08-09-2002, 06:18 PM
Maybe it's just my bad luck but recently I've been running into bad anime, and I mean really bad anime. I know quite a lot of people who are anime fans, and they'd recommend some titles for me every once in a while. Unfortunately, their recent recommendations haven't been that good.

Two days ago I was recommended "Onegai Teacher". Just from the title I knew it would be a stupid anime. I have no idea why my friends like it. I watched the first two episode, and I was in disgust. It reminded me of Love Hina, except worse because this one included a teacher and student relationship. GROSS! Why people think it's good I'll never know. It's cliche at its worse. And what kind of girl would ask "Do you care about me?" to a guy she just met a few hours ago?o_0 Ewww. *shivers*

So, which anime do you think is/are overrated? I'll post more later.

Crazy Chocobo
08-09-2002, 07:08 PM
Love Hina. Everyone talks about how great it is. I think it's boring... a been there done that kinda thing, I fell asleep after 3 episodes. It's alright, just not my favorite anime.

08-09-2002, 08:48 PM
I know many people will hate me for typing this, but I think "Neon Genesis Evangelion" is overrated *dodges rotten fruit and vegetables being thrown at him* I mean, all of my friends were telling me how "great" and "deep" it is, and when I finally got the chance to watch it....nyeh.

Alice Wonderbra
08-09-2002, 09:52 PM
GHOST IN THE SHELL! It was soooooo terrible. I can't believe I spent some part of my life watching it. *Cringes @ thought* It had a really gay story and the end sucked. Not to mention the characters were so undeveloped that even if there was a good storyline it would have sucked on some major @$$. Grr...Argh.

08-16-2002, 06:59 PM
I think both Ghost in the Shell and Evangelion are overrated.
Evangelion... in the case of Evangelion I have to say that the fact that everyone in every chatroom, forum, article everywhere simply assumes that every other human being already knows the whole story, so: spoilers are simply everywhere... and since I think I know more about the end than about the beginning... I don�t want to watch the series anymore. And everyone keeps yelling it is SO good, it is the BEST anime... but honestly, it is only an anime with a somewhat depressing story and a lot of depressed kids... I, I think it is very much overrated.

08-16-2002, 11:19 PM
I'm really new to anime/manga, but I'll put a vote in for "Ghost in the Shell" being overrated. I tried reading the manga in a bookstore a few weeks ago and couldn't get into it at all. It seemed like a story that could have been really good, but was ruined by melodrama.

Gundam Wing. Another one that had an interesting concept but that I just couldn't get into.

Neon Genesis Evangelion was actually what got me into anime. (Please, no one reply to this with spoilers. I'm still trying to get my hands on the actual anime; all I know of the story is from the manga, which is unfinished.) I can understand people not liking it because of it being depressing, but that's actually why I liked it. I can relate to Shinji. (And as if that in itself isn't bad enough, Rei reminds me of what I used to be like, back when I was really depressed. :uh?: ) Aside from relating to the characters, I like the symbolism and historic/religious references. The graphic novels have apendices which explain the history behind certain things in the story, like the company that was supposed to recruit Eva pilots but in reality didn't exist. (I don't remember the name but it was the name of a Babylonian god. The organization that was really finding the pilots revolved around the Dead Sea scrolls, and to the authors of the scrolls the Babylonian gods were false gods, hence the false company being named after one of them.)

08-17-2002, 12:07 AM
Evangelion is kinda overrated because of all the hype surrounding it. I agree that it's overrated, but I still like it. XD It just doesn't live up to everyone's expectation, that's all. It certainly lived up to mine, though. I enjoyed it a lot. ^_^''

Okay, now for some more real overrated anime. Steel Angel Kurumi was pure crap. I wonder why it was even released. Star Ocean Ex also sucks. I guess the game was good, but the anime ruins it. It's so cheesy and so cliche. I think it's lame anime like Star Ocean that makes Dragon Ball seem unpredictable. Which reminds me, Dragon Ball is also very overrated. I do not know what people see in it. There's just way better stuff out there, why waste time on Dragon Ball?

That's it for now... I'll save some for later.

08-17-2002, 01:17 PM
Dragonball is both overated and underrated. Look at it this way: There are people thata odre it so much that they always say "It is the best anime in the world!!"... but as a reaction to these people and the hype, it became in to say: "Dragonball is the worst anime on earth!"... which is also not correct, because there surely are worse animes,...

08-17-2002, 01:44 PM
Evangelion is overrated, but still good. Dragonball Z is probably the most vastly overrated. I still like the art, but the rest is kinda sucky....

Cetra Angel
08-23-2002, 02:36 PM
Yeah, DBZ is waaaaay overated. I still love it, but they don't bother with any other anime except Beyblade on Cartoon Network over here...

Which reminds me... Beyblade has been overated, and it sucks too. I mean, its just to promote the toys.
And did I mention it sucks? Oh yeah, it SUCKS!

The thing about DBZ is, although it can be very predictable, I just see it as a big joke. e.g.
"Oh look theres another evil guy! Hey, this one looks like a giant pink marshmallow, and we can't beat it!"
and the world famous
"Lets just stand here talking about the bad guy all day while he kills lots of people."
That one's a classic! :D

So yeah I think the most overrated anime is Beyblade. Suckier than the suckyness of DBZ and Pok�mon put together.

P.S. Beyblade SUCKS!

08-23-2002, 07:13 PM
Pokemon. The most overrated (or was overrated) anime. O've always hated it. Every episode is the same but with different sub-characters/pokemon. Very bad. >.<

08-23-2002, 08:30 PM
I can tell you why DBZ is over-rated...It's because you have a bunch of anime n00bs running around thinking its the best thing since sliced bread. Since it became so popular in America, it became quite over-rated.

However, I am still a big DBZ fan and probably will always remain one. It is what got me into watching different types of anime. And as long as it keeps drawing attention to itself from the anime n00bs running around worshiping it, it will always be an anime which introduces others into the world of anime. Which, in essence, makes it good.

Oh and on another note. DBZ is quite predictable, but it is nowhere as predictable as Sailor Moon. That has to be the most repetive anime ever. X_X

08-23-2002, 11:25 PM
Har Har. Yeah SM is repatative LoL but it was my first anime and I still love it. Very few people I talk to have made it to the Stars series which I love. I can't really watch the dubs anymore because they scare me. So I just watch subtitled Stars and love every minute :)

I haven't watched a huge amount of anime but DBZ seems overrated...but maybe that's because I can barely sit through an episode... ;) Just not my thing. I could see how someone could love it though. There is always a bond between you are your first anime :D That's why I'll always defend SM :)

08-24-2002, 12:19 AM
Yes, SailorStars was so good. I really got into it. *snort* Star Gentle Uterus *snort*

Another anime that I believe is overrated was Ninja Scroll. It's storyline was WAY too confusing for me, and some parts were a little *too* explicit for my tastes. Ninja Ressurection was so much worse. I broke the CD that it was on, even though it wasn't mine ^_~ Too much hype over these titles.

08-24-2002, 05:36 AM
Cowboy Bebop was overrated too. I can understand why people love it, because it's so similar to American comics, but it wasn't for everybody. A lot of people were saying, if you like anime, you'll like Cowboy Bebop. Well, I watched it, and it was like, okay.... A lot of people even say it's the best anime, which it most definitely isn't. XD I've seen way better, a lot better ones too.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
08-24-2002, 02:25 PM
DBZ is quite overrated, yeah when the fights start going soem of them can be good, but eventually will last EXTREMLY long, the art in it I personally think is well done, its just some of the story lines that suck.

Also Ghost In The Shell, is REALLY overrated, people have only recently go on to it because some of The Matrix is based on it, but its still pretty boring.

Pokemon, *washes mouth out with soap* what was that piece of shit, wouldn't be more fun to kick them than watch them fight each other.

Sailor Moon, was thought up by some perverted Japanese blokes who just wanted to put there perverted idea's on TV, and give it a shit storyline (Yes, your right Joeshie it is so god damn predictable)

Alice Wonderbra
08-24-2002, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by Deftones
Sailor Moon, was thought up by some perverted Japanese blokes who just wanted to put there perverted idea's on TV, and give it a shit storyline (Yes, your right Joeshie it is so god damn predictable)

actually, sm was invented by a woman. she based the scouts on japanese gods or sumtin like that. i forget (i havent read about it n like a yr, so i dont remember)

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
08-24-2002, 02:56 PM
Ok, that;s suprising. Now it makes me think that a Japenese Lesbian thought it up, but she might not be a Lesbian, and now i'll keep my mouth shut.

08-24-2002, 03:05 PM
Hmmm. *thinks for a minute* Most overated Anime EVER would have to be... Evangelion. As much as I love it (the battle scenes are awesome!) I just don't think it's that fantastic. I mean, the guy who wrote it was clinically depressed!

The crappiest Anime ever award goes to Transformers (the new Japanese version that is). It puts Transformers to shame. How crap can an Anime be? Oh, and as for Pokemon *GAGS* EWWWWW!!!!! What were they thinking. The game is the best Gameboy game ever, but the cartoon is vomit-worthy!

Well, there's my 2 cents!

08-24-2002, 06:47 PM
Hellsing, anybody? Quite overrated as well. The art is pretty cool, and the story is original... But it's about as boring as anime get. *snores* Maybe if the pace is just a bit faster or something, I'd like it better. Good anime, but just slightly overrated.

08-24-2002, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Faramir
Hmmm. *thinks for a minute* Most overated Anime EVER would have to be... Evangelion. As much as I love it (the battle scenes are awesome!) I just don't think it's that fantastic. I mean, the guy who wrote it was clinically depressed!

That's what he says in the interview in the back of the first graphic novel. But why is that a bad thing, in terms of writing an anime? Shinji is a sort of autobiographical character. Isn't it better for authors to write what they know than to create unrealistic characters? Who wants to read about someone who doesn't seem like a real person?

(Maybe slightly off-topic but does anyone know where I can download the episodes? I tried aesearch but all I found were broken links and streamload which I'm too broke to pay for.)

08-25-2002, 03:35 AM
Well I think it creates a very negative storyline. I'm your typical "and everyone lives happily ever after" kind of story person. Therefore I found Evangelion disturbing! Hopefully the man who wrote it is ok now! But things like clinical depression can really affect somebodies view on something. 'Nouf said! I don't have anything against people with Clinical Depression, I just think it can affect things like the storyline of Evangelion to a great degree.

08-25-2002, 05:05 AM
Overated? Hah, easy...

Dragon Ball Z.

Or any DB for that matter. It's a good series, yet at the same time, it's very poor in animation. Fighting scenes, for instance...3 frames of action...repeat....repeat. The plot is usually always the real change. So it kinda' gets boring. However, the characters are always awesome in some way...I can't think of a character that actually sucks, or is quite shallow in information...

But yeah, I think too many people like DB/Z/GT.

YYH Forever =P

08-29-2002, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by Fujin
I'm really new to anime/manga, but I'll put a vote in for "Ghost in the Shell" being overrated. I tried reading the manga in a bookstore a few weeks ago and couldn't get into it at all. It seemed like a story that could have been really good, but was ruined by melodrama.

Well, ofcourse you don't like the manga, since it's not in any way any good at all ever!! But you should give the anime a chance since it's a very fine anime indeed. But keep in mind that...[As quoted by James Cameron at the back of the dvd case]'s aimed at a mature and intelligent audiens

Obviously no pun intended to those who don't like the movie :D

Anyway, about overrated animes....I can't say i've seen much of that actually. Maybe Metropolis which i didn't like all that much. Still I suppose that's what happens when you go against the mighty Ozamu Tetzuka's will and make the movie without him wanting it to be made:p

08-29-2002, 06:01 PM
Well, judging by the animes that Gainax is making at the moment... (looks at FLCL) I think they decided to try something new. :P

Like you said, those that like happy ends and stuff probably will not like Evangelion. That�s why I find it so annoying that everyone acts as if Evangelion was the one and only anime, the anime everybody must like. I do not like it, I understand if people like it, but I think they highly exaggerate when saying it is the best anime ever and you HAVE to love it otherwise you are not really an anime fan. That�s stupid. And I think it harms the series.

08-30-2002, 12:02 PM
Exatly. I had a friend (notice the had!) who said because I liked Akira more than Evangelion, I didn't know what Anime really was. HMMPHH! How dare he! I mean it doesn't matter that I'm not obsessed with Evangelion does it?

09-01-2002, 07:36 PM
As big a Sailor Moon fan that I am, I will agree the anime is very overrated. The manga is wonderful, but the anime almost has a power rangerish field. The animation is not very good, especially in the later series. Even Naoko Takeguchi, the creator, said she didn't like the way a lot of things were handled in the anime.

I think one of the most underrated animes out there is Serial Experiments Lain, but I suppose it's just not for everyone...

09-02-2002, 02:25 AM
Princess Mononoke....I don't see what the big deal is.


Evangelion- I havent seen the last 2 eps so I can't really say...but it is a bit overated so far


Cowboy Bebop is fine and not overated

Ninja Scroll has great action

DBZ is overated in the cell saga...I saw it and fell asleep
the freeza saga was very very good though

09-02-2002, 07:18 PM
I, like everyone here, like most of the anime you are saying is overrated. The main reason why they are overrated is because like what someone already said, is newbies that watch something and love the show and go on forums or chatrooms and say the are an anime expert and that *insert anime name here* is the greatest ever and people, being so gullable, believe them. I am being a hypocrat because I am a newbie too. Since my anime vocabulary is still not that large, I can say that I haven't really seen anime that was overrated other than Pokemon, I didn't like it when it came out, didn't know what anime was then either, and still don't like the show. But I think Evangelion, DBZ, Princess Mononoke, etc. lived up to my expectations and are as good as people say, maybe not the "BEST ANIME EVER", but they deserve most of the hype.
People have different tastes in what they want in things like anime whether it be happy anime or bloodbath anime or headache causing confusing anime( I like a little of everything). So what one person may like, another may not.

Disregard what I said above...just in a talkative mood, or typing for that matter.

Pokemon is overrated and sucks.

09-02-2002, 10:15 PM
Umm, is it just me or does it seem like everyones saying the same animes over and over? Could it be becaue they realy stink, or possibly no one has anything new to say due to their minds being numbed by american cartoons and others opinions... who knows.

Anyway, bad anime to me would probably be umm, what was that one where there were these girls who fight evil by turning into brides or somthing = stupid, was is orange road, hmmm.... dont remember, atom proabably would know. Thats one of the few animes I hate due to the fact that I hate some so badly I wont consider them anime. Like um...pokemon and all the other monster crapshows in that boat, you know the ones.

Oh and mega, you crossed the line with hellsing, its amazing in mostly every aspect and those aspects work well together. Basicaly, if its a bad anime, noir borderlines on boring, and if anyone bashes noir, ill take your head off....unless you have some damn good reasons.

09-02-2002, 10:34 PM
Noir is definitely good. But Hellsing is kind of boring. I also think it's good, but I almost fell asleep during the first episode. I mean, the atmosphere and the art is gloomy enough, at least speed the thing up a bit to keep us awake. Kind of reminded me of Ghost in the Shell, actually. I really like Alucard. He's wicked. XD While he is one of the good guys, he has a touch of evil in him.

09-07-2002, 06:36 AM
Mint's right, your just repeating the same animes... and some particular person was saying they'd have more...

09-07-2002, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by Mint
Umm, is it just me or does it seem like everyones saying the same animes over and over? Could it be becaue they realy stink, or possibly no one has anything new to say due to their minds being numbed by american cartoons and others opinions... who knows.

Mint, the reason people are naming the same animes over and over is because, quite frankly, the animes that ARE overrated are all the same ones. There can't be this vast variety of overrated animes out there, because most of these animes are going to live up to the expectations we have for them. The only animes that are going to fall short are the ones that have an insane amount of hype around them. I've seen quite a bit of bad anime, but that rarely becomes too popular. If I haven't heard people's opinions on this anime, it's not overrated, no matter how bad it is. If you were to start a thread asking people what some of the worst anime they'd ever seen was, I'm sure the responses would be very different, and you'd probabally see a lot more variety in the answers. But as this thread is, you're going to see a lot of repitition out there, because only animes with a lot of hype are going to be considered overrated.

ultimate veggie
09-12-2002, 02:24 PM
Hmmmmm overrated.......ummm welll hmmmmmm well lemme see at one time pokemon was sooooo overrated it made wana barf....i only like it for the game not the happy happy preschool lessons it shows on the anime!!!!...or is it even an anime? its been so americanized well. um as for my beloved dragon ball , dragon ball z, and know ill never bad mouth them!!!!hmm and love hina aint that bad....i havent seen neon evelagon yet so i dont know what to say for that well any way thats what i think is or was the most overrated of them all :uh?:

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
10-13-2002, 07:28 PM
This place hasn't been posted in for a while, but I just thought
'Blue Submarine No.6', it has potential, but the story drags on for too long and by the time it starts to get intresting, you have gone to sleep.

Anybody feel the same.

10-13-2002, 09:02 PM
Terra�s right about what she said... since the topic is not "What�s the worst anime ever", it�s just normal that we yell out those animes that have the most hype around them.
And these are certainly Dragonball Z, Evangelion, Pokemon, and other popular everybody-must-like shows.

I hate it. There are so many different kinds of anime... but all you hear is Vegeta here, Shinji there... o.O

I�ve only seen part of this one, but it�s not my kind of show. Dunno...

10-14-2002, 08:41 PM
I know what you mean digi, it wasn't bad, but the story dragged on forever. I had to get up and walk around forawhile, the show was still running, because I as sooo bored, that was the first time I had ever done that while watching anime. By the time the end came around I was so lost, but I didn't want to rewatch it to understand what was going on, so at your own risk...of boredom.

I am probably going to get yelled at, but...I think Cowboy Bebop is overrated. I honestly don't know why it is so good. I haven't seen the entire series, but I am not sure if I want to. Maybe a good recommendation or breifing on the story would chage my mind...maybe.

10-26-2002, 06:30 PM
NGE is completely overrated. So is GW, DBZ, Akira, etc. Although I would disagree with GitS though, since its meant to be a very deep and complicated story that isn't meant to be read by a wide range of fans.

Rizumu Yasha
10-26-2002, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by megalomania
Two days ago I was recommended "Onegai Teacher". Just from the title I knew it would be a stupid anime. I have no idea why my friends like it. I watched the first two episode, and I was in disgust. It reminded me of Love Hina, except worse because this one included a teacher and student relationship. GROSS! Why people think it's good I'll never know. It's cliche at its worse. And what kind of girl would ask "Do you care about me?" to a guy she just met a few hours ago?o_0 Ewww. *shivers*

Well, if you like action/adventure anime, don't go around watching romantic comedies and saying that they're terrible. Except for the end :notgood: I loved Onegai Teacher, as well as I My Me! Strawberry Eggs and Fruits Basket. If you want to see gaint robots destroy each other and blood splatter against walls, don't watch an anime about developing relationtips and the growth of the characters. OF COURSE YOU WON"T ENJOY IT!!!

Anyway, I'd have to say that Pokemon and Evangelion were the most overrated anime ever. Evangelion was okay, and quite impressive visually, but the plot just wasn't there. And what an awful ending! The TV one was better than The End of Evangelion. And I don't see why the main charcter is such a wimpy, self-pitying slug.

Pokemon, of course, was just a half hour commercial.

David F
10-26-2002, 08:38 PM
Gundam Wing, it's a bloody soap opera for godsakes.

10-26-2002, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by Rizumu Yasha
Well, if you like action/adventure anime, don't go around watching romantic comedies and saying that they're terrible.

Actually, I like pretty much genre of anime. Not so much action, actually, but definitely adventure, drama, mecha, and romance. So yeah, I like romance(Love Hina, Maison Ikkoku, Comic Party, To Heart, Ranma, etc). Onegai Teacher is seriously overrated. It isn't much better than anime such as Comic Party, and yet it gets all the hype. Love Hina is much better, and while it is overhyped sometimes too, at least the overall plot is pretty original. Onegai Teacher, on the other hand, is just plain stupid.:p

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-26-2002, 10:13 PM
Hmmm, what about Outlaw Star, anyone?

Seems that is about the only one to have been good enough that American Hollywood is making a live action movie heavily based on it's storyline (The Transporter), minus the various worlds and aliens and such.

As for Evangelion, DBZ, and the Gundam Series.

Actually, I think that Evangelion was pretty good, and I don't mind the Hemingway ending at all.

As for DB/ad nauseam: The only portion of the whole thing that I could stand to watch was the Freiza Saga. And that was only because it was funny. High pitched voice badass with endless transformations, griping about a "stupid little monkey that isn't supposed to be this damn powerful!" :D .

Gundam: Yes, Gundam Wing is an insult to mecha anime. But the rest of the Gundam series are actually pretty good. Fairly straightforward, consistent storylines, good character development, and well done battle scenes.

Although, that should be taken with a grain of salt as most of the early Gundam anime were made back in the 1970's.

Most overrated anime series(s) in my opinion?

Voltron (I think there was an overseas equivalent to this one, but the American version sure as hell was).

Esca Flowne (I mean, how many times can that girl fall in love with a stranger?)

Anything based on American comics (X-Men, Spiderman, Batman, etc.). Justice League is the worst.

However, the new video games that are coming out based on those comics look very promising. Especially that one devoted solely to Wolverine.

Nothing like being able to take on practically every villain in the marvel universe with everyone's favorite hero with a badass attitude (and it's said that there won't be any stupid ass meters to limit his usage of his mutant abilities, although his healing factor will be a constant thing to keep in mind. But you can hack and slash with his claws as much as you like, and he's fast and strong as hell. And of course, there will be the obligatory smartass remarks that he makes to his enemies. :D ).

10-26-2002, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by Odin
Hmmm, what about Outlaw Star, anyone?

I never thought of Outlaw Star as overrated. I mean, sure it was played on the mainstream, but it didn't really get any more negative feedback then it did positive.

10-27-2002, 01:56 AM
I agree. Outlaw Star is main stream because it's one of the few anime that makes it to America. It's not really overrated, though, because it never had that much hype around it. Most people in Canada haven't even seen it.

10-27-2002, 06:57 AM
Well It all boils down to preferance. One person will like one thing and somone else will like somthing else...duh. You can say you dont like what somone else likes, but it dosent realy matter.

Basicaly what im saying is, its rated high by people who like it, therefor to them its not overated. All people are saying here is that they think alot of people like an anime they dont like...whats the point?

BTW Blue sub 6 was a sweet idea, but damn to bad.

10-29-2002, 02:47 AM
I discovered Outlaw Star at Otakon (Anime Convention). If I had to discover it that way (and never have heard about it before) it can't be overrated. I think it's actually underrated sometimes because it really boils down to a whole lot of symbolism. Anyone who saw it, did you get the feeling that the paths that met as they got closer to the leyline (sp?) symbolized something?

Although a lot of people would have been disgusted if they saw the uncensored version...afterall, nudity is more offensive than watching violence.

As for Evangelion, I found the 4 episodes i've seen very capturing. I can see why it would be hyped over, but I don't think it's that overrated either...It is afterall another complex and symbolic story.

As for DBZ, I never got into it, I always had a first impression that it was a plotless piece of crap...But then again I didn't give it much of a chance. But I can safely say that I don't care much for the art style...

11-05-2002, 01:01 PM

11-05-2002, 05:30 PM
You�re right on that. I have a share of anime and mostly manga titles that are totally unknown, totally unknown, but I love them... and I would possibly like them less if everybody was crazy about them.
Maybe I have an inner wish to know something nobody else knows. :) Despite this I want some of these stories to get released here... o.o and get the recognition they deserve.

As long as they don�t get shown on TV, anime rarely get SO MUCH hype. I was really surprised at how many people liked Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne, your average magical girl love story, how well the manga sold, just because the anime was on TV... Heh...

11-05-2002, 11:31 PM
Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that the anime with the Locke-like thief? XD I've heard about it, and even seen some pics. I kinda want to watch it, but it looks a bit too sailor moonish and girly for my taste. Besides, the only reason I'd want to watch is because of the thief. XD

BTW, there are plenty of anime that aren't shown on american tv but still have a lot of hype. There are a lot of anime communities that make fansubs, and their anime are distributed fast.

11-08-2002, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by Cheetortron
I dont know if I like it or not, at the insisting of friends I watched one ep, which involved a flashback and this little girl calling someone an "old hag" over and over, some ppl eating tomatoes and discussing their social life, and a battle type thing in the last few moments which was sort of neat, and thats all I can remember about it.

Eva's one of those stories where you have to see it in chronological order for it to make sense. The episode you saw is one of the last ones. (I just saw it today for the first time, in fact.) If I had seen that episode before seeing any other ones in the series, I probably never would have watched Eva.

If you ever want to give Eva a second chance, you might want to read the manga. The manga is very condensed compared to the anime, and gives you a better overview of the storyline. (I'm new to anime/manga and I know I never would have had the patience to get into the anime if I hadn't read the manga first.)

11-09-2002, 12:38 AM
I don�t want if anyone would have the patience to read the manga instead of the anime. The manga is not finished yet, and only one volume is released per year in Japan. The story is told very slowly, and of course some adaption had been made.

Besides, I am glad whenever someone is corageous to say "I don�t like NGE.", instead of giving in to the pressure... XD

11-09-2002, 02:14 AM
Um, I thought DBZ was pretty overrated as well. I know lots of people like it but the storyline isn't very good and the fighting skills are sooo boring. I'm a Sailor Moon fan but I can see how people would think that is pretty overrated as well as the battles are pretty much the same and the plot just repeats it's self. It's still pretty ruley though.

CardCaptor Sakura is more or less the same as Sailor Moon so I won't post up my opinions on it. Just read my views that I posted above. Oh, and as for Pokemon a very long time ago I used to be a huge fan of it and sure, it's really babyish but it sure as hell isn't overrated cos the same thing doesn't happen all the time and the plot changes along with the characters.

Yup, that's it really. I hope you enjoyed my semi rant y'all. Feel free to share your views on my post.

Good day ^_^

11-09-2002, 05:10 AM
Originally posted by Misao
I don�t want if anyone would have the patience to read the manga instead of the anime. The manga is not finished yet, and only one volume is released per year in Japan. The story is told very slowly, and of course some adaption had been made.

Besides, I am glad whenever someone is corageous to say "I don�t like NGE.", instead of giving in to the pressure... XD

I don't mean read the entire manga. I just meant that the story is easier to follow in the manga than in the anime. I like NGE but if I hadn't read the manga then when I saw the first episode I wouldn't have understood it at all.

And there's nothing wrong with not liking NGE. I mean, I liked it because I could relate to Shinji and Rei and because I like melodramatic stories, but it's definitely not for everyone. All I was trying to say is if you're trying to decide if whether to watch it, watching the 20-somethingth episode is not a good way to judge the series.

11-09-2002, 04:02 PM
And you are right on that. Sorry.

Ironically, DBZ is not overrated anymore. Ever since it became "in" to hate Dragonball. Now everybody who wants to prove they really know a lot about manga and anime are saying they think Dragonball is childish, stupid and boring. It is getting underrated. :P

11-09-2002, 04:12 PM
I thought about that too,Misao,I guess it can't be helped,people will either follow the trend or stand against it,but in this case,they're doing the same thing in the end.*_*

11-09-2002, 10:35 PM
Lol, IMO, DB will never be underrated. They have plenty of loyal fans. I think they still have one of the biggest fan base in anime. As long as there are boys who like action anime, there will be DB fans.

11-19-2002, 09:20 PM
Blah we all know DBZ and Pokemon( not so much now) are the most overated. I mean there are others like Ghost in the Shell and Evangelion but if you heard of anime, chances are you've heard of DBZ or Pokemon.
Both shows are very monotonous and too much hype surrounds these two crappy shows(sorry kids).

When will they bring more thought provoking anime to the United states or Canada? When will some ppl learn eh?

11-20-2002, 03:04 PM
DBZ, way too stupid

all the dudes look like there conctipated while there "Powering up"


11-25-2002, 01:33 AM
Yes, DBZ is annyoing, it was better when it was old,

The new ones suck $#! I mean they take a thirty minute story and make it thirty hours, for instance when they power up, they scream for hours it sounds like there building up an orgasm that never happens, Before they fight they stare at each other forever, you could fall asleep and when you woke up they would still be staring at each other o_O. and they are so stupid, the good guy or bad guy will have perfect chance to kill each other and the say No, i want to toy wiht them or No, I want them to be strong. and at the end they say what will happen next episode and then three seconds later what happens.

It is stupid

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
11-25-2002, 08:54 PM
I prefer the Japanese versions of DBZ, everyone in that seemed so cool. And it was also alot more uncensored.

Mr. Saturn
11-25-2002, 10:44 PM
Deffinately Evangelion. The art and opening theme are great.
Other than that, it's awful! I didn't like it at all, and people saying
it's so great and stuff...

Another is Metropolis. I'd heard that it was really good, but it wasn't!
The CG and animation cells just didn't look quite right together,
and the plot had me snoozing pretty fast. Sigh..:notgood:

11-29-2002, 11:49 PM
OMG! Metropolis was AWFUL! The animation sucked, the plot sucked, ( hell, there was no plot) i fell asleep within the first fifteen minutes, and... it just sucked @$&!

WAY to stupid if ya ask me

12-12-2002, 03:41 AM
I don't think that Love HIna is overrated.. but that's just my opinion.. i think it's funny lol

I haven't watched much anime but i find Cowboy Bebop to be a bit overrated... others have to me to watch it and i watched about 3 episodes.. it was o.k..... but not that exciting to me.. i'm not saying it's bad though.. just my opinion...

12-12-2002, 09:47 PM
Ghost in the Shell was a little strange, but the whole idea that it was overrated is just wrong. It goves us a view into the near future that robitics could go as far as becoming just like humans, or to a scarier extent into which we could become the garbage of our own creations.

Evangelion is a depressing story and I also think that the creater was a little crazy, but it is about evolution as a trail that when faced with the Darwinian Theorie humanity has gone as far as it could go unless it were to become one. It takes hints from religion, the Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Book of the Dead. Its plot is unusally depressing, but there is no real enemy in this. The Head of Seal seems to relate to the Wandering Jew who spit on Jesus. While Gendo Ikari is willing to lead humanity down the path that would reunite him with his love Yui. A love story seen through the eyes of Shinji Ikari really displays what it is like to be a child, but being caught with an father who doesn't love him and no mother. This also shows just how far humans will go to accomplish their goals if they are determined.

One over rated anime though is Fist of the North Star, an oddity in the world, tells of battles in a post-nuclear war! There is a relationship between two characters but it is more of a personal battle where never gets to a good climax.

Another one you may have heard of is Kite. Kite is definately not for kids do to sex scenes and some awesome bullets that explode inside your body. Sawa and Oburo two victims of a madman and his strange buddie are forced into excuting celebrities and crimanals. the end is very cool, but it is very overrated.