Neo Xzhan
08-18-2009, 07:18 PM
Alof of games are using some kind of achievement system, XboX/PS3 revolve around these. So a simple question, do they truly add something, or just a waste of time?

In my opinion it tends to differ from game to game, also depends on the achievements that are in it. Some are easy (complete the Tutorial, get 5 points). While others are goddamn hard (complete the game on the hardest difficulty within *time limit* without dying or whatever).

Fable 2 is a great example of well thought out achievements. While you do get a nice amount of points, some of them really are fun and force you to go out of your way. Things that you might not do directly on your own, but after reading the discription piques your curiosity. Like the Bigamy achievement (get married, marry another NPC without your current spouse knowing about it) or get a couple of people openly drunk in a set amount of time. Great fun is to be had.

For Too Human, it's rather bland and boring. Complete the game, collect a set amount of items, kill xxx number of enemies. While playing the game you will get these, though it takes time (the game itself is FAR from boring though, the achievements are a little uninspired). So this is an example how not to do it.

Some achievements are there merely for bragging rights, like completing the game on the hardest difficulty and whatnot. Though it's fun to do these, just for the challenge, and with the achievement you have something to show for it, so it's not all bad. Specially the harder ones I do find fun, because of the challenge.

The only thing that I have to critisize (apart from a game like WoW for example), collecting these achievements don't give you anything in return. WoW actually gives you something for achievement hunting, a title, maybe a special mount or pet. So you do get a feeling of satisfaction for completing that challenge. More games then not don't give you anything in return, other then mostly bragging rights.

Rewarding in the fact that they are, either fun to do, or challenges you to do something hard.

Dissapointing, because they don't have any true added value, other then bragging rights.

So what's your take?

08-18-2009, 07:25 PM
Some people like to measure e-peen, so they get a number to show off. Some people don't, so there's nothing lost by not having a big number to show off. Not much more to it than that.

I only ever care about them when they have funny graphics to go with them (i.e. Fallout 3 and Fable 2) or a joke in the text.

08-18-2009, 08:14 PM
I'm just really glad my OCD tendencies have faded over the years. I set my own goals in games, now.

08-19-2009, 03:02 AM
Some of the achievments I've enjoyed are "The Simpsons Game" achievements, again because of the joke in the description(Press Start - Easiest achievement...ever!). The ones that annoy me are the ones that you have no clue on what to do to get them(This is a hidden achievement. You must unlock it to learn more about it.), and then they turn out to be these ridiculously hard challenges.

I'd have to third the notion that it depends on the person...some have fun achieving them, and others use them to measure e-peens...and still others just don't give a ****!

08-19-2009, 03:11 AM
You can say shit, here <3

08-19-2009, 03:35 AM
For me... I guess they would be the "official" ending of a game for me. With RE5, I knew I was done with the game completely once I earned all the trophies... I had fun along the way. :)

08-19-2009, 04:20 AM
I used to be into gamer score, but I just gave up. I'm more like now... I do what I want to do. And Mr. Xbox360... STOP GOING TO THE MICROSOFT REPAIR SHOP!

08-19-2009, 06:10 PM
I used to like it when games rewarded you with funny little cutscenes or extra levels/etc. rather than little numbers to go next to your name.

08-19-2009, 07:03 PM
I'm just really glad my OCD tendencies have faded over the years. I set my own goals in games, now.

Dr Faustus
08-19-2009, 09:00 PM
I find them irritating. When I was playing Uncharted and this little "ding" sound accompanied by a pop-up appeared at the top right of the screen it annoyed me; it took away some of the atmosphere the game was trying to build.
I imagine they are for people with penis cars; like masturbatory rewards for retards.

Neo Xzhan
08-23-2009, 10:16 AM
I imagine they are for people with penis cars; like masturbatory rewards for retards.

Assume that they are not for a second, but merely for challenge purposes, it is nice to say you've comleted a challenge and got something to show for it. Or as I said in my Fable 2 example: do really fun and different things.

In that way, it can be rewarding.

Dr Faustus
08-23-2009, 09:31 PM
Assume that they are not for a second, but merely for challenge purposes, ... and got something to show for it. Or as I said in my Fable 2 example: do really fun and different things.

Ok, I like a challenge too, (I don't know about Fable because I don't have an XBox, but I admit it did look VERY good) but on PS3 trophies suck as rewards. If they rewarded you with a new customisable weapon or a rare limit break or something for a particular challenge then I'd be all for them, but a: ding - bronze icon - aren't you great - reward is not a welcome addition to gaming for me. Maybe I'm just too old to appreciate it.

(You'll be gald to hear Fable III has been confirmed by Lionhead.)

08-23-2009, 09:38 PM
I kinda wish that the PS3 version of Homecoming had trophies like the 360 version, so i would have known if I got all the drawings and photos w/o checking a guide.

08-24-2009, 09:04 PM
the people i know that have 360's plays the game to get the achievements, then trade them for other games.