08-15-2009, 05:47 PM
Shiro Sagisu - His and Her Circumstances Act 1
|MP3|VBR256|My Rip|
PSW: smile
Shiro Sagisu - His and Her Circumstances Act 2
|MP3|VBR256|My Rip|
PSW: smile
Tsuneyoshi Saito - Fafner OST 1 No Where
|MP3|VBR256|My Rip|Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra|
PSW: smile
Tsuneyoshi Saito - Fafner OST 2 Now Here
|MP3|VBR256|My Rip|Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra|
PSW: smile
Extra information about the Fafner music by composer Tsuneyoshi Saito from the booklet of the first soundtrack.
No such composer interview exists on the second soundtrack booklet.
Composer notes from Booklet "At the first meeting we all agreed on a classical theme using an orchestra. Until that point, I was planning on using normal robotic music for the action scenes. Since we decided on using an orchestra, I used it for all the songs. I wanted to make classical music not pop music. The word "orche" (orchestra) caused a chain reaction on what type of music I would create. Director Nobuyoshi Habara requested that I used an orchestra by some means or another.
The soundtracks for anime are often created with a generalized technique that the type of mysic for a particular scene is already determined, so there's not much difference between composers. I did not want to use this technique. I wanted to do something witha stronger impact. Since I was going to use an orchestra, I suggested we record it overseas. Surprisingly my suggestion was openly accepted.
I thought if i use an orchestra that is equivalent in scale to John Williams, I should be capable of creating the same scale of music. This soundtrack would not be an anime soundtrack, but a soundtrack that is enjoyable by itself. People often divide an orchestra into samll groups such as brass instruments, string instruments only, solo instruments and piano to create vivid sounds. But to use full orchestra for all the music was the whole point of the project. I believe the music became more symphonic.
I thought the warsaw philharmonic was cheerful, and other composers such as Mr. Masamichi Amano and Shiro Sagisu told me that the Warsaw Phil was good. I'd been hoping to work with them for a long time.
When we record a performance with an orchestra, the echos of the hall also need to be recorded. Even if we spend extra money to have an orchestra perform and record in a studio, it would not be much different from having a session in Japan. In fact, it was worthwhile to go there. Their sound is different from a Japanese orchestra, since Japanese performers tend to be more passive, while the Warsaw performers are more assertive, and the performance itself gets so excited.
About composer Tsuneyoshi Saito
Born on April 29, 1965 in the Shizoka Prefecture, Mr. Saito started to play classical piano at the age of 7, and started composing at the age of 9, receiving much attention as a child pianist. He graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music in a music major with a concentration on composition. While he was in college in 1990, He organized "Kryzler & Kompany" with Taro Hakase, a violinist, and Kinshin Takeshita, a bass player. They actively did concerts domestically and internationally and performed together with artists from overseas. The recording session he did with David Forster and Celine Dioni for the Fuji TV Drama, the theme song of "To Lovers," and especially "To Love You More" is still fresh in our memory. After the breakup of "Kryzer & Kompany," he did music for NHK "The Central Tokyo Regional Network" various TV series, "Each Precipitous," "Tenchi Muyo!," Descendants of Darkness," "NAZCA - Blades of Fate-" and "Tornado Bodyguard." He also produced for various singers such as Hiroko Yakushimaru, Keizo Nakanishi, Yumi Adachi, Misato Watanabe and others. Besides these singers, he has written for a wide range of projects such as musical, cinema and commercial theme songs such as Asami Maki Ballet Company's "Cachein's Dream" musicals "Alice in Wonderland," "Rosta Lantos" and the rock opera, "Hamlet." Commercial songs include clieints of Shiseido, Nissan, Lenowan and Heineken. Theme songs include "The Newscaster" by ANB Station, and "Romantic Journey - Gifts from the Earth" for TBS station. He received the Excellence Award at Art Festival from the Agency for Cultural Affairs for "Passion" performed by the Takarazuka Girls' Operetta Company, Cosmos Troupe in 1999. He released his solo album, "Relaxing Piano" in February 2001. He continues to strive to reach a new world in his creation by not being exclusive to classical music, but by producing and arranging various types of music.

If you like these soundtracks, check out my other recent soundtrack posts

Lens of Truth
08-16-2009, 08:44 PM
Sirus, these look delicious!! Thank you. I'm snowed-under dissertating at the moment, and it's lovely to take a break every once in a while to catch up with your excellent posts :)

Does Fafner have anything to do with Norse mythology?? Fafner is the dragon in Wagner's Der Ring Des Nibelungen - its the classic dragon-guarding-the-gold scenario. His and Her Circumstances looks very chirpy. Can't wait to try them!

08-16-2009, 08:47 PM
I have no idea what the show is about so I don't have an answer to your question. Personally if I was writing something crazy long I would listen to soundtracks the entire time so I would want all the soundtracks I can possibly get my hands on. I await your comments once you get a chance to listen :3

08-17-2009, 05:54 AM
As I said before: Fantastic posts! In fact they're so great that you may have wanted to post them in 2 times: one for the Sagisu scores, and another for the Warsaw ones. This is too much good music at once!

Actually I didn't know any of these, even though Shiro Sagisu is among the great anime composers I quite appreciate, in this case mostly for his awesome Evangelion Osts. So these new scores by him are quite welcome.

The other one is more obscure to me, but if it's mentioned "Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra", then you certainly can't go wrong! The sound of this orchestra has usually something special: a sort of massivity, and a sublime reverb - a real treat for the ears.

Once again, what an admirable series of uploads. Thank you Sir!

08-18-2009, 12:42 AM
I wish i knew how to talk of music like that ^ ��

Wicked awesome ;DD
cheers ^^

T_T i did my best

08-20-2009, 01:34 AM
I added some links on the first post to other soundtracks I posted recently for easy access. I should also mention that as of yet, most of the 10 anime soundtrack posts (which were posted in two groups of 3 and this group of 4) should still be only $5 on in the bargain bin so go grab yourself a copy if you like them!

08-20-2009, 02:58 AM
Sirusjr the link to the site need to be edited to rightstuf, and thanks for the suggestion.

08-20-2009, 03:03 AM
Thanks Sanico, fixed it :)

08-20-2009, 06:56 PM
Thanks for this ;)

03-28-2010, 11:12 PM
Simply Beautiful, thanks