 for me.

Elite console ftw.

09-25-2009, 03:09 AM
To be fair, now that both consoles cost the same, the PS3 is probably the better buy. In the end it's just a matter of weighing up their respective exclusives though, with 360's list slowly paling in comparison to the PS3's. Releasing a cheaper, slim PS3 was a good move by Sony.

09-25-2009, 03:15 AM
I'd say it again.


After this holiday season, maybe wait even until next summer/E3 you should know.

Is it really going to kill anyone waiting a few more months?

09-25-2009, 07:06 AM
thats a few more months im not playing valkyria chronicles and mgs4.

cant you see my skin burns with the desire to play these two games?
after that, ill go crazy importing all those anime based videogames exclusive to japan.

09-25-2009, 07:40 AM
thats a few more months im not playing valkyria chronicles and mgs4.

cant you see my skin burns with the desire to play these two games?
after that, ill go crazy importing all those anime based videogames exclusive to japan.

Yeah, until the PS2 era I was a gen or so behind, so I've learned to wait.
Also, games you wanna play will be cheaper too.

Why not play older games you haven't yet?

09-25-2009, 01:23 PM
To be fair, now that both consoles cost the same, the PS3 is probably the better buy. In the end it's just a matter of weighing up their respective exclusives though, with 360's list slowly paling in comparison to the PS3's.

Calling bullshit. Both systems offer different features that will appeal to different consumers and both have a strong line-up of exclusive titles that is continuing to expand.

09-25-2009, 02:16 PM
Calling bullshit. Both systems offer different features that will appeal to different consumers and both have a strong line-up of exclusive titles that is continuing to expand.

The 360 really doesn't have all that many interesting exclusives though. Go for it if you like Halo and Gears of War, I guess.

As for features, I'm not sure what the 360 has that the PS3 doesn't. If anything, the 360 is missing a lot of features present on the PS3. This isn't fanboy gibberish - I've said the 360 is the better buy for a long time now because of its price. Now that they're selling for the same price there really isn't much incentive to go the 360 save for its awesome controller.

09-25-2009, 02:28 PM
And who are you to blanketly declare the entire list of exclusive titles for 360 to be uninteresting? You're entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to present an obviously flawed opinion as fact, especially when you're propagating the completely false "shooterbox" myth. Look over this list ( of 360 exclusives and tell me again that all of it is uninteresting.

09-25-2009, 04:03 PM
Alright, I went through that entire list and found the score for every single game possible on metacritic:

'Splosion Man - 84
1 vs 100 - 38
1XR - xx (unreleased)
Absolute: Blazing Infinity - xx (JPN release only)
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation - 80
Aegis Wing - 58
Alan Wake - xx (unreleased)
America's Army: True Soldiers - 43
Amped 3 - 72
Apocalypse: Desire Next - xx (JPN release only)
AquaZone: Life Simulator - xx
Assault Heroes 2 - 75
Axiom: Overdrive - xx (unreleased)

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts - 80
Bankshot Billiards 2 - 65
Basement Pool - xx
Battlezone (XBLA) - 50
Beat'n Groovy - 29
Beautiful Katamari - 73
Blue Dragon - 79
Blue Dragon 2 - xx (unreleased)
Bomberman Live - 84
Bomberman Live: Battlefest - xx (unreleased)
Bomberman: Act Zero - 34
Boom Boom Rocket - 69
Bubble Bobble Neo - xx
Bullet Witch - 55

Carcassonne - 79
Catan - 81
Chromehounds - 71
Cloning Clyde - 80
Coffeetime Crosswords - 39
Commanders: Attack of the Genos - 72
Crackdown - 83
Crackdown 2 - xx (unreleased)
Crazy Mouse - 28
Culdcept Saga - 75

Dance Dance Revolution Universe - 74
Dance Dance Revolution Universe 2 - 65
Dance Dance Revolution Universe 3 - 65
Dancing Stage Universe - xx
Dancing Stage Universe 2 - xx
Dash of Destruction - 53
Dead or Alive: Code Chronos - xx (unreleased)
Dead Rising - 85 (not entirely exclusive with the remake on Wii)
Dead or Alive 4 - 85
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 - 53
DeathSmiles - xx
Demons of Mercy - xx
Diario: Rebirth Moon Legend - xx (JPN release only)
The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai - 75
The Dmitri Project - xx (unreleased)
Double D Dodgeball - 36
Dream Club - xx

Earth Defense Force 2017 - 69
Every Extend Extra Extreme - 78
Every Party - xx (JPN release only)

F.E.A.R. Files - 66
Fable II - 89
Fable II Pub Games - 53
Fable III - xx (unreleased)
Forza Motorsport 2 - 90
Forza Motorsport 3 - xx (unreleased)
Full Auto - 70
FunTown Mahjong - 44
Fuzion Frenzy 2 - 49

Galaga Legions - 73
Gears of War 2 - 93
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 - 90
Gin Rummy - 63
Go! Go! Break Steady - 73
Golf: Tee It Up! - 69
Guilty Gear 2: Overture - 58

Halo 3 - 94
Halo 3: ODST - 85
Halo Wars - 82
Halo: Reach - xx (unreleased)
Hexic 2 - 72
HoopWorld - xx (unreleased)

The Idolmaster: Live For You! - xx (JPN release only)
Import Tuner Challenge - 54
Infinite Undiscovery - 68
Ion Assault - xx

Janline - xx
Jetpac Refuelled - 73
Joy Ride - xx (unreleased)

Kameo: Elements of Power - 79
Kengo: Legend of the 9 - 38
Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom - 55
A Kingdom for Keflings - 78

Lips - 71
Lips: Canta en Espa�ol - xx (unreleased)
Lips: Number One Hits - xx (unreleased)
Little Gamers - xx (unreleased)
Lost Cities - 66
Lost Odyssey - 78
Love Football - xx

MLB Stickball - 46
MagnaCarta II - xx (unreleased)
Mamonoro - xx
Marble Blast Ultra - 79
Mobile Ops: The One Year War - xx (JPN release only)
MotoGP '06 - 80
Mr. Driller Online - 45
Mutant Storm Empire - 77
Mutant Storm Reloaded - 77

Naruto: Rise of a Ninja - 78
Naruto: The Broken Bond - 80
Ninety-Nine Nights - 61
Ninety-Nine Nights II - xx (unreleased)
Ninja Gaiden II - 81
Novadrome - 50

Omega Five - 72
Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad - 39
Operation Darkness - 46
The Outfit - 70
Over G Fighters - 49

Perfect Dark Zero - 81
Pinball FX - 69
Poker Smash - 81
PopCap Arcade Volume 1 - xx
PopCap Arcade Volume 2 - xx
Pro Yakyū Spirits 3 - xx (JPN release only)
Project Gotham Racing 3 - 88
Project Gotham Racing 4 - 85
Project Sylpheed - 64

Quarrel - xx (unreleased)

Race Pro - 72
Raiden Fighters Aces - 73
Raskulls - xx
Ridge Racer 6 - 74
Rocket Riot - 80
Rocky and Bullwinkle - 37
Rumble Roses XX - 62

Saints Row - 81 (sequel available on the PS3; arguably superior)
Samurai Shodown: Edge of Destiny - xx
Scene It? Box Office Smash - 76
Scene It? Lights, Camera, Action - 73
Schizoid - 68
Screwjumper! - 40
Shadow Assault: Tenchu - 46
Shadow Complex - 89
Shed - xx (looks awful)
Shred Nebula - 66
Shrek n' Roll - 49
Small Arms - 73
Soltrio Solitaire - 59
South Park Let's Go Tower Defense Play! - xx (unreleased)
Spectral Force 3: Innocent Rage - 59
Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe - 64
SpongeBob SquarePants: Underpants Slam - 55
Spyglass Board Games - 54
Steins;Gate - xx (unreleased)
Stoked - 74
Street Trace NYC - 44

Tenchu Z - 56
Tengai Makyou Ziria: Haruka naru Jipang - xx (JPN release only)
Tetris Splash - 53
Tetris: The Grand Master - xx
Texas Hold 'em - 63
The Conveni 200X - xx (JPN release only)
Ticket to Ride - 70
Too Human - 65
TotemBall - 44
Trials HD - 86
Tsuushin Taisen Mahjong Touryuumon - xx (JPN release only)

Undertow - 76
Unnamed Treasure Shooter - xx (unreleased / JPN release only)
Uno Rush - 77
Vigilante 8 Arcade - 58
Viva Pi�ata: Trouble in Paradise - 82
Viva Pi�ata: Party Animals - 56

WarTech: Senko No Ronde - 60
Wing Commander Arena - 51
Wits and Wagers - 63
Word Puzzle - 43

Xbox Live Arcade Unplugged - ??

Yaris - 17
Yo-Ho Kablammo - xx
You're in the Movies - 55
Zombie Wranglers - 49

41 titles out of that entire list cut the requirement of a score of 75 to be any good at all, according to Metacritic's definition. However, I should mention that a whole lot of the titles in this list are in fact xbox live arcade games - maybe 80%? I went back and counted the non-XBLA games that sat on a score of 75+: 21. I exclude XBLA games in this list of games that warrant the 360's purchase because, in my opinion and in the opinion of many reviewers (they take it into consideration in their reviews, after all) they are games that are just good for their money. They're short and sweet but luckily they're cheap. Hell, even a lot of the mediocre (50 or so) and up games are only there because they are cheap XBLA games and so aren't a complete waste of money. In my opinion, these games aren't exactly console sellers. And if you factor in the cost of the wireless receiver ($100? Not sure how much it is in the US), the hassle of a lengthy ethernet cable or the hassle of moving your router to sit closer to your 360, these arcade games suddenly lose their appeal.

Now, you argue the console should not be called a "shooterbox." Well, looking at the exclusives that make it into the console's top 20 on metacritic, all three of them are first person shooters. Looking at the list of the remaining high scorers (let's say 85 to 90), there's a lot of racing games and leftover shooters. Maybe we should change its title to "shooter-racer-box."

Anyway, there you have it: 21 (41 including XBLA games) out of... 186 titles cut the grade. There's a few titles lingering between 70 and 75 that you could include if you want, but shockhorror, most of them are XBLA games.

I really don't think 360 has all that many interesting exclusives! Especially to those not fussed by the shooting or racing genre.

PS3 is the much better deal now with its built in wireless and blu ray drive. I personally think xbox live is a better option for online but to those on a budget, the free online is a great benefit also.

tl;dr: PS3 is a better buy.

PS I excluded a few titles in my countup. I did not include the Sonic games because that is silly. Dead Rising was remade for Wii so I didn't include that. Saints Row I did not include because its superior sequel is available on both the 360 and PS3, so its sort of a moot game. There may have been more but I forget.

09-25-2009, 04:13 PM
that's a pretty sweet effortpost, chewey.

i agree except for the whole dismissing xbla titles thing, but that's coming from someone who spends most of their 360 time on xbla games.

09-25-2009, 04:15 PM
I suppose there are people who would spend a lot of time on them :[

Alright include them if you must :grumps:

09-25-2009, 05:02 PM
You efforted me right out of this discussion, I'm afraid. I can't be bothered to put in equal effort for a retort when I could spend that time doing more productive things like doing enough work to not get fired.

09-25-2009, 05:04 PM
Awesome. :D

09-25-2009, 05:06 PM
You efforted me right out of this discussion, I'm afraid. I can't be bothered to put in equal effort for a retort when I could spend that time doing more productive things like doing enough work to not get fired.

translation: i know i can't refute you adequately but i don't want to admit it.

Red Arremer
09-25-2009, 05:57 PM
XBox was a better choice for me. I'm not interested in many exclusives of each.

09-25-2009, 06:33 PM
Now that I have a little time, I'll respond. However, I don't even need to type another uberpost for this.

Chewey, you're not accounting for the fact that a lot of titles don't get high ratings specifically because they have very niche appeal, which renders metascores pretty moot in matters like this. Case in point, mecha fans generally seem to like Chromehounds, which is a 360 exclusive. It's not for everyone else since the game is very slow-paced and includes a ton of tedious micro-managing, but it's exactly what a certain demographic wants.

And as for your persistent claims of it being a shooterbox, your only evidence for it seems to be that shooters are its highest-rated exclusives. That doesn't change the fact that it still has plenty of other well-received games in a variety of genres.

Also, don't mistake my intention here, as my argument is coming from a neutral position. I'm not saying the 360 is a better console or a better value or anything else of that sort. I'm saying it's equal in that it has its own set of strengths that the PS3 can't match, even though it's outmatched in others. There's room in the market for both, so I regard anyone who puts one on a pedestal and bashes the other as a fanboy.

EDIT: Discounting Dead Rising was pretty fucking unfair since the Wii version was made from the ground up and plays differently.

09-25-2009, 08:50 PM
so, project sylpheed got a 64.
to me, it has a 100.
its the kind of games i like.

so, i prefer my own opinion over some site.

09-26-2009, 01:17 AM
XBox was a better choice for me. I'm not interested in many exclusives of each.

Same here, but I have always planned on getting a PS3 as well (mainly because of Blu-Ray). Then I got a Blu-Ray player for Christmas this past year. I'd still like a PS3 and plan on getting that Slim one. Eventually.

09-26-2009, 01:33 AM
While it is nice, or nuts, that ya'll went and counted 'exclusives', how many were REAL exclusives, and how many were 'not on the ps3' exclusives?

PC still counts bro.

But, that all said, metacritic is fine to look and see, but it is not god.
Good Reviews /=/ Good Game
Bad Reviews /=/ Bad Game

For me I use 'Halo' & 'God Hand'.

Halo, as a series, has gotten loads of 'A+' type reviews.
For me, the series is holds a 'C' at best.

God Hand has gotten loads of 'C-' or 'D' type reviews.
For me, the game easily holds a 'B+' or 'A'.

It's all a matter of what you like.

Red Arremer
09-26-2009, 01:34 AM
Since I don't watch movies or so, Blu-Ray and the PS' general multimedia shit doesn't interest me the slightest, lol.


But, that all said, metacritic is fine to look and see, but it is not god.
Good Reviews /=/ Good Game
Bad Reviews /=/ Bad Game

For me I use 'Halo' & 'God Hand'.

Halo, as a series, has gotten loads of 'A+' type reviews.
For me, the series is holds a 'C' at best.

God Hand has gotten loads of 'C-' or 'D' type reviews.
For me, the game easily holds a 'B+' or 'A'.

It's all a matter of what you like.

^ This :D

09-26-2009, 03:51 AM
Get a PC :p

09-26-2009, 04:06 AM
No one plays games on a PC of all things...

09-26-2009, 04:08 AM
i do, but mostly ancient times pc games, like age of empires 1-2, warcraft 2, etc etc.

Red Arremer
09-26-2009, 04:14 AM
Get a PC :p

Get the fuck out. :p

09-26-2009, 04:25 AM
No one plays games on a PC of all things...

Hello? Portal?

As for the systems, at least the PS3 has built in wifi and free online gaming. If you're trying to get wireless, online gaming on your 360, the wifi adapter has now dropped to $79.99 I think? This is because of the new $99.99 wifi adapter that's coming out/came out. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Ultimately, if you're on a budget, and you're trying to get online, wireless gaming, your 360 is really at least $380 plus the cost to play online vs. a $299 PS3 with free online gaming and built in wifi. And the online gaming on the PS3 has improved a lot. I can't compare to a 360 since I don't have one, but I can say that I'm happy and have had no lag problems.

09-26-2009, 04:33 AM
Portal? Meta is only 90.

If that doesn't scream flop, I dunno what does... :cool:

Red Arremer
09-26-2009, 04:51 AM
As for the systems, at least the PS3 has built in wifi and free online gaming. If you're trying to get wireless, online gaming on your 360, the wifi adapter has now dropped to $79.99 I think? This is because of the new $99.99 wifi adapter that's coming out/came out. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Ultimately, if you're on a budget, and you're trying to get online, wireless gaming, your 360 is really at least $380 plus the cost to play online vs. a $299 PS3 with free online gaming and built in wifi. And the online gaming on the PS3 has improved a lot. I can't compare to a 360 since I don't have one, but I can say that I'm happy and have had no lag problems.

However, the 360 already comes with a LAN cable, and LAN connection is far better than WLAN/Wifi connection. Of course, if you WANT a wireless connection, then this doesn't help you much.
Also consider that the PS3 Slim costs as much as the Xbox 360 Elite (both 300$) which not only includes aforementioned LAN cable, but also a free one-month subscription to XBox Live Gold, as well as a headset and downwards-compatibility to XBox games (though you need to download software updates, but that's for free), while the PS3 Slim is not compatible with PS2 games.

And yes, while there's a fee for online gaming, it's 50$ for a year (which is roughly 4$ per month), and comes with downloads. The Silver account which costs nothing actually has pretty much the same, except that the stuff comes like a week after release (only for Gold members that week), but you still can get updates etc. for free.

09-26-2009, 04:59 AM
My PC isn't good enough to handle most games that are also on the 360. I imagine that's the case for a lot of people!

I don't really think there's any way to "win" this debate since it's just going to come down to what games people personally are more interested in. I'm still not very excited by either consoles line-up, but there are a ton of DS and now PSP games that I can't wait to play.

09-26-2009, 05:11 AM
In response to pretty much everybody:
Yes, I am aware that everybody has their own opinions as to what a good game is. Yes, I am aware a game dipping into the red or yellow on metacritic may very well be playable to some, but it's hardly going to appeal to a mass market. If I had to pick out a list of games in those exclusives that I personally liked/would like to play, it'd probably be under 10. None of them are XBLA games because they don't look interesting and because, even if I wanted to, I couldn't without a wireless receiver. I'd challenge you all to do the same but it is likely you will conduct a list of 100+ games just to spite me. Also, for most of the 360's decent exclusives you have direct competition on the PS3 (e.g. Killzone 2 to Halo 3, GT5 to the Forza series) and so it's not as simple as deciding which has the most exclusives, but which has the best exclusives in that specific genre.

I don't even own a PS3, nor have I played any of its exclusives, but at its current price I'm not sure how many people can justify a 360 purchase. You honestly do get more in terms of hardware on the PS3 and its library of exclusives is looking really interesting to me.

09-26-2009, 07:51 AM
The library of exclusives on the PS3 that interest me can be counted on one hand. It used to be two until FFXIII being released for the 360 too. I just wanted it because I didn't have a Blu-Ray player at the time and it being a video game system as well. To me, that was cheaper than buying a stand alone player and a 360 before the price went down (I would've just said console except nothing was in the high price besides the 360 compared to the Wii).

Red Arremer
09-26-2009, 02:22 PM
There is no PS3 exclusive that interests me! :D

09-26-2009, 02:23 PM
There is no PS3 exclusive that interests me! :D

Not even CrossXEdge or Demons Soul's?

09-26-2009, 02:37 PM
In response to pretty much everybody:
Yes, I am aware that everybody has their own opinions as to what a good game is. Yes, I am aware a game dipping into the red or yellow on metacritic may very well be playable to some, but it's hardly going to appeal to a mass market. If I had to pick out a list of games in those exclusives that I personally liked/would like to play, it'd probably be under 10. None of them are XBLA games because they don't look interesting and because, even if I wanted to, I couldn't without a wireless receiver. I'd challenge you all to do the same but it is likely you will conduct a list of 100+ games just to spite me. Also, for most of the 360's decent exclusives you have direct competition on the PS3 (e.g. Killzone 2 to Halo 3, GT5 to the Forza series) and so it's not as simple as deciding which has the most exclusives, but which has the best exclusives in that specific genre.

I don't even own a PS3, nor have I played any of its exclusives, but at its current price I'm not sure how many people can justify a 360 purchase. You honestly do get more in terms of hardware on the PS3 and its library of exclusives is looking really interesting to me.

Well, people only have to justify their purchase to themselves. It doesn't matter if the games they really want to play appeal to a mass market or not. If they're not interested in the PS3 exclusives that you are, it'd be pretty silly for them to shell out for the system.

I scanned through the DS games on Metacritic quickly and I saw quite a few titles with a score less than 75 that I really enjoyed. I imagine most people could pick their current favorite system and do the same. There are so many niche titles available these days, which is awesome, but it also means that "must have" games are probably going to be pretty different from person to person.

p.s. I did DS cause it is all I really play these days besides pc stuff or old games

Red Arremer
09-26-2009, 03:03 PM
Not even CrossXEdge or Demons Soul's?

Not really much into RPGs, so nope.

09-26-2009, 03:48 PM
Not really much into RPGs, so nope.
Eh, to each their own...

Also, DS is more of an action-rpg....

Truth be told I'm waiting on 'Atlus'.
They're the only dev/pub I follow.

Red Arremer
09-26-2009, 03:53 PM
Eh, to each their own...

Also, DS is more of an action-rpg....

I like Action-RPGs even less than normal RPGs, usually. :3

09-26-2009, 03:59 PM
I like Action-RPGs even less than normal RPGs, usually. :3
Now, so not a fan of DMC or GoW or even something like the 3D Zelda things?

What do you play?

Red Arremer
09-26-2009, 04:33 PM
Now, so not a fan of DMC or GoW or even something like the 3D Zelda things?

What do you play?


I play fighting games, platformers, puzzle games, strategy games (those only on PC) and, to a lesser extent, first person shooters and racing games, though those I really only enjoy if they're in Sci-Fi settings (with the exception of Mario Kart).

09-26-2009, 04:49 PM

I play fighting games, platformers, puzzle games, strategy games (those only on PC) and, to a lesser extent, first person shooters and racing games, though those I really only enjoy if they're in Sci-Fi settings (with the exception of Mario Kart).

I'm a big strat game myself (SEE: my 4X thread).

I do like a good shoot/beat-em-up or platformer, but for home console I dig some of the 3D action games.

Something really nice about the violence.

Red Arremer
09-26-2009, 05:10 PM
Oh, right I totally forgot shoot em ups! lol. <3 Gradius and Touhou.

09-26-2009, 05:12 PM
Oh, right I totally forgot shoot em ups! lol. <3 Gradius and Touhou.

If you have a wii you should check out 'Blastworks'.

One of my fav games on the system.

Red Arremer
09-26-2009, 06:23 PM
Ohhh! That looks good! Thanks for the recommendation! :D

09-26-2009, 06:33 PM
What was that game on the 64 that had like construction vehicles and you had to demolish things?

Loved that game. Blastworks reminded me of it. Maybe it has one of those words in the title.

09-26-2009, 06:45 PM
What was that game on the 64 that had like construction vehicles and you had to demolish things?

Loved that game. Blastworks reminded me of it. Maybe it has one of those words in the title.

Nah, it's like 'R-Type'+*Little Big Planet*.

It's like a shoot-em-up that you can make your own level/ships.
It's pretty darn fun and the community is pretty decent.

09-26-2009, 06:47 PM
I know, I said the name reminded me of it. Didn't say it was that game.

09-26-2009, 06:50 PM
I know, I said the name reminded me of it. Didn't say it was that game.
Sorry, had to re-read it.
Been up since 8am friday.

As to the game, IDK.
Sounds like a lot of mech games to me...
Was never a huge N64 fan.

Went from the SNES to the PS1.

09-26-2009, 06:50 PM
Blast Corps (

09-26-2009, 06:53 PM
Demolition man... Jk

I remember the game I just can't remember the name.

09-26-2009, 06:54 PM
No worries, Tanis.
Yep, that's the one, Mandi.

I only rented it once, but played it incessantly while I had it. Otherwise my 64 was a Ocarina/Pilotwings machine. Never felt like 64 games, on the whole, were better than SNES.

09-26-2009, 06:56 PM
I did like that mystical ninjas game that came out for n64, the 4 player one not the single player one.

09-26-2009, 07:00 PM
No worries, Tanis.
Yep, that's the one, Mandi.
I only rented it once, but played it incessantly while I had it. Otherwise my 64 was a Ocarina/Pilotwings machine. Never felt like 64 games, on the whole, were better than SNES.
Yeah, not a huge fan of the system.

N64, Gamecube...not really the shinning saga of Nintendo.
But, there were a few great games for the system like 'Perfect Dark' and most of the 'Star Wars' games.

09-26-2009, 07:02 PM
No worries, Tanis.
Yep, that's the one, Mandi.

I only rented it once, but played it incessantly while I had it. Otherwise my 64 was a Ocarina/Pilotwings machine. Never felt like 64 games, on the whole, were better than SNES.

Glad I knew it. ^^

I agree. The N64 had a few great games, but the game library just couldn't compare to the SNES. I still think the Super Nintendo has one of the best game libraries of all time.

09-26-2009, 07:04 PM
I have nostagia for the n64 I had great times with it, on those boring long Sundays. I would rent a game on Fridays after school and play all weekend. I mostly played four player games because of my littles brothers wanting to play... So a lot of smash bros, all those kart racers (Mario, Diddy, Disney, etc.)

Well I just have a lot of nostalgia for nintendo, I wasn't a sega person.

09-26-2009, 07:16 PM
The Dreamcast is the only Sega system I've ever owned, I think.

I loved a few games on the N64 (Ocarina, Harvest Moon 64, Goldeneye, etc), and I have fond N64 related memories too, but I can easily tick off 20 wonderful SNES games right off the top of my head, and I would really struggle to do that with the 64.

Project 64 is a pretty great emulator if you feel like replaying stuff!

Red Arremer
09-26-2009, 07:36 PM
Eh, I dunno, the 64 did have quite a bunch of really good games. ^^

09-26-2009, 07:43 PM
I'm not saying it was a terrible system like the 'nGage', but it was a real let down from the SNES.

09-26-2009, 08:01 PM
The Dreamcast is the only Sega system I've ever owned, I think.

Project 64 is a pretty great emulator if you feel like replaying stuff!

I do love me some dreamcast, also the only sega system I owned.

Is project 64 for the mac as well?

All Seeing Eye
09-26-2009, 08:02 PM
Get a PC :p

Cosign this post. PC, PS3, or Wii.

Red Arremer
09-26-2009, 08:02 PM
I own all Sega systems but the Genesis/Mega Drive-addons and the Saturn. :V

The Dreamcast was the best console of its time... it just was ahead of its time, too. And the PS2 sucked away all people, too. D:

09-26-2009, 08:04 PM
I do love me some dreamcast, also the only sega system I owned.

Is project 64 for the mac as well?

I forgot you used a Mac. AFAIK, there are only 64 emulators for Windows. :(

09-26-2009, 08:08 PM

Sucks, oh well.

All Seeing Eye
09-26-2009, 08:11 PM
I own all Sega systems but the Genesis/Mega Drive-addons and the Saturn. :V

The Dreamcast was the best console of its time... it just was ahead of its time, too. And the PS2 sucked away all people, too. D:

So was the Sega Saturn. It was more powerful than the PSX, but which console won in the end? The same with the Dreamcast. Don't get me wrong, I loved Sega back in the day, but it is what it is.

09-27-2009, 12:14 AM
I own all Sega systems but the Genesis/Mega Drive-addons and the Saturn. :V

The Dreamcast was the best console of its time... it just was ahead of its time, too. And the PS2 sucked away all people, too. D:
You must be trolllin', drunk, or high.

09-27-2009, 12:27 AM
AFAIK, there are only 64 emulators for Windows.
Sixtyforce (

Google is your friend.

09-27-2009, 12:31 AM
A friend of mine just purchased an Xbox 360. He said, "Why haven't I done this already?? This is much better than my Wii! Now I won't feel silly playing a game by myself."

09-27-2009, 03:42 AM
You must be trolllin', drunk, or high.

or you lack comprehension capabilities.

he said the ps2 took all gamers off the dreamcast, hence, its early retirement.

Red Arremer
09-27-2009, 03:53 AM
So was the Sega Saturn. It was more powerful than the PSX, but which console won in the end? The same with the Dreamcast. Don't get me wrong, I loved Sega back in the day, but it is what it is.

Yes, but unlike the Dreamcast, the Saturn actually had very little to offer in terms of game library. Most stuff was Japan-only and/or developed by Sega. The West has seen maybe 10% of the Saturn library.

or you lack comprehension capabilities.

he said the ps2 took all gamers off the dreamcast, hence, its early retirement.

I never thought I'd see the day to have this happening, but that's correct.

09-27-2009, 03:55 AM
or you lack comprehension capabilities.
he said the ps2 took all gamers off the dreamcast, hence, its early retirement.
Yeah, and I disagree.

It was, IMO, SEGA beating and betraying and milking its fans/base that did it.

While the DC was a nice system, all the crap that Sega did before killed it.

Red Arremer
09-27-2009, 04:11 AM
The Dreamcast bombed because of 2 big things:
1.) The Dreamcast's shitty predecessors (as said, the Genesis add-ons and the Saturn that flopped a whole lot, too).
2.) Sony loudly slamming the advertisment drum and blowing all other competitors out of the water because of it. Sega suffered the most because Microsoft was new and didn't expect to do all too well anyway and Nintendo wasn't so easily unrooted.
All the developers and hardcore gamers went from the promising Dreamcast to the Playstation 2 because it simply was more present all around.

Of course, there's probably other reasons, too, but that's definitely the 2 main reasons.

09-27-2009, 04:13 AM
I think SEGA was the main reason.

That and Sony did so darn well with the PS1 that they did what no one felt they could; beat Nintendo.

09-27-2009, 05:10 AM
I think SEGA was the main reason.

That and Sony did so darn well with the PS1 that they did what no one felt they could; beat Nintendo.

not reall,y sega launched everything it had to make the dreamcast top all other systems.
however, it backfired on them.
if only they made the dvd reader they said were developing, maybe sega would still be a system making company.

09-28-2009, 02:25 AM
No one plays games on a PC of all things...

Tell that to the 5 million subscribers of wow ;).

Get the fuck out. :p

My PC isn't good enough to handle most games that are also on the 360. I imagine that's the case for a lot of people!

I don't really think there's any way to "win" this debate since it's just going to come down to what games people personally are more interested in. I'm still not very excited by either consoles line-up, but there are a ton of DS and now PSP games that I can't wait to play.

This is a common misconception. Realistically speaking, a PC is vastly superior to a console as the hardware is outdated. With a PC you get better resolution and Anti-Aliasing and the environment is much much bigger. Not to mention the PC can do MORE than a console can. You guys speak of cost of PC gaming. I can say the same with console gaming. 1) You need a decent size TV to enjoy the experience which can cost 2000 dollars(Where I am from).2) Xbox live is a paid subscription based service( I know ps3 IS free).

With PCs you can use the old parts in your new computer and they will still work. You don't buy a NEW monitor each time you know.

N.B. When buying computers ALWAYS have it custom made. OEM = epic fail.

The thing to note guys is that the new API(Application programming interface) implemented by Microsoft (DX11) is backwards compatible. Inotherwords, the thought of your computer no supporting the latest Shader Model or that you need the latest card is the thing of the past. Sure there will be minimum requirements but those will be, DX9. DX11 will work on DX10 AND DX9 hardware. You will be able to play it however, the features that direct X11 comes with(Tessellation,Multithreaded rendering, compute shader), will be disabled. However, the games will still look great in dx9(Crysis :p) . This is not going to be like halo 2 for the PC where they shafted the PC gamers and forced them to upgrade to buying the latest and best.

great article here if you wish to venture PC gaming.Its totally worth it imho.

Red Arremer
09-28-2009, 02:45 AM
So what does a PC have to do with PS3 or XBox 360?

09-28-2009, 03:16 AM
So what does a PC have to do with PS3 or XBox 360?

Glad you asked perhaps you missed my point :). I do see the ps3 as probably the best out of the three gaming consoles.However,with PC games you get bigger and better environment. The texture is much better. Not to mention its retarded to play fps(First person shooter) with a controller >_<....

This video is the cryengine 3 on the consoles( ps3 and xbox360)

This is on the PC

Notice the PC LOOKS better.

If you play oblivion you will notice that the PC version has better texture,better LOD(Level of detail) and draw distance is simply stunning. The PC also provides access to user created mods which can further enhance the gaming experience and get access to patches and fixes that weren't fixed by the shitty developers

A PC provides upgradability simple as that. You are able to customise it to your preference

Red Arremer
09-28-2009, 03:17 AM
So what does a PC have to do with PS3 or XBox 360?

09-28-2009, 03:27 AM
I remember when I installed Fallout 3, the available patch crashed when it was installing itself. I wasn't even given the option to re-do it. It just booted straight into the game.

Oh Fallout 3~

Red Arremer
09-28-2009, 03:33 AM
Fallout 3 is one of the games I'm gonna get for my 360. ^^

09-28-2009, 03:47 AM
Fallout 3 is one of the games I'm gonna get for my 360. ^^
If you can, you should get it for the PC.

The community is starting to get really started.