08-06-2002, 07:53 PM
Basically how would you change the plot of any ff game and how would you have it change the game? Personally in ff7 I would have liked it if you didn't get to Sephiroth in time and then faced him in a future 'world of ruin' and had to travel across the ruined land to the crater without transport.My idea sucks I know but i'm sure you can do better. :D

08-06-2002, 08:12 PM
Well.... uh.... *spoiler thingy.....*












In FF8, where Rinoa gets all lost in space, I would of liked it if Squall just let her die out there..... why? Rinoa is cute and all but I rather see a good twist in the plot.

08-06-2002, 11:09 PM
Mogk, a similar thing already happened in FF7. Square probably didn't want to seem like they were reusing the same plot.

If I could change FF7...









I'd have a way to resurrect Aeris. Normally I have mixed feelings about whether Aeris should be able to come back. I mean, she was my favorite character but her death is so tragic, it adds so much to the game. But think about this: They add a way on the second and/or third disk to do an extremely difficult sub-quest which would result in Aeris's resurrection. FF7 would then have two endings, the current one and one with a living Aeris. This side-quest, however, would be extremely difficult and you probably wouldn't even realize it exists unless you're using a walkthrough. That way, almost no one playing FF7 for the first time would revive her. (Think about it, how many people defeat Emerald and Ruby the first time around?) Because everyone's first FF7 experience would have the original ending, the game would not lose the tragic feeling that it has. It's the best of both worlds; FF7 with a dead Aeris and FF7 with a living Aeris.