08-14-2009, 02:18 AM
Hi, I figured that since people share artbooks in the Download Links section, it might be alright to request artbooks too, but if not, my apologies.

I'm searching particularly for this ( artbook. It's by Manglobe, and is one half Samurai Champloo and one half Ergo Proxy. I've seen scans of the Samurai Champloo half floating around, but not the full thing, and I don't think I've seen more than a few select sketches from the Ergo Proxy side either.

Does anyone have this? From what I gather, it's pretty rare, and I'd love to see it. If you can find any other Ergo Proxy artbooks though, those will do as well.

Thank you kindly, and if you decide to embark on this quest, best of luck!

01-12-2010, 12:52 AM
I think this is what your looking for.