07-24-2009, 03:22 AM
Hey there, I have 4 OST songs which have no names because I lost them due to a broken Ipod incident. I need help on figuring out what the names of these OST are. I know for a fact that they were from a video game but I don't know which one. I think it's from an RPG but that's all I got.

I'd really appreciate it if someone figured out the name of these songs. and also I apologize if this is the wrong section to post this. I'm kind of new here

07-24-2009, 05:15 AM
I can't quite place them, but tracks 1 and 10 immediately made me think of Wild ARMs; they sound like music composed by Michiko Naruke (WA's composer) [I checked the corresponding tracks from all of the WA OSTs though and didn't hear these]. Tracks 4 and 7 however do NOT sound like WA type music to me, so I may be way off with this one.

Rudy Roughnight
07-24-2009, 05:50 AM
Tracks 1 and 10 are both from Wild ARMs.

Track 1 is Battle Zeik, from Wild ARMs 1. It's by Michiko Naruke.

Track 10 is Over the Wind, from Wild ARMs: The 4th Detonator. I believe it's by Masato Kouda.

I'd recognize such great music anywhere.

As for the other two, I'm not sure.

07-24-2009, 11:12 PM
thanks. now the mystery is half way solved. Now I just need to find out the remaining two

08-11-2009, 04:22 AM
Hey, it's been nearly half a month but I need to bump this. # 7 is the only song I really need to know. I don't care about #4.

08-11-2009, 11:18 PM
I have no idea where #4 and #7 are from. #7 is a nice song... RPG huh? After PSX generation, I guess. It's not famous if no one here can figure this one out. I don't think RPG maker has this type of music... but to be honest, I've never played any RPG maker games except the old versions.

Hmm, maybe I can figure it out somehow... I need the name of the instruments in the song:
- piano, violin, drum set, bass violin, trumpet, viola, timpani(?)


It's not:
- RPG Maker 2, XP

I still need to find the OST for 2k3 and 3.

09-20-2009, 05:01 AM
Tales of Legendia - Enemy Attack is one of them

02-22-2010, 01:22 AM
Just in case, here's the info for #4:

Title: Hope Given "Dance of the Dog's Howl"
OST: Sigma Harmonics
Composer: Masashi Hamauzu