07-14-2009, 02:41 AM
I remember playing that Ranma 1/2 RPG when I was a kid. It's for SNES and it's called Ranma �: Hidden Treasure of the Crimson Cats (Ranma �: Akaneko-dan teki Hihou).

Can someone rip the music? Specifically the theme for Nerima Town. Damn, I loved that song!

The Doctor
07-14-2009, 10:25 AM
I've got an SPC rip of the soundtrack on my PC (I'm a big Ranma 1/2 fan, so I've got all the SNES soundtracks in SPC format). I'll convert it to MP3 later this morning and upload it for you.

07-15-2009, 01:24 AM
Thanks, I'd appreciate that :)

The Doctor
07-15-2009, 07:52 AM
Here you go, kocoum:

Title: Ranma Nibunnoichi - Akanekodan teki Hihou
Artist: Toshio Okamoto
Year: 1993
Time: 34 minutes 36 seconds
Tracks: 28
Source: Game Rip
Quality: VBR

Track List:
01 - Title Screen
02 - Town Theme
03 - Cat Ghost King
04 - Ranma's Home
05 - Battle Theme
06 - The Red Cat Gang
07 - Tokyo
08 - Trouble!
09 - Boss Theme
10 - Battle Victory!
11 - Dungeon 1
12 - New Party Member
13 - School
14 - World Map
15 - Good Night!
16 - Troubled Town
17 - Dungeon 2
18 - Fanfare
19 - Ship
20 - Escape
21 - Game Over
22 - Cave to Red Cat Gang Castle
23 - Red Cat Gang Castle
24 - Cave of Cat Ghost King
25 - Cat Ghost King Temple
26 - Final Battle
27 - Ending
28 - Ending Credits


If you're ever looking for them, I can convert some of those other SNES Ranma soundtracks for you.

07-15-2009, 09:06 AM
Wow, thanks!! :D

Xein R.
08-24-2009, 03:39 AM
Here you go, kocoum:

If you're ever looking for them, I can convert some of those other SNES Ranma soundtracks for you.

Can you re-upload it plz, I love Ranma 1/2. Really? how many Ranma 1/2 game soundtracks do you have? could I get them?

01-10-2016, 04:37 AM
Toshio Okamoto was a great composer. I wonder what happened to him...