Dr. Lucien Sanchez
08-05-2002, 10:10 PM
Which Metal Gear Solid do you prefer.
I didn't put in the first two as not many people here have played them.

Myself I prefer MGS, because its storyline was AMAZING and it just got me hooked straight away. (Can't wait for MGS2:Substance)

the one
08-05-2002, 10:34 PM
yeh the first one had a kool story line but lacked the graphics cause of the psones power,number 2 was VERY good,the grahpcis,sound,realism,everything but one thing that was annoyin the story at the end


when the say it was a re-creation of shadow moses,there was no point in that it was like they rushed that part and couldnt b arsed to think up sumthin good:notgood:

but overall i do prefer MGS2

08-05-2002, 10:51 PM
MGS2 all the way both the MGS'S are good but over all number 2 prevails cuz hey better graphics story and all it's better not saying MGS 1 is bad or anything.

Crazy Chocobo
08-06-2002, 09:11 PM
MGS. MGS2:SOL was too easy, and not as fun. I, however, perfer the Game Boy Color's Metal Gear Ghost Bable over the MGS 1 or 2.

08-08-2002, 05:24 PM
Oh crap thats ez MGS one. Evontho they arent my type of gamez, they take too much patience.

08-21-2002, 07:40 PM
I like the first MGS. It was cool and revaloutioning. I really don't like the second one because it has WAY to many cut senes and the stortyline really doesn't make any sense.

08-21-2002, 08:29 PM
I haven't played MGS2, but from what I heard, I would say MGS is better. MGS's storyline was more believable (don't consider the telekinesis and body posessing ^_~) to me and did get me interested in the game from the start.

As for graphics, I don't really care for them. There are many 8-bit games out there that I think are better than some PS2 games graphically advanced games.

08-22-2002, 11:12 PM
i thought both were really good, but i preferred MGS2. i thought the story was really good, the twists and turns were ace. its a quality peice of plot work and script writing, and the game play is really something. the AI of the guards is so convincing when you raise the difficulty.

Skye Vrbas
08-23-2002, 08:33 PM
MGS2 , the storry line is even better 'but harder to understand . I got it after my 5th time completing the game ( whit those dog tags and stuff ) , and still have questions ...

... the storry line of MGS is also GREAT , but still MGS2 , the stuf whit the patriots , and stuf ,...

*SPOILERS*comming ...!!!!


Whel at the end you find out that it is accually the patriots who used you for a project , all those complots , I love it !!! And Ocelot who thought he had it all in his hand , turned out to be that Liquid(or how do you spell it again?) had it all in hand , but in the end , well you know , the patriots :)

Bus Driver
08-25-2002, 02:01 PM
It's not easy to choose one over the other, but I'd have to go with MGS. I liked the setting and found the storyline a bit better. Plus I thought MGS's villains were a bit better than that of MGS2. Although Liquid Snake and that accent......but they're both great games and one can't go without the other.

09-21-2002, 08:39 PM
Metalgear solid 1 was much better then 2. The graphics were not that bad but the gameplay and story was truly amazing

iconoclastic pastry
09-22-2002, 01:49 AM
MGS has one of the best storylines ever conceived for a videogame, not to mention the villians.

09-23-2002, 05:32 PM
Ive never played MGS2, well ok i played the demo, but thats all. I completed MGS1 and i thought it was pretty good. I wasnt hooked but i managed to complete it, and i didnt find it an "amazingly" good game but it was decent enough, so ill go for mgs1.

09-23-2002, 10:46 PM
I chose MGS 1. I personally think the second one is a lot more fun, mainly because of the graphics, but the first had an awsome story.

09-26-2002, 10:50 AM
The first one has gotta be better. I'm sorry to say that most sequels can't beat the originals. Graphics, for me, don't count.

01-11-2003, 11:31 AM
I'm sick of these self-proclaimed 'grpahics really don't matter to me' gamers... seriously you know they go somewhere in the game, the graphics allow the plot and character development to be deeper due to the facial expressions and basic realism. And guys, what's this about Metal Gear Solid's story being great? A bunch of terrorists say they're gonna launch a nuke etc etc. They all have weird powers and turn out to be in Snake's former unit blahda blahda blahda it's basic, admit it, when you cut away all the fancy stuff... it's fairly linear. However they improved that with SoL including plot-twists... turns, conspiracies and a general feeling of 'something's not right here...' with the advance of technology came the advance of the game... MGS2: SoL is the definitive MGS game, however not the definitive MG game, that's handed to Metal Gear. And all you 'Raiden's a little wuss' gamers, the game wouldn't be what it was if Raiden was absent, so shut your traps and sit down, and eat some cheese! ::Hands out various cheeses on a platter:: Mmmmmm cheese.

Nanaki XIII
01-11-2003, 07:37 PM
MGS. I believe Ive mentioned why before.

01-16-2003, 08:22 PM
I liked both games, but i think MGS2 was better

bigfoot 2
02-03-2003, 09:29 AM
I think if MGS1 had the same kewl graphics as MGS2 i would prefer it
i think the story line is a little superior

and MGS2's atory is pretty much a repeat