08-10-2009, 09:26 PM
I seem to remember some people requesting this one. Here it is- ripped directly from the game itself. Had to give the tracks names myself, and one track never plays the whole way through in the game, so it's truncated.
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon - Unofficial Sountrack (
(Originally posted on my website,, thought it'd be better if I shared here)

08-11-2009, 03:31 AM
I did a recording (not a rip) a long time ago, so I was missing a couple of boss tracks. I'm curious how you managed to rip this. Care to share your secret?

08-11-2009, 01:23 PM
I did a recording (not a rip) a long time ago, so I was missing a couple of boss tracks. I'm curious how you managed to rip this. Care to share your secret?
Newer versions of MAME have slider controls that let you control the volume of sound effects and music individually. I just disabled the sound effects and played through the entire game while recording the sound, then using Audacity to seperate all the tracks... Although now I've realised that saying I 'ripped' it was probably the wrong way to phrase it, whoops.

08-11-2009, 06:22 PM
Good to know. The rom never worked with the M1 Bridge, so that's why I had to do a recording. Thanks for the tip.

08-15-2009, 12:00 PM
Wow thanks!I have not here ost!downloading!=)

08-16-2009, 05:12 PM
Hey, I got another question, Giantpooka. I downloaded the newest mame (mame0133s ... I think it's the most current), and it self extracted, but unless I'm stupid ... um, where exactly is the actual exe file located? All I got were XX number of folders with XXX number of text files. I can't find the actual app.

08-16-2009, 07:22 PM
First, make sure you're getting the source files and not the binary one. Assuming they haven't changed it too much since the last one, there is no exe- you run MAME from command line. If you're on Windows XP like I am, then dump those folders into c:\Documents and Settings\(insert name of your computer username), then go to Run on the Start menu, type in 'cmd', then from there just typing 'mame' and hitting Enter should get it going- you get to pick the ROM you want to run from a basic menu.

If you want to record the sound from the games you're playing, then after you type in 'mame', add a space and then "-writewav filenamehere.wav" without the speechmarks. The slider controls are on the menu you get when you press Tab in-game. Make sure you have a lot of disk space, and a lot of patience for the sound editing afterwards!

If you're not running on Windows XP, or they've changed it substantially since I last updated mine, then I'm afraid you'll have to figure it out yourself, and this reply is, uh, mostly useless. Look around on the net for a guide- there should be one somewhere.

08-17-2009, 07:54 PM
Nice. Not many Sailor Moon gamerips out there

09-03-2009, 07:40 AM
Nice. Not many Sailor Moon gamerips out there

Its a good thing I ripped all of the foes and cleaned out the shadows. I took my sweet time for 4 years and I finally completed it July 2009. You can download it here.

Almost forgot to introduce myself.. I'm Mrgrill247 and I am a big fan of Sailormoon. Orginally I'm from,2051.150.html

Its cool that the arcade soundtrack and voices has been fully ripped by me. I also ripped the PS1 Game of Sailormoon. If someone would like to host it that would be great.

For the characters go to:

and to rip the character from Mugen go here:

I think its safe to say that Sailormoon Arcade is done.

Also, go here if you want the edited version of Sailor Neptune. Never been in the arcade.

Tuexdo Kamen, Uranus, Pluto and Saturn are the only ones left out. (

These are the only edits that have been made at this time.

Simon B
09-03-2009, 01:30 PM
i always use in mame the "�" buton to...
change the volume & cut the S.E in game if possible (possible almost the time).

ho, & i m the one who requested this a few times ago ^^.
i had never check that i can cut the S.E in this game (or yes but i forgot & i was too lazy to do the rip & tracklist)

thank u 4 the rip ^^

09-03-2009, 03:51 PM
i always use in mame the "�" buton to...
change the volume & cut the S.E in game if possible (possible almost the time).

ho, & i m the one who requested this a few times ago ^^.
i had never check that i can cut the S.E in this game (or yes but i forgot & i was too lazy to do the rip & tracklist)

thank u 4 the rip ^^

Do you have the sound effects? If you do, can yo upload it.

Simon B
09-03-2009, 05:07 PM
HHow? there is no sound test.
i don't wanna play the whole game without music to locate the thousands of sounds xD

09-03-2009, 06:16 PM
Tuexdo Kamen, Uranus, Pluto and Saturn are the only ones left out.

i'm not as sure as you: have an eye in next perfect select...

12-24-2010, 08:41 AM
Thanks for the download, GiantPooka.

11-10-2013, 12:16 PM
D....m fileden turns into now this file is dead!

08-30-2014, 11:24 PM
Could you, please, re-upload? :)

08-31-2014, 11:24 AM
Second. I also request a re-upload, if cool.

09-08-2014, 05:02 AM
fileden turns into myflare, the link is dead.
please reupload to MEGA.