08-09-2009, 07:39 AM
I'm honestly surprised I don't see a thread up about this yet, so I'm taking initiative to slap something up, especially since all three demos are available, and it's only a couple of weeks before the actual game comes out(in the US...our international friends appear to have to wait a bit longer).

So, having played the demo(or seen videos/pics), what are your perceptions? Anything annoy/worry you? Anything you're practically frothing at the mouth for(aside from Ivy and Harley, perverts:D)?

My personal loves about this game are the freeflow combat system(this is my first game utilizing it), most of the voices(Mark Hamill as Joker = FUCKIN' A!!!), and the many different takedown maneuvers.

Cons would have to be a few voices(can't say I care for Gordon OR Batman's), and the seemingly uselessness of the cape stun(but this is just the may have yet to show its potential).

The demo should prove to be quite entertaining for some time, but I'll have to pace myself for it to last 2 weeks.

So, fellow shrine-goers: care to share?

08-09-2009, 10:24 PM
Nothing could be more boring than a fucking batman video game.

08-09-2009, 11:54 PM
Nothing could be more boring than a fucking batman video game.
Don't say anything if you haven't played it. No one will pay attention to a post about a video if you haven't played it. So stop being a prick (which is, sadly, impossible for you because you always have been and are incapable of change).

Logan XI
08-10-2009, 10:09 PM
I have had quite alot of fun with the demo, after sailing through it quickly i've been playing around buliding my combo multiplyer up so i can use the "takedown" moves, which look VERY painful on the poor sod i use them on!

Also i have been playing around with the armed people in the last section seeing how many ways i can take them out and trying to scare the crap out of them. :D

08-11-2009, 02:54 PM
Don't say anything if you haven't played it. No one will pay attention to a post about a video if you haven't played it. So stop being a prick (which is, sadly, impossible for you because you always have been and are incapable of change).

I realize a few of my posts have been prickish, have you read all 1300 of them? No you haven't. Also, This is the internet, I dont need to change. I liked batman when i was 5 years old, 19 years ago. I was simply making a quick joke on a 'batman' thread, because batman & superman & spiderman is for little kids.

Lighten up

08-14-2009, 05:28 AM
The Dark Night was totally for kids, especially with the long dialogue scenes, dark setting and violence.
back on topic, I loves me some stealth games with combat to balance it.

08-14-2009, 01:17 PM
Finally played the demo last night (didn't think to download it until the night before for some reason). I must say, it is pretty good. The game looks beautiful and all the characters look amazingly real. The gameplay is pretty solid in my opinion and the voice acting is top notch.

I can't wait until the final product.

08-14-2009, 08:53 PM
I have had quite alot of fun with the demo, after sailing through it quickly i've been playing around buliding my combo multiplyer up so i can use the "takedown" moves, which look VERY painful on the poor sod i use them on!

Also i have been playing around with the armed people in the last section seeing how many ways i can take them out and trying to scare the crap out of them. :D

I've heard tell that if you get the last guy up high enough(terrified, I believe), you can literally drop down in front of him, whip out a batarang to threaten him with, and he faints dead away.

Haven't quite managed to get that to work(if indeed it is possible), but that sounds frickin' AWESOME!

08-17-2009, 02:03 AM
I've always hated DC and their characters, I've been rather distrusting of Eidos since Daikatana, but this demo was rather enjoyable to me. I like how direct combat looks (it doesn't really feel different to me than something like a Dynasty Warriors game), I like that you have the option of stealth, I'm liking the fact that they're seemingly remembering to include the fact that Batman has a brain beyond "scare bad guy and kick his ass"
In the end, to me, it's still a Batman game. I might rent it, but I'm no fan of the bat.

08-26-2009, 07:45 PM
Well, I just got the 360 collector's edition today. Seems pretty cool, and despite the horror stories going around about the Batarang, mine seems to be in good shape.

Just about to pop the actual game in...Joker will get his for sure.:D

08-26-2009, 10:02 PM
does anybody know the release date of the pc version?

08-27-2009, 04:35 PM
I've always hated DC and their characters, I've been rather distrusting of Eidos since Daikatana,

Daikatana was by the now defunct Ion Storm.

08-28-2009, 05:40 PM
Well, I just got the 360 collector's edition today. Seems pretty cool, and despite the horror stories going around about the Batarang, mine seems to be in good shape.

Just about to pop the actual game in...Joker will get his for sure.:D

Lucky! My Batarang looks like someone took a knife and carved thousands of lines into it. :( Other than that I was pretty happy with it. Although I haven't beaten the game yet, I have to say it's pretty amazing. The moments with Scarecrow are absolutely phenomenal! It'll be in the discussion for game of the year.

08-28-2009, 06:40 PM
Gotten through a portion of the game(tracking down Dr. Young for the first time now), and I've gotta say, I LOVE the Remote Control Batarang. Who else has gotten that upgrade?

08-29-2009, 05:05 AM
i got collector edition, nice game, i think is the best game of batman at the date...

08-30-2009, 08:04 AM
Well, I'm a good distance into it now. All I've got to say is WOW! I was drooling over just the demo, and the full game is flat out blowing me away.

I must admit disappointment in the chintzy lineup of villains, but the lineup was still solid, IMO.

However, bar none, two parts will forever stick out in my mind.

First, the excursion into Croc's lair. 'Tick Tock' indeed! I think I can safely say that when Batman said, "I need to make as little noise as possible," we ALL crept forward with little half steps(of course, I found out later that you just had to make sure you didn't run! D'oh!)

Second part(or second, third and fourth parts, depending) has to be Scarecrow. I was never freaked out by Scarecrow before now, but this incarnation did it. Without a doubt, this freak stole the show, even from Joker.

So, anyone else got favorite moments yet?

08-30-2009, 11:04 PM
I totally agree with your statement about Scarecrow. There is somethig very unsettling about him. The way they transitioned from the game to the battles with him was very, very well done. The first encounter in the Morgue gave me chills. LOL

08-31-2009, 04:41 AM
The game is awesome, but from a serious gamer I think it was short but good. Like enjoying candy, can only last a certain time.

08-31-2009, 07:05 PM
The game is awesome, but from a serious gamer I think it was short but good. Like enjoying candy, can only last a certain time.

Have to acknowledge much truth with this statement. I'm hoping that they put so much love and attention to detail into the game(which I believe they did) that making the game any longer would have resulted in a multiple disc format(not that I'd complain, of course!). Of course, I could be reaching here.

Much love for this game nonetheless, and the challenges provide something more, even if it is just reusing stages from the game. Looking forward to a sequel as well, after seeing the ending.

I don't even want to THINK about what Scarecrow can do with that last batch of Titan! Especially considering that he's probably got the smarts to manufacture it WITHOUT outside help! Unholy hell!

09-06-2009, 04:44 AM
Well, it's pretty much The Dark Knight in game form. My personal favorite segments are the Scarecrow segments. Not to mention the Riddler's challenges. I really feel like I'm Batman. A+

09-06-2009, 07:27 PM
batman & superman & spiderman is for little kids.

You sound like somebody's grandma.

does anybody know the release date of the pc version?

PC version comes out on the 15th of this month. Not terribly long to wait!

09-07-2009, 12:25 AM
YEAHH, i want to play it badly

09-07-2009, 04:50 AM
YEAHH, i want to play it badly

While it's been leaked already, I'd highly recommend you wait for the official version. I'm hearing constant complaints of missing grapple points due to problems with having it ripped.

By the time a truly complete patch comes out, the game will probably already be up for sale, and you will buy it.

I mean that...YOU WILL BUY IT! We seriously need more games of this caliber.

09-07-2009, 05:11 PM
I mean that...YOU WILL BUY IT! We seriously need more games of this caliber.

I agree 100%. The production values on this game are top-notch, everything is unbelievable all the way around.

09-07-2009, 07:14 PM
I agree 100%. The production values on this game are top-notch, everything is unbelievable all the way around.

Yeah, it�s been a while since a good Batman (or any Superhero) game came out right?

we must support this so in the future we can get a sequel (o a great superman game)

09-08-2009, 05:52 AM
I've been waiting for someone to lend it to me..I just don't have the money to go out and drop 60 bucks on games these days (bullshit)

09-08-2009, 06:50 PM
Finished the game tonight. I'd recommend people to rent it from their local video store.

I finished it quite comfortably in just over 5 hours and still had 70% completion. If I'd rushed through it, probably could have done it in 4. If I'd played on easy, would have been finished even faster.

9/10 from me. Loses some points for some not well thought out things but overall one of the best games I've played this year.

09-08-2009, 07:01 PM
I think a lot of the replay value comes from the challenges, stenchlord. Again, I acknowledge that it's far too short in the actual game department, but the care that went into making this almost 100% faithful to the franchise is what keeps it at a 10 for me. But hey, I fully respect your opinion.:)

Oh, and solidsnake999, let's not forget The Punisher's latest entry. Granted, it's simplistic and hard to do Punisher wrong, but I think that game is almost universally liked as well.

09-08-2009, 08:20 PM
Other things though like when you're gliding with your cape... you can't see where you're going or where you're going to land. They could have changed the opacity of the cape when gliding.

Bosses were far too easy as well, I found more challenge with some of the grunts around the map more than I did the bosses.

Combat while fantastic at first can get very repetitive, even with variations in countering and stunning, majority of the time is press X (360 version for me) and tilt stick in direction of nearest enemy.

lol and don't get me started on the clipping, the many examples of my foot going through someones chest and then impact happening on the other side of them.

Also not exactly a flaw but perhaps just a slight oversight. The game looks beautiful BUT 80-90% of the time, you're in detective mode meaning that you don't see those wonderful visuals.

It is a fantastic game and well deserving of a lot of the praise it has gotten but it's far from a 10 out of 10 for me. It outshines it's flaws but those flaws are still there.

09-08-2009, 08:58 PM
I do have to make mention though of how Batman looks as you progress through the game. Depending on the injuries you take while playing, your Batman will look completely different to your friends Batman.

By the end of the game, my Batman had bottom right side of his cape tattered, there were also two long cuts in the middle of it, across his right chest was a slash in his suit and two more on his left bicep as well as a small but on his right cheek.
My friends Batman however had no right side to his cape, bullet holes in his right arm, claw marks on his chest and a slash on his left leg.

09-08-2009, 09:43 PM
This game is amazing! Wasn't sure about it, when i bought it, but it's much better than expected! Does anyone have the soundtrack?

06-15-2010, 04:54 AM
My Most Favorite part about Arkham Asylum was all the trash talk and funny jokes the Joker was making over the intercom during the whole game. So amazing lol

06-15-2010, 05:01 AM
Eh, not the most substantial addition, but not worth closing.

Welcome (back?) to Shine :)

Make sure to check the dates on threads before posting, in the future. This one is almost a year old.