08-08-2002, 03:06 AM
Does anyone else think FFX's mini-games suck? Blitzball could be good but it takes so long to play, it gets really boring after a while. All the other mini-games require you to have good hand-eye coordination. I can't beat the trainer at catcher chocobo, let alone get 0:0.0 time! So I can't have Tidus's ultimate weapon, just because I suck at chocobo racing? Or how about this: I was just trying to dodge lightning. I got to 37 dodges when I sneezed. I lost, I wasted all that time, because I sneezed.

RAGE. :mad:

08-08-2002, 05:17 AM
Blitzball's okay. It's not as addictive as I thought it would be, but I play it. But once I was able to do the Jecht Shot, I played more, I guess. The chocobo racing's kinda pointless though. Maybe it's because I totally suck? X_X

08-08-2002, 07:28 AM
Nyeh, I couldn't stand Blitzball and Chocobo Racing either ^_^;; The whole dodging lightning bolts thing was a $#$%^%&%$@#!!!!!!!! But my cousin who already dodged the bolts on his game did it for me...^_^;;; I'm lucky...or lazy...^_~

fascist socialist
08-08-2002, 07:56 AM
The minigames owned. Challenging and stuff.

Dodging bolts takes 20 minutes to do.. :O

Chocobo racing. Practice x100. It took me 2 hours to finally get 0:0:0.

Blitzball is odd. It's fun once in a while... but not addicting.. :O

08-08-2002, 05:39 PM
Blitzball was entertaining for a little while, but the other games I found no pleasure in at all. I mean twenty minutes dodging lightning bolts? thats the defenition of boredom in my book.

08-09-2002, 02:12 AM
I too hated the mini games. A really crappy way to give out the best items and ultimate weapons IMHO.

08-09-2002, 08:11 PM
:rolleyes: The only one thats really annoying and boring is the butterfly mini-game which just sucks #$%*if you ask me.

08-09-2002, 09:31 PM
Blitzball is ok, but the fun wears off when i score 5 goals all with tidus in the game and they cant score on me.

Chocobo Racing, it took me a while but i beat the trainer.

I personally cannot stand the butterfly game, and there isnt anything decent to win in it,

the game that kinda is and isnt a game
for lulu's ultimate weapon, one half (either crest or sigil) cant remember, but on the thunder plains, u have to dodge the lightning 200 consecutive times! like thats possible?!?!?!?!!!!!


fascist socialist
08-10-2002, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by Kain
the game that kinda is and isnt a game
for lulu's ultimate weapon, one half (either crest or sigil) cant remember, but on the thunder plains, u have to dodge the lightning 200 consecutive times! like thats possible?!?!?!?!!!!!

It is possible :)

That is probably one of the best sidequests... I had so much fun :D

the one
08-16-2002, 10:58 PM
blitzball is pretty easy is u have the jecht shot all u need to do to score is get right up at the goals n whack it!:p but the chocobo racer i did like the 4th time i tired:cool:

Cetra Angel
08-19-2002, 02:12 PM
ME (this sounds weird), you said that there is nothing to win by playing the Butterfly Catching game.


You can get a power-up for Kimahri's best weapon (think its the sigil... might be wrong) if you complete all of the butterfly catching areas :D

08-21-2002, 05:16 AM
Originally posted by Fujin
Does anyone else think FFX's mini-games suck? Blitzball could be good but it takes so long to play, it gets really boring after a while.

I think they're easy. Blitzball's just TOO easy so it gets boring, but it's a fun game still.

Originally posted by Fujin
I can't beat the trainer at catcher chocobo, let alone get 0:0.0 time! So I can't have Tidus's ultimate weapon, just because I suck at chocobo racing?

Chocobo Racing is also really easy because I've beaten the trainer lots of times before. I once had this run that was so good, I ended up with a total time of -10 seconds! Well, since that would be impossible I really didn't, but I had enough balloons to lower my time down that much.

Originally posted by Fujin
Or how about this: I was just trying to dodge lightning. I got to 37 dodges when I sneezed. I lost, I wasted all that time, because I sneezed.

RAGE. :mad:

Lightning Dodging was fairly hard, but I did it. I was at....170 or so consecutive dodges (took me around six minutes), and then my finger slipped and I MISSED! Think how enraged I was! I just started it up and dodged 170 of them, then I slip and it's all gone!

I also think the Remiem Temple race is pretty easy too. You just have to know where to hit, and you have to do it fast.

Is it possible to get six or more in that race? I've only gotten five.

Of course, all this is coming from someone who's really atheletic and carries large objects around for fun.

08-23-2002, 04:20 PM
FFX certainly went the right way in making it a challenge to collect "ultimate" weapons. At least it helps to appreciate the prize a little more when the dreaded mini-game-of-death is over.

Where FFX went wrong is choosing which sigil to allocate to each mini game. What does chocobo racing have to do with Tidus and/or Caladbolg? Kimahri and butterflies? These could have at least been made more appropriate to make it seem like each character must go through a little sub-pilgrimage to attain the right to wield an "ultimate" weapon, or something like that.

Anyway, that ish my daily rambling for the day.

Monkey: No, you may not use my word, "nyeh". kthx.

08-24-2002, 08:53 PM
I've just dodged 200 bolts a moment ago!!!!!!!!:D :D :D :) :p (it took me 25 min.)

And i like Blitzball,but the chocobo racing for the Caladbolg...DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME SWEAR LIKE HELL yesterday !
but I did it !

08-26-2002, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by TeknoBlade
Of course, all this is coming from someone who's really atheletic and carries large objects around for fun.

Umm what does that have to do with gaming and beating the minigames? They are mostly patience and hand-eye coordination.

Blitzball does get really really easy after you play a few games. Racing the trainer is alot of luck in my opinion. Lightning dodging just takes practice so you get your timing right. They are all doable, its just do you really want to take all the time to do it when you can easily beat the game with only Yuna's fully powered up Nirvana (which is the easiest to get). Yes I go for completeness and got them all ;).

09-07-2002, 04:47 PM
The minigames aren't that bad. I think it would be helpful though to get the FFX guide. First the chocobo racing. To get the 0:0:0 you have to motly dodge the stupid birds and maintain a number of at least 10 balloons and you got it. i know it sounds so easy to say but trust me that's how you get it. The balloons will help to knock off some time. If you go on the internet to search for FFX cheats, it'll help you to do this button sequence to get Kimarhi's Legendary weapon when doing the butterfly chase. As for dodging the 200 lightening bolts, it's fairly simple. All you have to do is get a weapon with no encounters and just stand in the same spot for at least 20 minutes and dodge the bolts that strike you. If you have any other questions just ask me because i've got the book. So i suggest you get one for yourselves. It really helps for big bosses too!

Vivi FF
09-09-2002, 01:08 AM
I did find the mini-games annoying. I sometimes can't stand to get all of them and I still haven't dodged 200 lightning bolts and I do not plan to either. I just customized a weapon for Lulu. It's not as powerful but it's better than nothing. I don't even use Lulu much...

09-15-2002, 04:23 AM
blitzball seriously kicks asssssss!!!!

almost as bad as chocobo digging on FFIX!!

05-22-2004, 12:46 AM
the only minigame im having trouble with is the cactuar thing. i have all but four of the lil @#^%&*!. the only one im really having trouble with is the one trapped in the treasure chest. i cant find it in the area with the cactuar stone and i cant get past the two al-bhed in the hole.