07-31-2009, 09:50 PM
I need zip or rar downloads of the following albums:

Blue Planet/AD794: The Decisive Battle
Blue Planet/AD794: Kids Run Through the City Corner
Blue Planet/AD794: Inoriuta
Blue Planet/AD794: Chrono Trigger: Time Corridors -unfocus-
Levo Lution: Extile

Thank you.

08-19-2009, 07:10 PM
Bump. Just downloaded a huge torrent full of Doujins, so I edited out the albums I found in it. Can someone PLEASE upload the following albums:

Levo Lution: Extile
Blue Planet/AD794: The Decisive Battle
Blue Planet/AD794: Kids Run Through the City Corner
Blue Planet/AD794: Inoriuta
Blue Planet/AD794: Chrono Trigger: Time Corridors -unfocus-

Thank you very much.