08-12-2009, 02:30 AM
Empire Total War Soundtrack - Slovak National Symphony Orchestra
PSW: smile
This soundtrack was just recently released on Sumthing Else Music Works game soundtrack label and is a great listen! I suggest that you purchase a copy if you enjoy it to support their efforts. Thanks to Gamemp3s for releasing this!

08-12-2009, 02:57 AM
Awesome. Thanks very much ^^

08-12-2009, 02:59 AM
Thanks! :D

08-12-2009, 03:24 AM
Firstly, thank you very VERY much for uploading! I've been curious about this for ages and then I completely forgot it existed... and then it turns up here! :)

So, to the music - well, what can I say? Superbly performed, nicely orchestrated... nothingness. It took four people to write this - including a name I recognise from a fair few years ago, the award-winning Richard Birdsall. And yet, I get that strangely hollow feeling that this is all blow and absolutely no go. I hope that somebody will understand what I mean. If you strip away the extremely thorough orchestration and just look at the music - well, the outwardly impressive nature of it becomes signficantly subdued...

All gratitutde for the upload and respect for the poster is deeply felt, of course.

[Edit: Removed pointless ranting session about how much I hate my father since it's got absolutely bugger-all to do with Total War!]

08-12-2009, 03:30 AM
I appreciate your comments but I believe your comment will go over most people's heads and few will get your point. I take it you suggest that the music is outwardly awesome and complex but inwardly far too simple. I can understand that but all the same the music gets my blood pumping and the big orchestra is refreshing from a recent western game soundtrack.

08-12-2009, 03:41 AM



T_T oh wait, no DL limit left Dx
This link better still be active for next month TT__TT

EDIT: Ughh, "Bombastic" you say, i spose that's worth risking the internet, okay... DLing ��

08-12-2009, 03:41 AM
I'm listening right now, sounds very good for a game :) Thanks for upload.

08-12-2009, 03:48 AM
I'm listening right now, sounds very good for a game :) Thanks for upload.
Careful, I just might suggest to you a number of fantastic game soundtracks if i were to infer that you consider game soundtracks to be not so great :)

08-12-2009, 07:05 AM
Thank you!

08-12-2009, 09:48 AM
Pretty good listen, but shallow and kinda boring after some time. But most of action-oriented/bombastic scores are boring for me. Only few of them I can listen all over again (1st Mercenaries comes to my mind, MoH Frontline). So it's my fault that I don't like it as much as I probably should;).

And about Richard Birdsall. Is this the same guy, who won first prize in Garritan orchestration contest (which - by the way - Kentaro Sato should have won imo)?

08-12-2009, 10:57 AM
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

08-12-2009, 12:17 PM
Oh boy... That seems great, usually the type of Ost I enjoy a lot. Thanks you!

08-12-2009, 07:19 PM
And about Richard Birdsall. Is this the same guy, who won first prize in Garritan orchestration contest (which - by the way - Kentaro Sato should have won imo)?

Yeah, that's the guy. I thought his piece was pretty awful, to be honest - he's done some good work, but that thing that he submitted to Garritan - Knights and Magic, or something - sounded like a nicely orchestrated, derivative Zimmer knockoff.

Still, I suppose it's nice to see the "little guy" getting a break.

08-13-2009, 03:57 AM
Interesting material; thank you.

08-16-2009, 06:18 AM
Thanks so much for posting and sharing! =)