08-01-2002, 06:02 PM
Was a bit like a kids game??????
This is just my opinion but hear me out.....
Look at the characters....

Zidane: Main character.....with a tail.........
Garnet/Dagger:.....a princess....a princess that in the begining you had to save.....bit like a fairytale.....
Quina:....need I say more?
Eiko: little annoying kid.....
Vivi: (still luv him) but.......another young Kid/mage (whatever)
Stiener: The annoying large man that has to protect the princess at all costs!!!
Amarent: Didn't evan look human to me!!!(Edit: Wasn't suppose to ^_^)

And then there's the villagers in the towns......they are animals!!!!

*sigh* Dont get me wrong....I like the game you agree?

08-01-2002, 06:27 PM
well not to be mean or anything but i dont think amarant was supposed to be a human...and besides u dont have to have all humans for it not to be a childrens game...look at ff7 ..redxiii (i hope i got the roman numerals right) ...but yeah i think your statement may be true it does seem to lean towards the children side more then teen...but still it was a great game...and has a good replay value too i think

Skye Vrbas
08-01-2002, 06:31 PM
yep !
That's what I say too .
The characters are so "childy"

08-01-2002, 06:37 PM
yep the characters are just kids
and i did like ff7 and ff8 much more

08-01-2002, 08:21 PM
Naw, I say that it LOOKS cute on the surface, but there's few kids I know who will ever have the patience to understand what FF9 is about.

There's the story. The story is about life and death. War. Triumph. Tragedy. Suffering. Betrayal. Loyalty. Friendship. Final Fantasy games tend to have a plot that does lean towards teens over kids, and I didn't feel like FF9 was any less complicated or thought-provoking than the rest.

The SD and non-human characters were cute on the surface, but none of them act childish. (Except Eiko, but duh, she's supposed to...) If you remember from the old-school FF games, there were non-human characters as well. Personally, I thought it added to the charm.

So no, I don't think FF9 was a kiddie game. Chocobo's Dungeon is a kiddie game. FF9 is not. ;)

08-01-2002, 08:39 PM
Hey, I thought it was a cute game. ^_^

But don't you think that if FF9 was a kids game, that it would be just a *tad* too hard for the kids? XD

08-01-2002, 08:54 PM
sorry angel*rinoa but i have to disagree

* spoilers abound i should imagine *

Zidane: created by Garland to cause trouble on Gaia and then kidnapped and abandoned before being adopted, so to speak, by a travelling group of bandits ... then when his past is revealed to him he turns his back on his friends thinking he is just a "puppet" ... yeah he has a tail but also a harrowing past that very few other sixteen year olds would have to endure.

Garnet/Dagger: Thinks she's the daughter of a crazy megalomaniac who goes around blowing towns up until she finds out that she's one of the few survivors of an ancient summoner civilisations eradicated by Garland and has only become princess because she bore a resemblance to the Queen's late daughter ... she also finds out she has magical powers and Eidolons within her that she and few others can control.

Quina: A member of a misunderstood race ... one of the less troubled characters in the game but s/he lightens the mood with her/his antics.

Eiko: Left to grow up alone when her village and people are ruined by Garland ... thinking she is completely alone with her powers until she meets Garnet ... desperate to be loved and wanted , after all she's only six years old and yet has been plagued by loneliness and solitude all her life.

Vivi: Perceives himself to be a "freak" with his magical abilities he strives to discover his true self and to understand himself. When he finally finds out what it becomes apparent his race is nothing but a weapon and that they die after fairly short lives. All this at only nine years old.

Steiner: Torn between his allegiance to Alexandria and his perception of right and wrong when he sees what Queen Brahne is doing, that is destroying towns for power. Also struggling to take care of Garnet as she travels the difficult path to learning her true identity.

Amarant: Mysterious and has a total disregard for authority, he despises the group but yet hid attitude is not enough for him to leave them.

So in conclusion maybe the characters are a bunch of kids when age is considered but with their stories and pasts surely it is easy to judge them as being very mature for their years.

Also by the nature of the storyline and character background this is evidently not a kiddies game ... maybe on the surface it has a cutsie appeal to children but the essence of it, and all other final fantasy games, the story would be wasted on a child.

EDIT : go me unl33t spelling XDDD

08-01-2002, 09:15 PM
Okay, um, I admit that the characters were a bit childish and fairy-tale like. Still, I think that the story wasn't as peeved as you think it might be.

I believe the characters' feelings and thoughts on the entire situation made up for their...childish antics.

08-01-2002, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by kurohime
So no, I don't think FF9 was a kiddie game. Chocobo's Dungeon is a kiddie game. FF9 is not. ;)

;) Never said it WAS a kids said it was LIKE a kids game ;) :D

Originally posted by Starry
Hey, I thought it was a cute game. ^_^

Yeah I though it was a cute game too...I just think it was more childish!!! :D:D

OK everyone!! I'll put it differentley....FF was more childish that the rest :D:D

08-02-2002, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by Angel*Rinoa

OK everyone!! I'll put it differentley....FF was more childish that the rest :D:D

Hehe, actually, I still don't think so. If you take a look at anything before FF7 (esp. FF4 and FF6), the characters were also superdeformed, with some non-human characters... ;)

So there were others just as cutesy-looking as FF9. :) But I think I'm at a stalemate, since I probably think of "cartoony looks" differently than you. :)

08-02-2002, 01:58 PM
Yus, FF9 was a ruley game to play but it was very childish but I guess that makes it more fun and unique, doesn't it? :uh?:

Alice Wonderbra
08-02-2002, 07:54 PM
Another reason it was childish is because the game was just downright easy. the ONLY hard part of the game is ozma, and that is just a side quest. i remember seeing the thread about necron being hard and thinking, "Necron? Hard? What r they smokin?" the game was supposed to b incredibly easy so that u wouldnt need a walkthrough unless u did side quests. thats pretty kiddie, now isnt it?

And chocobo's dungeon is not a kids game!!!! i have #2, and it kicks my @$$! that game is freakin hard! it may look cute, but i dont think it plays very much like a barney game.

EDIT: o yeah, along with another thread: the characters do not act their age @ all. that is another factor n the kiddie debate.

08-02-2002, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by LEELOO 5

And chocobo's dungeon is not a kids game!!!! i have #2, and it kicks my @$$! that game is freakin hard! it may look cute, but i dont think it plays very much like a barney game.

Chocobo's Dungeon 2... hard? Hehe, I wonder if we're just on totally opposite ends of the spectrum here. I beat CB2 in four days. That game was freakin' easy!! :D

By the same token, I don't think FF9 is a kid's game. It looks cute, but it's complex. ;)

Ah well, I have my perspective, and you have yours. Now we might just start arguing for the sake of arguing. :)

08-04-2002, 11:12 PM
the characters were ment to be cartoonish but the plot i thought was pretty deep.

(is having a very hard time beating trance kuja..grrr...)

08-05-2002, 12:01 AM
trance kuja's so simple^^

anyway, i thinkkm the characters are kiddish. in 7, they're big and tuff, etc. iin 8 they act their age. and in 10 yeah, they're old and stuff. but in 9 they were kinda little kiddy.

the story wasnt kiddish at all tho. i didnt really understand parts, but thats just me....

Vorn: Devourer of Worlds
08-06-2002, 06:52 PM
It might have looked childish on the surface, but surely it is not. And it's not like a kid's game, either. Games for children are normally very simple, which this game is not.

I doubt that many (if any) kids would properly understand the struggles for identity that each of the characters had. And maybe the whole saving the princess thing at the beginning of the game and the fairy tale ending would make it seem a game for kids, but you could probably take a scene out of each FF and claim that it's for kids. Maybe.

What's wrong with having non-human NPCs (and PCs, for that matter)? I thought it was a breath of fresh air. And it was nice that they brought back the moogles.

In my opinion, FF9 is a lot deeper than 10. 10 is like a kiddie pool, shallow and full of water. Maybe that's just me, though.

Kurohime is exactly correct.

08-08-2002, 07:09 PM
I would have to agree with many of the above posts, although the characters may be sort of fairy-tale like (we are talking about final *fantasy* here ;) ) the storyline is way too deep for a little kid to understand. My little brother watched my play the game a few times, and his comments would indicate that, ie "why didn't dagger go back and pick up her pendant; why did kuja turn good again; why was dagger crying when her mean mother died?"

And about the comment about FFIX being easy, any final fantasy is easy if you level up your characters enough. Beating Necron with level 50+ characters is a breeze. But try beating him with level 35 characters. Its a tough battle.

FFIX is simply different, not childish. Square wanted to take FF back to its roots, a setting in the middle ages with four warriors going off to save the world from Chaos (if you played FF1, the plot similarities should stick out). Realism isn't really the issue (again, final *fantasy*), its the gameplay and the story.

08-21-2002, 07:54 PM
I never noticed it untill you brought it out. Now to think about, it's a classic story. Shakspears said that there are only a few storlines in the world. The rest is vareations of it.

08-26-2002, 03:32 PM
I would have to agree that FF9 is not a kiddie game. Yes, it was a rather easy play, but I play FF games as much for the stories and characters as I do for the difficulty, maybe even moreso. I found the game rather enjoyable, and yes I think that any FF game could be argued to be scewed toward children if you only look at part of the evidence.

I also don't think non-human characters/characteristics make a game cutsie. Anime focuses alot on using animal-human hybrid characters, and most anime is not for children. Even uncut DBZ (which I consider very tame anime) would be more for teens than children. Lots of anime using non-human enemies/characters such as Blue Seed, Ninja Scroll (demons aren't human), and La Blue Girl I'd NEVER let a kid watch.

08-27-2002, 10:26 PM
ive gotta admit, i found ff9 the hardest out of the 3D offerings of ff.

08-29-2002, 07:29 PM
I would not relate the difficulty of a game to the over all impression. Easy or not, it is not childish. (Why do people complain anyway when they manage to beat a boss without having to try 10 times??)
As many described in the above posts (better than I could do it now) the characters have such tragic and interesting stories and the game makes you think so much that it�s ridiculous to say the game is childish because of the graphics or because some of the characters are kids or non-humans.
One of the most tragic Chrono Trigger characters was Frog, and up until now I have never heard about anyone telling em he was childish because he was a frog, basically.
So it is unfair to say Zidane was less serious than Cloud or ... uhm, Butz only bcause he has a tail.

09-01-2002, 05:30 AM
Ooh, I love FF IX! I didn't think it was childish exactly, maybe a bit more colorful and light-hearted more often than the others. It's more like VI than, say, VII or VIII. Indeed, IX was a great return to the mystical realm that started it all. :)

iconoclastic pastry
09-22-2002, 01:19 AM
There is nothing childish about FFIX. If one looks at the characters and story it is obvious. The only way to mistake the game for childish is the graphics. As for being a "fairy tale", that was the point. It was taking the series back to its roots. Belive it or not there was a time when FF games were lighthearted and did not have characters that simply aknowledged their indifference without doing anything about it.

I also find it amusing calling FFIX easy after FFVII. Necron may be easy, but at least he doesnt heal himself when he hasnt been hurt. Bizzaro Sepiroth, im looking at you.;)

09-24-2002, 07:36 PM
I'm getting the impression that those amongst you who would call FF9 a kiddie came haven't played any of the FF's prior to 7. Square themselves said that the game was reminiscent to their earlier rpgs, and they couldn't be more right. The reason why I loved FF9 so much is because I felt like I was playing a square classic with souped up graphics. And if anyone thinks they're going to call 4-6 childish (haven't played 2 or 3), they're crazy. :-p

And if anyone was not satisfied by Necron, just don't use your abilities. Sure you'll find him much more of a challenge without auto-life or jelly.

iconoclastic pastry
09-24-2002, 11:15 PM
I agree with Terra. There is nothing childish about FF4-FF6. Once again, necron may not be that challenging, but neither was sepiroth. FFVII is the easiest game in the series I have played. I have yet to play FF2j and FF3j, but im pretty sure they are more challenging.

10-10-2002, 06:33 PM
nah, square just tryed to be diffrent, and deffinatly succeded. quina is by far the most creative character square has ever created in my opinion alone.

so, zidane has a tail? wow wee, tails are cool I wish I had one :eye:

07-21-2004, 11:23 AM
Okay it might be a little childish because i'm only 10 and i play it...!

So i wouldn't think twice before calling it childish
(Or am i sounding childish!?)

Anyway u get the point:) :) :) :) :) :)

Okay it might be a little childish because i'm only 10 and i play it...!

So i wouldn't think twice before calling it childish
(Or am i sounding childish!?)

Anyway u get the point:) :) :) :) :) :)