07-31-2009, 06:08 PM
An old game i used to play, i think it was on the NES?

It's a platformer, you have 3 forms...

1st form: A brown monkey ;D
2nd form: A human/boy
3rd form: A pink monkey ;D

You start the level in 2nd form i believe...
Your enemies i THINK are animals and there's a boss which is a dinosaur?

I remember vividly at some point the enemies are cavemen, with lotsaa cave-man hair and beards and stuff.

yet my brother says he remembers hills and jumping and NOT those cavemen D;

well, i hope someone can help me out coz it's driving me crazy, if there is a thread somewhere that is FOR searching for games that people can't remember, then please point me to it, if NOT... then can we make one?

you supply us with details of the game that u remember and then we try and find it or remember and help eachother...


08-01-2009, 07:02 PM
If you need help with games, go here: and browse through their list of game with pictures (might take a while, but I'm pretty sure you'll find it), the name is not ringing a bell for me.

08-05-2009, 06:46 PM
Perhaps you're talking about Congo's Caper for the SNES?

08-09-2009, 11:44 AM
I've been trying to remember Congo's Caper for MONTHS

08-09-2009, 09:26 PM
My friend says: Toki (he says he could be wrong)

08-09-2009, 10:02 PM
Good call, Eshvoide. Toki ( seems like the best bet so far. It's a platformer with a monkey who transforms into a human (at the end of the game). The enemies are animals and dinosaurs. And it's for the NES. No cavemen, but it's possible Lucidolph is combining memories of two or more games.

08-09-2009, 11:27 PM
Good call, Eshvoide. Toki ( seems like the best bet so far. It's a platformer with a monkey who transforms into a human (at the end of the game). The enemies are animals and dinosaurs. And it's for the NES. No cavemen, but it's possible Lucidolph is combining memories of two or more games.

No, I disagree with you on that. Congo's Caper is definitely the better bet (to what Lucidolph is looking for) with all the information that's been given:

*Congo's Caper has a human boy-monkey hybrid lead.
*Congo is briefly a brown monkey in the first scene of the game and can change into a brown monkey at various parts.
*Congo's Caper is a platformer.
*Congo's Caper definitely has hills.
*There are pink monkeys.
*The boss in the second chapter is a dinosaur robot.
*Congo's Caper has the bearded cavemen.
*Congo's Caper is the better overall game and the one that's harder to remember the name of.

Also, anyone that's played a Toki game should remember the helmet power-up.

08-09-2009, 11:49 PM
I was thinking that too. Also the in his "third form" he flashes pink and yellow. That game was really good

08-10-2009, 12:03 AM
Ah. Never played it, and I didn't watch too much of it on YouTube. I stand corrected.

08-10-2009, 05:36 AM
Glad you found the game, guess it was on the SNES.

08-12-2009, 11:12 PM
Wow... sorry, i erm, yeah... I didn't check my mail till now,
"Congo's caper"?
Never heard of it in my life,
is it the right game though?
i played that game allll the time, yet that name doesn't ring a bell,
spose i musta been so young that all i knew is that i had a kickass game infront of me, and that's all i cared about ;D haha, thanks for this... i would've NEVER remember!