08-30-2009, 10:56 PM
So, while I realize the game itself was pretty mediocre the soundtrack wasn't too shabby. After checking all of the usual suspects, it seems that all I can find are either dead ends, Russian sites or links that don't work anymore (including a couple threads on this forum). If anyone has it can they point me to a to a link that works or re-upload? Thanks.

08-31-2009, 12:53 AM
There was a rip in My Game Rips thread but that had crappy quality, go to VGM Legacy and get Kataah's X-Blades rip.

08-31-2009, 01:03 AM
I was shooting for the official soundtrack as opposed to rips.

09-02-2009, 01:07 AM
:Bump: Nobody?

09-12-2009, 06:59 AM

09-12-2009, 05:11 PM
Umm why dont you get the rip instead of begging for an ost, chances are theres not gonna be one or one isnt out yet.

Stop being so ungrateful.

09-12-2009, 06:30 PM
Umm why dont you get the rip instead of begging for an ost, chances are theres not gonna be one or one isnt out yet.

I've seen the OST around. On these very forums even. But the upload had been deleted.

Stop being so ungrateful.

If you're not going to be useful then kindly piss off. Apparently you've missed the whole point of a request forum.

09-12-2009, 06:34 PM
I've seen the OST around. On these very forums even. But the upload had been deleted.

If you're not going to be useful then kindly piss off. Apparently you've missed the whole point of a request forum.

How about you piss off, if the ost is not there then you can settle for a rip then keep bumping the topic like an attention whore.

09-12-2009, 06:39 PM
How about you piss off, if the ost is not there then you can settle for a rip then keep bumping the topic like an attention whore.

It's called a request forum for a reason moron. If you don't like people asking for uploads then don't come here.

09-12-2009, 06:47 PM
Its one thing to request, its another to beg, and you sir are begging.

09-12-2009, 06:53 PM
Its one thing to request, its another to beg, and you sir are begging.

A bump after a week of no response is begging? Okay, whatever. You're a fucking idiot. If I'd made a new thread each time you probably wouldn't have even noticed.

Fact: Everyone on this forum is asking for free shit, so everyone is begging by definition regardless of what you want to call it. You're just being a pedantic little cunt who doesn't like it when people bump threads that get no response.

09-12-2009, 06:55 PM
If after a week you get no response, then no one has the OST.

shut up and be patient. You are the majority that make up FFS.

09-12-2009, 06:58 PM
If after a week you get no response, then no one has the OST.

shut up and be patient. You are the majority that make up FFS.

Or maybe nobody who has the OST has seen the thread, so fuck off. Or do you think everyone who uploads is going to bother digging through 5 pages in the request forum?

09-12-2009, 06:59 PM
if you're so desperate for this soundtrack, why don't you just download the rip? it will have more music than the official, and probably the same editing as the official as well. stop complaining like a little girl and take what is available, dumbass.

09-12-2009, 07:01 PM
if you're so desperate for this soundtrack, why don't you just download the rip? it will have more music than the official, and probably the same editing as the official as well. stop complaining like a little girl and take what is available, dumbass.

If I wanted a rip I'd have gotten the rip dipshit. Stop pretending that you have any kind of authority to tell people what to do here.

09-12-2009, 07:14 PM
Well, you really don't have any authority over me. Let's see. Who has contributed to this forum? Me. Who has spent hundreds of hours making this forum full of high-quality, ripped soundtracks? Me. Who has done nothing but request? You. Who has done nothing to contribute to this forum? You. Who is crying like a baby? You. Pretty self-explanatory, hmm?

If you don't want to get the rip, you can grow old and die and never get that soundtrack. Choose wisely, although I don't think you have the brain power to choose correctly. Sure, you can hope that someone will post. Will anyone post? Doubt it. Will you keep crying? Absolutely. I state the truth, and you immediately talk back with shocking use of profanity. Defend yourself all you want, you know it's the truth

09-12-2009, 07:30 PM
Well, you really don't have any authority over me. Let's see. Who has contributed to this forum? Me. Who has spent hundreds of hours making this forum full of high-quality, ripped soundtracks? Me. Who has done nothing but request? You. Who has done nothing to contribute to this forum? You. Who is crying like a baby? You. Pretty self-explanatory, hmm?

And yet. You're the one whining like a little bitch because someone had the gall to bump a week old thread. Good job, you've made yourself out to be a petty douchebag that gets sand in his vagina over a simple bumping. Keep this up and you'll have an aneurysm by the time you're 30.

If you don't want to get the rip, you can grow old and die and never get that soundtrack. Choose wisely, although I don't think you have the brain power to choose correctly. Sure, you can hope that someone will post. Will anyone post? Doubt it. Will you keep crying? Absolutely. I state the truth, and you immediately talk back with shocking use of profanity. Defend yourself all you want, you know it's the truth

I think if you really had an issue with my bumping you'd have used the report button. Instead all you've done is whine like a stupid twat because you think you have the authority to tell other people what to do and you wanted to pwn someone. Now which one of us is being the attention whore here? Oh yeah, you.

09-12-2009, 10:33 PM
A rip can't replace the official soundtrack (yes there is one, it was enclosed with the Royal Bundle Edition of the game..) since it contains exclusive tracks you can't have in the game.

But then, it's a very rare one and chances you'll get it here are ultra small.
(it's a 70$ cd after all..)

You should think about buying it.. cause i also think it will not show up here.

01-15-2015, 09:03 AM
Well, after hours of grueling searching today -- having started playing the game again and wanting the soundtrack myself -- I finally found the official soundtrack without having to pay through a shady site. So you can now download the X-Blades Official Soundtrack ( You're welcome. :)

By the way, the bitrate is 192kbps, the best I can find with what was available.