08-20-2009, 05:30 AM
Does anyone remember The Real Ghostbusters? It used to be my favorite cartoon, and then it completely slipped off of my radar. A few weeks ago I found out that it's been released for the first time on DVD! Season 1 just came out and I picked it up the other day.

It's awesome! The episodes all have introductions by random cast/crew from the show, which gives a bit of a behind the scenes info about the show. There are also some commentaries, a "making of"documentary, and a lot of other cool stuff.

Can't wait for volume 2!

08-20-2009, 07:48 AM
Which one? the one from the movie, or the original cartoon with the 2 guys and the gorilla?

08-20-2009, 07:49 AM
I had the toys for the 2 guys and the Gorilla.

Tom Toonami Tunes
09-26-2009, 06:38 AM
Which one? the one from the movie, or the original cartoon with the 2 guys and the gorilla?

The movie one.
The gorilla one was just Ghostbusters, that's why the Peter, Ray, Egon, Winston one had to be called "the Real" for legal reasons.

Back when there used to be lots of christmas & halloween shows on I used the record hole tapes of the things and on one x-mas tape there's a Ghostbusters episode were they travel back in time and accidentally bust the ghosts of Christmas past, present, & future.

11-09-2009, 07:58 PM
Oh hell yes I remember the Real Ghostbusters, that was my favorite show at the time. I don't know how Egon suddenly became blonde and over 6ft, but whatever.

The Real Ghostbusters was awesome... until they made Slimer the main character, then it just started going downhill.

the mutant dude
11-10-2009, 10:42 PM
I watched the films, watched the cartoon, read the comics (not sure if they released the same ones outside of the UK) and had the toys (all four ghostbusters, slimer, Ecto-1 and the heli-copter toy they released). A friend was really lucky though - he had the firehouse toyset! Good times.......

Tom Toonami Tunes
11-11-2009, 01:00 AM
and had the toys (all four ghostbusters, slimer, Ecto-1 and the heli-copter toy they released). A friend was really lucky though - he had the firehouse toyset! Good times.......

80's & 90's playsets were the best, huge monstrous beasts that you could cram 10 guys in easy.

11-11-2009, 01:39 AM
Anyone remember the toy Proton Pack, with that Nerf-like foam thing that stuck a few feet out the front, and it wobbles around like the streams? Nothing like the show, of course, but still fun XP

the mutant dude
11-11-2009, 10:03 PM
I had the gun that shot out small foam darts when you pushed the end handle in and a toy trap (in addition to the toys I mentioned previously).

11-11-2009, 10:06 PM
I've got a proton pack and PKE meter and Ghost Trap. The firehouse and a ton of the figures.

Shit ton of stuff, actually.

11-11-2009, 10:27 PM
I had the toy trap - looking back, it was a simple mechanism too. Stomp on the pedal, forces air into the trap, which pushes the doors open. Hmm... now that I think about it... I could make my own (more accurate) version, for cosplay.

Hey, thanks guys, you just gave me a good idea XD

11-11-2009, 10:31 PM
Peaugh made/bought an awesome proton pack and PKE meter for his halloween costume this year.

That's his name on youtube if you want to check it out. Hey, he won the contest :D

11-23-2009, 11:16 PM
If you all haven't been here yet, well. GO HERE and get the great soundtrack I made. LOL

Thread 64910

11-24-2009, 12:12 AM
I don't know how Egon suddenly became blonde and over 6ft, but whatever.

And the pompadour, don't forget the pompadour.

And the Real Ghostbusters still kicks all different kinds of ass. I actually bought the 25-DVD collection with all the episodes on it.

11-24-2009, 02:30 AM
I will return to this site to continue to share with everyone on this issue. Please wait me.

11-24-2009, 09:21 AM
I had the 4 Ghostbusters, Ecto 1 and that's it. I made my own firehouse and PKE meter out of cardboard, black sharpie and glue.

12-27-2009, 01:02 AM
Oh hell yes I remember the Real Ghostbusters, that was my favorite show at the time. I don't know how Egon suddenly became blonde and over 6ft, but whatever.

The Real Ghostbusters was awesome... until they made Slimer the main character, then it just started going downhill.

Well, one of the deals they made when developing the series was to make sure that the characters did not resemble their big screen counterparts in any way. (Hence, that's why every time I think of Ray on that show, I think of Scooby Doo's Fred Jones...ironic actually...)

Tom Toonami Tunes
12-27-2009, 09:04 AM
Well, one of the deals they made when developing the series was to make sure that the characters did not resemble their big screen counterparts in any way. (Hence, that's why every time I think of Ray on that show, I think of Scooby Doo's Fred Jones...ironic actually...)

Double irony; Lorenzo Music who was the talking voice for Garfield also voiced Bill Murray's character Peter Zenkman in the Real Ghostbusters cartoon. Bill Murray later went on to voice Garfield in the live action/CGI Garfield movie.

12-27-2009, 09:42 PM
Greatest cartoon of my childhood besides Prince Valiant, Exo-Squad, and X-men! I had most of these toys

And I remember I was never allowed to have the ecto plasm for the firehouse because my parents wouldn't allow it. I vaguely remember a Ghostbusters cereal too!

I will return to this site to continue to share with everyone on this issue. Please wait me.

Your base are belong to us.

02-08-2010, 05:50 AM
Yup I still remember watching it before when I was a kid and I think it is one of the earliest cartoon show which i have watch

02-10-2010, 04:29 AM
One of my favorites, when I was a kid in my 20's. Last October, I bought the box set, and a month of The Real Ghostbusters for Halloween 2009.

Tom Toonami Tunes
02-23-2010, 08:53 AM

03-04-2010, 09:00 PM
Double irony; Lorenzo Music who was the talking voice for Garfield also voiced Bill Murray's character Peter Zenkman in the Real Ghostbusters cartoon. Bill Murray later went on to voice Garfield in the live action/CGI Garfield movie.

That is true indeed. What are the odds eh?
I was a big Fan as a Kid, & I heard a couple of months ago that a Real Ghostbusters Game
(with the voices of the Guys from the Movie) will be recreating their voices in the Game.
Although I thought it was tight as a Kid, my interest in the Anime diminished over the years.
Gosh, that was the early 1990's, such a long while ago when I was crawling to the TV,
eager to view this Anime, along with Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles, He-Man, & the Masters
of the Universe, Dogtanian, Sper Ted, The Realm of Dungeons, & Dragons. Now the only one
I will eagerly watch on my Laptop is Dragonball, Dragonball Z, & Dragonball GT!

R.I.P Lorenzo Music!

05-28-2010, 01:08 AM
Double irony; Lorenzo Music who was the talking voice for Garfield also voiced Bill Murray's character Peter Zenkman in the Real Ghostbusters cartoon. Bill Murray later went on to voice Garfield in the live action/CGI Garfield movie.

Triple irony: when the Slimer and the Real Ghostbusters series premiered, the original voice of Janine was replaced by Katie Soucie...who eventually would voice the mother of the main character for 'Danny Phantom' (which ironically is partially a sort of shout out to Ghostbusters. Come on, you tell me that thermos ain't a portable ghost trap...)

06-23-2010, 06:46 AM
Hell yeah!! I've just downloaded the whole series dvdrip!!!

It's awesome. I used to watch them here before going to school in the mornings.