08-13-2009, 02:10 AM

I bought this game moreso for the sheer enjoyment and fun I heard that you have playing this game and I'm glad because I really haven't stopped having fun since.

This game is camp, over the top, and surprisingly enjoyable. There are a few minor issues I do have with the game but really if you overlook them you will have a camp, over the top and enjoyable experience overall.

Firstly all I can say is THANK GOD a Mortal Kombat game that doesn't take itself seriously! What I mean by this is that there are three new interesting and silly tweaks to the game that are not only fun to execute but also rather hilarious aswell. They are as follows:

1. You can push your opponent off a cliff and still lay punches etc into them! If your enemy manages to press the same button as you, they spin around on top of you and then it is they who are giving you a beating. Whoever is on top when the free fall ends is the kombatant (hoohoo c wot i did thar) who has effectively dealt the damage.

2. Then there's the Test Your Might scenes during kombat (woho thar it si again) where you pick up your fiend and hurl them through several walls of a building. Both players must successfully mash all four buttons on the controller furiously throughout the duration so; the person who initiated this sequence deals more damage and; the person on the receiving end can reduce their damage taken.

3. The third and final addition is called Klose Kombat. This is a sequence similar to the free falling one but is performed on ground with both kontestants (triple word score ftw) standing. These moves though involve arm snapping, kneeing your opponent's face and ensures thigh slapping hilarity.

Okay now that the new features have been explained I can now move toward the game's more prominent feature: It's Story Mode.

Unlike games like Street Fighter IV and Soul Calibur IV where the story is a half-arsed attempt to construct some stupid bullshit fights in a haphazard way of cruddy storytelling, MK Vs DCU does what not many fighters do today; and that is tell a marvelous story.

With great casting, scripting and voice acting, aswell as very detailed CG cutscenes Midway has managed to pull off some fanciful tale-weaving and not only that, but you play the story from both sides; both the MK and DCU sides. Here you do not pick a fighter, but must play majority of the roster depending on their role and situation in the story. This makes for awesome variety and a lot of fun. The entire story mode is rather long and should take the avid player almost a good day to get through.

That covers most of what I want to say.There are other great moments like Kombo Challenge, opponents actually showing the damage you do to them throughout the fight, etc etc.

There are also a few niggling issues I have with the game such as a little clunkiness with controls (not much), toned down gore (not that it's bad, just a tad lacking), and not many players on online mode (yet), but all in all these flaws are marginally overshadowed by a solid fighter which has a plethora of single player kontent (yay did it a final time) that should keep either an MK or DCU fan getting erections for at least a month.

I give this strangely disturbing but hilariously fun romp 6.5 purrrs out of 10.

....And yes Neg; I wrote this review myself :)

08-13-2009, 03:05 AM
I'm actually surprised you found this game somewhat entertaining. When I saw a commercial for this game, I was like "Are you kidding me? They actually did a cross-over on these two?"

But I guess you really can't judge a game by it's cover.

08-13-2009, 03:12 AM

08-13-2009, 05:08 AM
I enjoyed the game immensely. I rented it and me and like, a shitload of friends (and some of their friends) were all cramped into my tiny dorm room (because it had the HDTV) and were playing. I managed to get all of Sub-Zero's moves down in like, three fights (because I ain't no pussy who needs to see the Moves List). But after you get that down, he's INCREDIBLY fast and easy to use. I loved playing with the Joker. What he says during Kombat (I did it too!) and his moves are just hilarious. No wonder they call him The Joker! I even enjoyed the storyline of the game. For once, a fighting game where all the characters are tied into the same story. You don't get that hardly ever. If you beat the game with a character, then they pretty much win. But when a sequel for the game comes out is when you know who really won and I HATED THAT!

And don't get me started on Wonder Woman's pixelated boobage...

I gave the game a 7/10.

08-13-2009, 05:18 AM
I loved playing with the Joker. What he says during Kombat (I did it too!) and his moves are just hilarious. No wonder they call him The Joker!

my friends hated me so very much when i'd use the joker. my timing on the joy buzzer was absolutely perfect every time. :D
although, this game isn't so new. you just played it, purr?

08-13-2009, 05:30 AM
He's in Oz. Maybe it just recently came out in the PAL region?

08-13-2009, 02:50 PM
my friends hated me so very much when i'd use the joker. my timing on the joy buzzer was absolutely perfect every time. :D
I loved after it would konnect (hehe) that The Joker would giggle and prance around a little bit lol

08-13-2009, 09:23 PM
my friends hated me so very much when i'd use the joker. my timing on the joy buzzer was absolutely perfect every time. :D
although, this game isn't so new. you just played it, purr?

The game isn't that new here either. However I only played it for the first time around 3 weeks ago :p