08-08-2002, 04:57 PM

I have this feeling deep in side my heart
It is the fear that we will be torn apart.
Not by physical means, diamonds or beans
But by the doubt that is in my soul.

I am so confused and I don't want to choose.
You and I love the time that's gone by
Still I lay awake and cry
What's wrong with my emotions?

I know I love you
And you love me too.
Question is: Is this love true?
Or just out of the blue?

If it is real then they say
Gone apart will come back some day.
Until then I think that we might sink
And start fresh when my emotions are best.

Emotions gone wrong
Screwing up our song.
The plans we had
They make everything bad.

It is not you.
No, not you.
This decision is mine.
I hope to heal with time.

Damn these emotions.

08-08-2002, 09:30 PM
It scans nicely and it's great the way the verses have different length lines. It is very thoughtful and emotive, 'tis beautiful. The rhyming is pretty good but be wary of choosing words purely for the poem to rhyme ...

It's really good work mystica ^^;;

08-09-2002, 07:53 AM
aww Myst... o_o I hope this poem isn't based on how things are going for you right now...

lovely poem, but I hope you're doing better than it gives...

08-09-2002, 09:07 AM
That poem is really good and I really love it ^_^

I like the rhyming you have in it. It doesnt clutter the poem, which is good. The rhyming is put in good spots making it even better :) The length is good and over all I really do love your poem ^_^

And as lil fox said, I hopes you are doing okies and not totally confused *hugs*

Very nice poem ;)

08-20-2002, 04:51 AM

The decision I claimed was mine.
Mine alone, it stood.
Your world I sent crashing down.
And somehow it felt good.
I need my space, my time, myself.
Alone, apart to find my soul.
The love I had I know now wasn't true.
The obsession was that, an obsession with you.
I don't mean to hurt you, that's the last thing I wanted.
But it wouldn't of worked, with your eyes set on two.
My eyes also wander, far away from you.
So now apart we must be.
As friends we may fail.
We will just have to see.
I hope that you won't run from my life,
You're such a big part of it, I can't let you hide.
Although it's only been a few days or more
Suddenly my heart isn't broken anymore.
Your world is gone, crumbled.
The job you had, your one "true love".
Our fate wasn't written in the stars above.
So long I believed that it was true,
But now apart, I know my "one" isn't you.
I hope you can forgive me.
I pray that you can, but for now
I know that your part is a friend.

08-24-2002, 06:36 PM
Together Again

Two weeks have gone by
We've talked, I've cried.
Told you all the secrets I've tried to carry.

Now you know exactly how I feel.
And now I know I made the biggest mistake,
The mistake of a lifetime.

I realize that it was all me
Yes, I'll say it again: me.
So I asked forgiveness from your soul.

You granted me the forgiveness that I asked.
And suprized me also with a new task.
You want me to be yours again, truely.

I wonder if it was such a good idea to say yes.
But it felt so right.
I missed you so much and longed for this.

So back together we trod.
After only two weeks apart.
It feels so good to be in your arms.

08-24-2002, 07:26 PM
things certainly have been crazy over there, but :) as long as you're happy, I'm with ya Mystica ^__^ (this doesn't mean that I'll ditch you when you're not btw :P)

Beautiful meaningful poetry.

09-04-2002, 12:58 AM

What is happiness?
Is it what I'm feeling inside?
No, only distrust and pain.
Not from outside, but from within.
I watch as the beautiful butterfly goes about her way.
A bluejay sings the love song, sung for centuries.
And I sit on my porch, and watch the clouds with tears in my eyes.

How can I be happy again.
Friends? Most of my friends have gone. Others are always buisy.
Family? They don't care. No one calls, or even writes anymore.
Music? That helps. It allows my mind to wander.
Poetry? Yes. That lets me express my true self.
Art? Yes, even though I am no good.
Him? Yes, he makes my heart sing, even after it all.

So, happiness and sadness intertwine.
You cannot have one with out the other.
The world keeps spinning.
Days go by.
A rose on my bed makes me smile.
The sunset is romantic.
And I think of good times.

09-04-2002, 01:21 AM
"Happiness" is such a beautiful piece. All of your poems are beautiful, frankly. "Together Again" touched me as well, Mystica.

But in "Happiness," It's like you took the words right of my mouth. An insightful poem that I totally can relate to.

I hope to see more work from you. ^___^

09-14-2002, 07:05 PM
One Long Year Ago

One long year ago we watched the flames.
One long year ago we heard the screams.
One long year ago we saw the walls come down.
One long year ago we listened to the crashing sound.
One long year ago we cried those mournful tears.
One long year ago they tried to dissappear.
One long year ago we declaired a new war.
One long year ago terror knocked upon our door.
One long year ago we started to clean up their mess.
One long year ago so many bodies were put to rest.
One long year ago we had no fear within our chests.

This year we remembered.
This year we said some prayers.
This year we lit some candels.
This year we cried more tears.
This year we are fighting.
This year we stand tall.
This year we know what's going on.
This year we will not fall.

Next year we will remember.
Next year we will still mourn.
Next year will still be painful.
Next year they might be gone.
Next year the war might be over.
Next year we might have won.
Next year will be easier, but the heartache never gone.

09-14-2002, 07:31 PM
Awww... a very lovely solute and rememberance to that fateful day... well done, Mid :)...


10-08-2002, 03:44 AM
My 18th Birthday (10/7)

Today is my birthday.
My 18th birthday to be exact.
People ask if I feel any different.
I don't, should I?
My world of oppertunities has opened wide,
college, cars, and bills inside.
How do I start this new chapter of life.
Is it going to be filled with more stress and strife?
Or shal it be easier because I'm "so wise"?
I think not.
I shout today that my world has changed,
although I have not seen the affects quite yet.
For 18 years ago, to this day
My mother gave bith to me!

~YEA!!!!~:p :cool: