08-10-2009, 11:59 AM
there may be some who are too young or just don't remember astroids the 1979 game.
it's pretty much you, as a triangle spaceship, blowing away odd shaped astroids and gaining points. no story to the game.

i say all this because for many there may be "WTF?" at this bit of news (not new news)


Universal won the rights(in a four studio bidding war) to make an astroids movie that will be based off the 1979 game.

i am not kidding.

i know a bit more about it but i need to reconfirm with my sources

08-10-2009, 04:49 PM
Wow, this sounds like a great idea. I can see it now

Earth is about to get his by asteroids and the only hope is a single spaceship running around and trying to nuke them. Robert Duvall could probably play the captain of the ship. He can take his orders from Morgan Freeman as the president. And to add a human side to the story, they can throw in some young talent (Elijah Wood, perhaps?) as some guy who happened to stumble across the threat.

08-10-2009, 05:22 PM
I liked that movie better with Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck.

Actually, no, I didn't like it either time :mad:

08-11-2009, 08:44 AM
an idea that i came up with on an astroids story is a futuristic story about a ship (or fleet) that ends up in an astroid field and sends fighters to fly around and make a route for the ship or fleet. then the fleet encounters aliens who attacks the fleet. so now the fleet has to get through the astroid field and fight off the enemy aliens.

that's just an idea i can see this movie being about.

matt damon
08-11-2009, 09:15 AM
that's a fucking terrible idea for a movie. it doesn't fucking GO anywhere.

08-11-2009, 09:22 AM
it's better then an idea that's already used.

hmm, so many ways to respond... take your pick:

1) in that case good thing i'm not writing the script for the movie.

2) that's just the base idea of an idea, give me a year or two and i may be able to make a decent story out of it.

3) let's see you do better.

08-11-2009, 02:19 PM
an idea that i came up with on an astroids story is a futuristic story about a ship (or fleet) that ends up in an astroid field and sends fighters to fly around and make a route for the ship or fleet. then the fleet encounters aliens who attacks the fleet. so now the fleet has to get through the astroid field and fight off the enemy aliens.

that's just an idea i can see this movie being about.

lol @ Nicky taking this seriously

08-11-2009, 07:55 PM
nah, just having fun with it.
we know what the movie will most likely be about, but really? what other story ideas are there for a movie based on a game with no story? at least we can't say the movie didn't stick to the original story of the game

by the way, the script is being written by matt lopez (writer of: bedtime stories and race to witchmountain)
and according to imdb the movies set for 2012 release

matt damon
08-12-2009, 05:34 AM
i'm sorry, but i really lol'd at the needing of a year or two to flesh out a story

3) let's see you do better.

i accept your challenge. here it is:

the movie is set in the future, and in the past of the movie's timeline, asteroids came and peppered the earth, and one big one crashed into the moon and shattered it, causing the debris to rain down on the earth as well as the asteroids.

so the world has become pretty barren and societies have crumbled (and climates and stuff have been altered) only 3 nations have been spared both environmentally, economically and politically: india, the siberia region, and....idk....malaysia or smth (never did come up with a third one).

these three nations have expanded their borders to get more farmable land, etc, but they've been fairly isolated to themselves (by choice) and eventually new asteroids are coming to earth, and the three nations decide to team up and launch missiles to try to destroy the asteroids (in the air). they manage to get most but one strikes siberia an wipes it out, and in the process melts the polar ice caps.

so world is going to shit and india and the other nation decide to launch their space colony program early and send about 2000 of their brightest minds and fittest bodies up the space elevator into the space station/space ship the three nations have collaborated together to build. they find out that there's a huge asteroid barreling towards earth, and the space station/ship are given orders to fly through space, away from the earth and the asteroids, but to take out as many tiny asteroids as they can, and the big one if they can.

the crew flies up and away and blows up tons of little ones, maneuvering around them, and they get to the big one and only manage to split it in half. they fly past it and watch as both pieces plunge into the earth and destroy it and the pilot, who was watching the destruction of earth, forgot that little asteroids generally follow the big one, and he turns just in time to see one directly in the path of the ship.

he tries to maneuver out of the way, but still crashes the side of the ship into the asteroid, , destroying 1/3 of the ship. the captain calls out and says that he's going to jettison the bridge from the main ship and his advisor or w/e is like, no there are still people in the other parts of the ship! and the captain is like, they won't all fit in here and they're most likely dead anyway.

so alarms ring and some people manage to get in, but most are left behind, and the bridge is ejected, and is revealed to be a tiny ship within a ship and so the captain asks the ensign (i think that's right. idk ranks) how many are left, and the guy replies with, "out of about 2000 or more, we have a few over 45" and he just stares off and realizes the human race is doomed since there's no real planet for them to find and the chance of finding one is low and they can't fly around forever.

and i guess that's how it ends

(came up with that in like half an hour last night)

08-12-2009, 05:39 AM
Desolate ending, ftw. Neither of the current movies had the balls to do it. Damn America/the human species and its love of happy endings.

Damn it all to hell~

matt damon
08-12-2009, 05:40 AM
haha, but neg, america fuck yeah!

08-12-2009, 05:41 AM
Just because we're awesome doesn't mean we're perfect. We have many flaws...

matt damon
08-12-2009, 05:56 AM
lol. some of us are perfect ;P

08-12-2009, 06:54 AM
i'm sorry, but i really lol'd at the needing of a year or two to flesh out a story

i accept your challenge. here it is:

the movie is set in the future, and in the past of the movie's timeline, asteroids came and peppered the earth, and one big one crashed into the moon and shattered it, causing the debris to rain down on the earth as well as the asteroids.

so the world has become pretty barren and societies have crumbled (and climates and stuff have been altered) only 3 nations have been spared both environmentally and politically: india, the siberia region, and....dik....malaysia or smth (never did come up with a third one).

these three nations have expanded their borders to get more farmable land, etc, but they've been fairly isolated to themselves (by choice) and eventually new asteroids are coming to earth, and the three nations decide to team up and launch missiles to try to destroy the asteroids (in the air). they manage to get most but one strikes siberia an wipes it out, and in the process melts the polar ice caps.

so world is going to shit and india and the other nation decide to launch their space colony program early and send about 2000 of their brightest minds and fittest bodies up the space elevator into the space station/space ship the three nations have collaborated together to build. they find out that there's a huge asteroid barreling towards earth, and the space station/ship are given orders to fly through space, away from the earth and the asteroids, but to take out as many tiny asteroids as they can, and the big one if they can.

the crew flies up and away and blows up tons of little ones, maneuvering around them, and they get to the big one and only manage to split it in half. they fly past it and watch as both pieces plunge into the earth and destroy it and the pilot, who was watching the destruction of earth, forgot that little asteroids generally follow the big one, and he turns just in time to see one directly in the path of the ship.

he tries to maneuver out of the way, but still crashes the side of the ship into the asteroid, , destroying 1/3 of the ship. the captain calls out and says that he's going to jettison the bridge from the main ship and his advisor or w/e is like, no there are still people in the other parts of the ship! and the captain is like, they won't all fit in here and they're most likely dead anyway.

so alarms ring and some people manage to get in, but most are left behind, and the bridge is ejected, and is revealed to be a tiny ship within a ship and so the captain asks the ensign (i think that's right. idk ranks) how many are left, and the guy replies with, "out of about 2000 or more, we have a few over 45" and he just stares off and realizes the human race is doomed since there's no real planet for them to find and the chance of finding one is low and they can't fly around forever.

and i guess that's how it ends

(came up with that in like half an hour last night)

most of that year needed will be procrastination and waiting for my mind to come up with a decent story, so it's quite a valid need.

i guess that could work for a movie...

we can't forget the romance arc of the story. you know the part where it follows a strapping ace fighter pilot who.... is in love with some woman maybe a commander of the ship/colony

supposedly there was a flying saucer that appears in the game too, so there should also be an evil alien race.

hmm.. come to think of it. they could make it into a story like "the last starfighter". where it would be about a guy who's an ace at the game astroids, is abducted by aliens (or people from the future) and trained to pilot a space fighter and save the universe from an evil race of aliens who use astroids as weapons. so the guy is trained, goes through some dramas of how everything around him is not possible eventually coming to terms with the fact that it is, falls in love with some alien woman goes out with a fleet of fighters and battleships when the base is attacked and wins.
then the good guys find out that the aliens are going to send some astroids to earth and destroy it. so the good guys leave to save the earth. and it ends leaving it open for another movie.

(yours may have taken a half hour to come up with, but mine took.... 2-5 mins.)

08-12-2009, 06:56 AM
Yes, because we need sequels to such tripe.

Love, what another overrated concept we are ridiculously attached to :rolleyes:

08-12-2009, 07:21 AM
yeah, we don't need the love thing, even i was thinking that was a bit much.
although depending on what age group the producers are going for. if PG-13 or higher. it would eventually lead into the enivatable(sp) sex scene.
and who would want that.

08-15-2009, 02:47 AM
I never beat that game. So there was an ending? Wow.

But to see a movie of this, Hollywood must be desperate.

08-18-2009, 11:22 PM
Everyone is telling the story from the spaceship's POV. I don't agree, I think that this is the angle I think they should take with the film: Have it like an origins story, you know, show a couple of asteroids getting funky back in the 70s and giving birth to a baby asteroid. Then show the baby asteroid's childhood which consists of abuse and neglect. As a teenager all the protagonist asteroid does is get stoned- this pun must be explicitly and blatantly stated in the film- so daddy asteroid beats him up and they never speak again. Then we skip into the future and the child asteroid is planning his revenge on his absentee father who disappeared billions of years ago. He discovers that his father wandered into the Sun's orbit during a drunken binge and over the course of many millions of years developed into modern day Earth. Baby asteroid enlists the help of a few asteroid mates and with them plans to kill his father. Naturally, this isn't to the liking of Earth's 6 billion inhabitants and they launch a space fleet to repel the asteroids and ultimately succeed in doing so. We see the protagonist blown to pieces in the penultimate scene and it is sad because we realise it wasn't the humans he hated, it was his father. Then at the end the human hero guy is lying in a field looking up at the night sky with his heavily pregnant girlfriend at the moons, see, after they blew up the asteroids a large fragment got caught in Earth's orbit forming a second moon. Then, before the credits roll the new moon winks at us because it is the protagonist asteroid. And that's it. Box office smash guaranteed $$$

matt damon
08-19-2009, 12:13 AM
hahah, i love it. way better than mine, for sure.