08-22-2009, 09:03 AM
Alright, I have to say I've had the weirdest experience just now, and I will elaborate why.

I usually use inverse y. Predominantly, this is just RE5. I didn't really used to play a lot of games that required a great amount of aiming.

Now, a friend of mine told me that even though the menu option is in Homecoming, it doesn't work in the 360 version. To prepare for this, I played Bioshock using normal y. It turns out that the inverse y does work in the PS3 version and I tried it for about one encounter before putting it back on normal. I was just way too used to normal, at that point.

I was afraid that I'd be flailing in RE5 the next time I played it, and I just popped it in, now, to see just how badly. Thing is, it was like I had never stopped playing. I even played a round of Mercs to be sure, and I scored what I normally do.

So, some how, some way, I currently have simultaneous proficiency. Inverse on the left stick, Normal on the right.

What about you cats?

08-22-2009, 09:35 AM
I have to have the controller set on normal unless I'm in a vehicle. Either way, I think it's all just psychological.

08-22-2009, 11:26 PM
I personally don't find the reverse all that intuitive for controlling people in games, but I need it for plane simulations. I guess I'm just used to the perpendicular positioning of a real flight stick where there is no up or down just forward and back.

08-23-2009, 12:21 AM
Always normal. I used to play games inverted, but I forgot what happened where I couldn't play any games like that anymore. I think it was RE4 but not entirely sure.

EDIT: Still no sig :mad:

08-23-2009, 12:23 AM
Try setting it again. It works sometimes. I mean I got my change through, and DJ actually got one up after never having one.

The article poses an interesting hypothesis, which is actually really testable. If I still did Psych research, I'd totally try to get a legitimate journal article out of it.

08-23-2009, 02:57 AM
My controls are simple... up is up, down is down, left is left, right is right
- Gotta be holding some kind of joystick or something to make it feel like a plane.

08-23-2009, 08:36 AM
its funny, but if i play with one setting ina game, im instantly accostumed to that one alone.

i played turok 64, got accostumed to its control style, then played goldeneye, same.
then i tried configuring goldeneye with turok's control, and it was madness.
i died on DAM in EASY.
i just cant seem to play GE with turok's control

08-24-2009, 01:32 AM
i played far too much afterburner for years, then the 64 came out and i couldn't handle anything but inverted. since then, inverted is all i can use.

granted, that doesn't seem to apply when playing PC games with a mouse.