08-08-2002, 11:42 AM
Right of Passage

The sun shines across the land,
A land of sweeping plains
And in this land there is a boy
Whose heart is in a far away place.

This place consists of canals,
of Green hills and pastures
And in this land there is a girl
Who fills his heart�s desires

But she is far away from him
While his heart yearns for her
A right of passage is all he would need
But his age creates a barrier.

This barrier is one that cannot be crossed
Without true love in either
And there may be many others,
She is the only one he admires

Though ages pass and times do change
His love shall never falter,
And others will surely come and go
But none shall ever hold her.

For when the time comes,
The right of passage shall be his
And he will finally arrive.
The doors will part,
He shall walk through
And she will be there to meet him

08-26-2002, 03:06 AM
If powerful wasn't a powerful enough word, I'm sorry, but that's powerful!

Very good!!

write more! I'd like to read it, I like you type of poem!

08-26-2002, 11:48 AM
aww shucks :o thanks!! I wrote that one last week at school. I like it too. I'm not sure I can write another though, it is a love poem, and that boy in the poem is me ;)

08-26-2002, 12:28 PM
I never knew Ed wrote poetry!!!!!11 ^_^

ahem ahem, tis a very nice poem. Tis written really well, and me likes da theme of it and da emotion and feeling put into it :D

I hope ya get teh inspire-ation to write more, cuz judging by this one I think they'd all be real good ^_^

08-27-2002, 01:20 AM
Cool!! Thanks Desi, I appreciate the comments!