07-25-2009, 05:45 PM
So here's the deal. I've been looking everywhere for this soundtrack, but have not found it anywhere. Searched just about the whole internet and it isn't anywhere.

So I tried ripping it myself, but none of the programs I have tried have done any good and I can't get the tracks right without them skipping every few seconds. I did one of the shorter tracks okay, but I reckon that was luck. I have tried with MFAudio (which is no help at all) and Cube Media Player (also no help whatsoever) and neither of them can give me the track I hear in the game. So I was wondering if anybody here could help me and rip the tracks for me.

Before anybody says "I don't have that game", I have the files from the game disc (in .mib file format) up for download, so if anybody does know how to rip games, would they please download them, rip the music from them and put the music up for download. I know other people have been looking for this as well before.

The files (except the one I already did) are all in the folder, you just need to extract the folder and rip the music. The compressed folder is here -

Thanks. :)

07-26-2009, 01:51 PM
So is there anybody who can do this for me? A short yes, or no would suffice. :)

07-27-2009, 06:45 PM
Well if nobody is going to do this for me, can somebody at least tell me they are not going to do it. I don't like being blanked.