The Lord DIO
08-11-2009, 05:09 AM
Okay, so there's this game called Lux-Pain for the DS. It looks pretty cool, but got average to bad reviews. Anyway, the music on it's website and trailer is unlike anything I've ever heard, including the stuff in the actual game. Here's a link to the site, and the trailer music is on the first trailer there:
I was hoping to find more music like that, all dark and stuff. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Also, I'm not sure if I should be posting this here, so if it is out of place let me know. Otherwise, please help me out.

08-11-2009, 05:14 AM
The only thing wrong with it, imo, is the babelfish english. Problem is, being a graphic novel/neo-point-and-click, it's a BIG problem.

Still love it. I've heard the music on the site, and I agree, good times. Wish it had been in the game.