09-01-2009, 07:56 AM
I downloaded a complete soundtrack for Paper Mario a few years ago, and I forgot the site. Then, my hard drive failed. So I need to find the soundtrack again. I think the site was Sound something. All I remember is it had "Sound" in it...

EDIT: I remembered! It was Sound-Test. (Loved that site and miss it dearly...)

I still can't find the Paper Mario soundtrack. Internet archive shows that it was arranged in a 4 disc set. Anyone know what I'm talking about, or am I the only one who's ever been to Sound-Test? Because I can't find a good soundtrack for Paper Mario...

09-01-2009, 08:14 AM
This (Thread 39734) thread has both Paper Mario 64 and Thousand Year Door's soundtrack.

09-03-2009, 01:47 AM
I'll check that out.

EDIT: That's not the complete one. It's the one from SOTSS that includes the OST CD songs and the Lost Tracks section, but it's lacking quite a few songs.

Does anyone here have the soundtrack from Sound-Test or know where I could find a reuploaded one?

EDIT 2: Never mind... I think it's mostly the same, but labeled differently. Thanks.