Roddy Macstew
08-30-2009, 07:21 PM
I have obtained the arranged soundtrack for this game, but I'm currently looking for mp3s for the Arcade and NES versions of this game. Does anyone have these?

01-26-2010, 09:19 AM
hi!! could you post the arranged version? Did you find the arcade?? I'm also looking for that with no luck, just found the title theme.


Roddy Macstew
01-29-2010, 05:33 PM
The arranged tracks are on the album Kunio-kun Sound Collection - Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari (C228-5008), I think I currently have a link up for it, if not I can upload it. I haven't found the arcade tracks yet either. Someone uploaded them previously, but there hasn't been a re-upload.

02-10-2010, 06:19 AM
thanks a lot!! waiting for the upload.

I think MarioKinnikuman uploaded the arcade ones, hope he can re-�pload it