Tactical Error #5
08-03-2002, 06:51 PM
I had the itch to put this to paper the other day to get some stuff off my chest. Sorry if the language is a little harsh. Here it is.


These thoughts I have
are they natural?
does anyone else have these thoughts?
they seem unnatural, strange... wrong
I don't talk about these thougts to ANYONE
they wouldn't understand.
Hell, even I dont understand why I have these thoughts

They would Judge me, I KNOW they would
they would LABEL me,
think of me as a sick FREAK...
But what about them?
What do they think of, huh?
Definately not what I think, that's for sure.

Oh well, hell, maybe the thoughts will go away

But, untill then I'm stuck
A sick little F*CK
with these demented thoughts
twisting and wrapping themselves around my brain
running through my mind...

Thank you. ~TE~

08-03-2002, 09:36 PM
I like your poem ^_^ It has a lot of emotion in it, which I find very kool.

I've felt like that at times so I can understand da poem and I get where your coming from.

None-the-less, twas a very good poem ;) I enjoyed reading it and I wanna see some more of your work (if you have anymore, that is) ^_^

Cetra Angel
08-23-2002, 10:25 AM
That was really good!

*applause from the audience*


It's good to get stuff off your chest once in a while, so go you!:D

08-26-2002, 02:51 AM
wow, I've never read a poem with that specific thought before, I really like it. Sometimes I feel the same way and wonder the same things, I'm glad that you were able to put it down on paper!
