zidane tribal
01-08-2002, 10:21 PM
well to be honest i believe it would take about 46 light yeas, but in general it would be atleast 20 mins tops, if you were strong enough to jump a stove hoe!!! remmber i love moogles!!! and there koopu nuts!!!!!!!!

zidane tribal
01-08-2002, 10:47 PM
well is anyone going to reply??? WHAT ARE YOU ALL A BUNCH OF GOATS!!!!!!!

01-08-2002, 10:56 PM
Probably no one is replying because this is just like the other post you made and all it will do is cause spamming. So it will probably get closed soon.

01-08-2002, 11:53 PM
What's the "extra" for? Is it "extra medium" (which would make no sense - that would make it a large)? or are you talking about a surplus of 14 medium-sized chocobos runnin' around? If so, what was our original count, and how long have we been shaving chocobos? Are we chocobo breeders, trainers, racers, or jockeys? Also are the chocobos feathers wet, or just the spoon? You have to be more clear!

I'll give you an example of a clear question....(ahem!)

Two Mogs, 28 Chocobos and 6 Chocobo Trainers inhabit a Ranch owned by Chocobo Lady in the Calm Lands. On a good day, when the Mogs don't interfere with the process, it takes 6 hours for a Chocobo Trainer to shave one Chocobo with a plastic spork, 1/2 the time if the spork is wet, and twice the time with a metal spoon. On a Sunday, if one Trainer was sick and the Mogs stepped in to help, how much time does it take to shave 14 chocobos with a wet metal spoon?

fascist socialist
01-09-2002, 12:44 AM
Spam. Spam. Spam... zidane tribal, make your posts actually have a topic that can be discussed... kthxbye
