08-05-2009, 07:44 AM
Hi Folks,

I really like this game. The perfect western atmosphere, great shoot outs an a big, classic Hollywood story ...
The only thing I didn't like is the music.
The musician tried to get right sound for an western, but in my opinion, he faild. Everything sounds so "synthetic" ...

So I changed all the music, except the cinematics. I used all of my western scores, and made for every title an edited version with real orchestral music.

For example, I used Jerry Goldsmiths "Bad Girls", "Wild Rovers" and "Breakheart Pass", or Basil Poledouris' "Quigley Down Under" and "Butch Cassady an Sundance Kid". And much more ...

I didn't used any Morricone title, cause his music is to much conected tp the fims they belong. This would disturb the gamers experience ...

How to install:

Just copy the music in the "music" folder of your game and orwirte the old files. That's all. For safty reasons you should make a backup first.

Here are the links:


Have fun ...
