08-09-2009, 06:10 PM
Hello! I've been around here some time and I really love the fact that I can find absolutly anything i'm looking for, in here.

I've been searching sooooo long for the devil may cry 4 music that plays on the XMB. Before selecting the game there is a ( kind of ) remix of The time has come.

It starts off way different than the original song. I didn't dare to post before because I was thinking maybe if i search more i'll find it. I haven't found it so far.

I would love to have that song on my mobile as ringtone. I've even thought about connecting my PS3 sound output into the PC microphone input. But i don't have the cables.

Please someone help me. Thank you in advance.

08-18-2009, 12:34 AM
Well we WOULD help you.But Im sure noone knows what you mean.Why dont you post a little recording of the music?Maybe then,we could help you more.

08-19-2009, 02:47 PM
Thank you for the reply. Here it is, this is the sample i recorded with my microphone.

It's not really that clear and the sound isn't that...good. But that's as good as i could do.

Edit: Seems like i couldn't attach the file. Here is the link i uploaded it.

Thank you in advance.

08-19-2009, 10:14 PM
I download it now,and see if I can find that song then.


Ohhh I guess I know what you mean.The song is I think in the special edition from the OST.Here I post a direct link for you.I think this is the song you're looking for:

08-19-2009, 11:45 PM
Thank you for the fast reply!

But the loop from the beginning, i can't find that anywhere.
The way it starts isn't the same if you know what i mean.

I wish i could record it but i don't have that kind of equipment :'(

EDIT: IS there a way to extract music from PS3 Devil may cry 4 savedata?

That should do the trick!

08-21-2009, 11:39 PM
Hello again!

I recorded it with line out from my stereo to my PC line IN.

I have this is the mobile ringtone!

Here it is for anyone else looking for the same thing and for the same reason.

Edit: Thank you ultimania for trying to help me out. I really appriciate it! :D

08-23-2009, 07:53 PM
It's ok >< but I realy wanted to help you T_T