08-23-2009, 09:52 AM
Hey, I'm kinda new. This is my first rip, so you have to give me a little credit here, I tried hard to get good-quality rips.

Anyhow, for whatever reason, I felt the urge to rip the music from this game. And, since I just recently bought a cord that would make that possible... I couldn't see why not. So, here ya go!

Track 1------------------Title Screen (1:32)
Track 2----------------Monkey Island (2:35)
Track 3--------------Smooth Sherbet (2:00)
Track 4---------------Detritus Desert (2:33)
Track 5----------------Volcanic Pools (2:41)
Track 6------------------Space Case (3:19)
Track 7-----------------Bonus Stage (2:08)

All songs have been IDed with Track name, number, etc.

Anyhow, enjoy my... uh, mini rip. ^^

5/3/2014 EDIT: I just happened to log in today, and I figured I'd check to make sure my soundtrack rips are still availble.... well, what do ya know, this one was down. So, even though this is really just select parts of the Banana Blitz Soundtrack, here is my original sound rip of Super Monkey Ball for iOS:


08-23-2009, 11:38 AM
After downloading and listening, it's made me aware how lazy SEGA have been making it, seeing the entire soundtrack has just been taken from Banana Blitz on the Wii.

But thanks for helping me realise that haha.

08-23-2009, 07:45 PM
Wow, I haven't played Banana Blitz yet, so I didn't know that. That sucks. XP