08-07-2002, 05:49 PM
Name: (don't know yet)

Race: Elvaan

Class: Red mage

Subclass: Thief

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
08-17-2002, 09:34 PM
Name: Either Deftones or Defjam

Race: Human

Class: Black Mage

Ark Mune
08-18-2002, 10:25 PM
Name: Ark Mune
Clan Position: Member
Status: Loyal member of Blackwind
Race: Hume
Gender: Male
Job/Support Job: Paladin/Monk
Profession: Swordsmen
Country: Bastok
Weapon: Broadswords/Fists
Age: 14
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 135lbs
Hair: Spiked Red
Likes: Travelling
Dislikes: uneccassery battles
Goals: To find out about his past and purpose
History: Born in the land of Bastok on April 12th during a big war his parents were supposely killed defending the kingdom of Bastok. In a journal left by his parents tells him almost everything about Archilis Mune, his father and Seyara Mune, his mother and about the great war. A page was missing which must have recorded documents of his parents abilities and wealthyness. It is almost like someone or some people don't want him to know or find out.

He was taken as an apprentice by the three Strider brothers: Akira, Magus and Mushiden at the young age of 2.

They began to train him by teaching him everything they knew and by putting him through hard trainning. At the age of 8 he had learned a lot and became a skill-ful swordsmen. He decided to take a different route wanting to learn basic magic mixed with his sword skill and monk like abilities. He became a Paladin/Monk warrior. He learned spells using ancient spells and scrolls located in side the Castle of Bastok.

They soon became a clan of 4 known as Blackwind. They would eventually recruite strong loyal allies. >br>
By the age of 14, they had made many journeys across the lands of Vana'Diel.

This has only been the beginning. .

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