Orochi Freeza
07-11-2009, 10:31 PM
Well, this US version will be amazing!
If you could choose what characters would appear, who could fit better in the story?

I- Princess Sarah
II- Leon/ Maria
III- Xande
IV- Zemus/ Rosa
V- Gilgamesh/ Lenna
VI- Locke/ Celes
VII- Vincent/ Tifa
VIII- Rinoa/ Seifer
IX- Vivi/ Garland
X- Auron/ Yuna

Maybe a sequel with them as playable characters...

07-19-2009, 10:06 PM
If there was a Sequel I'd prefer Cameo Characters like:

Sora (but as a bonus character that doesn't have anything to do with the storyline)
Riku (Same as Sora)
Vaan (Or Balthier, either one)

07-21-2009, 03:30 PM
GARNET!! I would like to see Garnet for FFIX in new graphics ;________; why is she so underappreciated...? sob. Although...I wouldn't like her design changed or revisited ('cause she's awesome and perfect as she is, aww yeah ♥) I would reeeeaaaally love to see her less pixely than she was in IX ahaha~ they have to do it, sooner or later. THEY HAVE TO. Really T_T

As for VIII...maybe Seifer. Or Edea...hmmm Edea is so cool... and X, definitely Kimahri ahahah!

07-21-2009, 03:47 PM
GARNET!! I would like to see Garnet for FFIX in new graphics ;________; why is she so underappreciated...? sob. Although...I wouldn't like her design changed or revisited ('cause she's awesome and perfect as she is, aww yeah ♥) I would reeeeaaaally love to see her less pixely than she was in IX ahaha~ they have to do it, sooner or later. THEY HAVE TO. Really T_T

As for VIII...maybe Seifer. Or Edea...hmmm Edea is so cool... and X, definitely Kimahri ahahah!

ughhh..At least you didn't spell anything wrong.

07-21-2009, 04:10 PM
uhm...what's wrong with my post? English is not my native language, I have to research how names of characters, items, places were translated into English versions of Final Fantasies so that my messages are understandable for everyone, I try my best at the English language, too, I check my spelling and grammar: so tell me, what's wrong with my post? I'm kind of curious.

07-21-2009, 06:19 PM
GARNET!! I would like to see Garnet for FFIX in new graphics ;________; why is she so underappreciated...? sob. Although...I wouldn't like her design changed or revisited ('cause she's awesome and perfect as she is, aww yeah ♥) I would reeeeaaaally love to see her less pixely than she was in IX ahaha~ they have to do it, sooner or later. THEY HAVE TO. Really T_T

As for VIII...maybe Seifer. Or Edea...hmmm Edea is so cool... and X, definitely Kimahri ahahah!

Interesting Choices.

I guess it would be interesting to see Garnet like that.

07-21-2009, 07:20 PM
why is everyone so puzzled by my choices...? ahahaha :D (well actually, thank you for the support Solvess, I guess :))

.......wait, is it that weird to like Garnet? D: or is for Kimahri? DDD:

Red Arremer
07-21-2009, 07:33 PM
1 - Black Mage
4 - Tellah (you spoony bard!)
5 - Galuf or Faris
6 - Mog cause he's kickass
7 - Removing Cloud and Sephiroth
8 - Edea
9 - the Jesters

07-21-2009, 07:53 PM
why is everyone so puzzled by my choices...? ahahaha :D (well actually, thank you for the support Solvess, I guess :))

.......wait, is it that weird to like Garnet? D: or is for Kimahri? DDD:

It's not weird at all...that's what i think.

I'm actually interested in your choices gameplay-wise. What kind of attacks would they use? what would their EX mode look like?

that's why im interested.

07-21-2009, 08:39 PM
I haven't played Dissidia yet, so I still don't know if there are..."magic" attacks in the game. I guess character would use their physical attacks... I always liked Garnet's attacks, even if she's really weak. I love the animation of the rackets especially, with those glowing orbs hitting the enemy, ahah. But, as I said, I haven't played the game. I don't even know what the EX is... oh, I googled it up. Hm, it's like Overdrive/Trance....well Garnet's Trance involved Eidolons, so I guess they wouldn't be able to keep it as it was in the game, since...there are no eidolons in Dissidia, right? Well, then I don't know. If they were to make her appear in the game, they would surely come up with something. But I guess there is not much hope... :)

Hmmm I can't wait to play that game~

07-21-2009, 11:50 PM
I haven't played Dissidia yet, so I still don't know if there are..."magic" attacks in the game. I guess character would use their physical attacks... I always liked Garnet's attacks, even if she's really weak. I love the animation of the rackets especially, with those glowing orbs hitting the enemy, ahah. But, as I said, I haven't played the game. I don't even know what the EX is... oh, I googled it up. Hm, it's like Overdrive/Trance....well Garnet's Trance involved Eidolons, so I guess they wouldn't be able to keep it as it was in the game, since...there are no eidolons in Dissidia, right? Well, then I don't know. If they were to make her appear in the game, they would surely come up with something. But I guess there is not much hope... :)

Hmmm I can't wait to play that game~

Well, to be truthful. I bought the Japanese version online. Their are magic attacks. Onion Knight can combo physical attacks into magic attacks and vice-versa.

In the case of Eidolons however, there technically replaced by summons.

07-22-2009, 02:12 AM
Then, Garnet being in the game doesn't seem so impossible ahah...a-and woah, there are Eidolons/Summons/Aeons/what-do-you-call-them?? I really really really really have to play that game! I'm pretty sure I'd love it! It's an awesome game, isn't it? ;__; I really want to play it~~
And oh, of it were for me, I'd buy a copy online, too. But I still don't have my PSP, and I have to buy a PAL version of the game anyway, so no Japanese or American version will do for me .__.

07-22-2009, 03:12 AM
I'd like to see a REAL FF fighting game, done right.

While I have had fun with the J-version of the game, I'd rather have the folks behind 'Guilty Gear' and 'BlazBlue' make an FF fighting game.

Base it off of FF1-FF13, & have characters from FFT/TA/TA2/ect in it.

Keep it simple.
Main female/male - good
Main male/female - evil

Maybe have 'character packs' for download later on like 'FF1-3: The Side Character collection'.

07-22-2009, 06:15 AM
That's FF Dissidia's problem - only the main protagonist and antagonist from each title are featured - with exceptions in FFXI and XII's cases (Shantotto is somewhat of a minor NPC in the Windurstian storyline in FFXI, despite Square Enix's recent attempts to bring her into the spotlight, and Judge Gabranth in FFXII was always ambiguous in his leaning towards good or evil.)

The trouble is though, any kind of game like this is just going to be pure fanboy and girl drivel and not a really serious title. That doesn't mean it couldn't be still be fun though. ;)

07-22-2009, 06:33 AM
That's FF Dissidia's problem - only the main protagonist and antagonist from each title are featured - with exceptions in FFXI and XII's cases (Shantotto is somewhat of a minor NPC in the Windurstian storyline in FFXI, despite Square Enix's recent attempts to bring her into the spotlight, and Judge Gabranth in FFXII was always ambiguous in his leaning towards good or evil.)

The trouble is though, any kind of game like this is just going to be pure fanboy and girl drivel and not a really serious title. That doesn't mean it couldn't be still be fun though. ;)

I think if the combat system was better, seriously, Terra is INSANELY over powered...24 or so characters would work.

That's a pretty decent roster for a fighting game.

Too bad it's about as 'deep' as KH or MK.

07-22-2009, 06:14 PM
I think if the combat system was better, seriously, Terra is INSANELY over powered...24 or so characters would work.

That's a pretty decent roster for a fighting game.

Too bad it's about as 'deep' as KH or MK.

I have to agree with you there. Cloud's brave attacks are way to powerful. even at a low level.

however, i suppose it's balanced out because his EX mode requires him to be at high Hp to do a good amount of damage.

On another note: Butz is BROKEN. I don't mind the fact that he leeches off other hero characters for Hp and Brave attacks, it's the way he links them up. i don't know how many times i've been on the run at the start of a match just because he broke me prematurely.

it sucks.

Tatsubei Yagyu
07-23-2009, 06:12 AM
As I haven't played the game, I don't have very much to say gameplay wise, but

I would loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee to see Freya from 9 in a future installment. Though I know she's over shadowed by many of the other characters, she's among my favorite playable in the entirety of the FF Series.

Something about her Jump attack, unlike all the other Dragoons who fall with their spear, her throwing it from the air is the coolest thing of my life.

Vivi is great, but if FF1 had Black Mage, you could just pretend that's Vivi. But using that logic, Kain is more likely than Freya in my opinion, negating the need for her. So Steiner could take her place.

Final Fantasy 2? Most all the characters are the same, so no other character is really needed, but I guess they can take whichever of the remaining heroes (and Leon who is the most likely) and give them whatever attacks they feel like. Same goes with 3, which would be harder, considering Luneth was only a alternate costume, and I don't recall there being any other designs originally for the main 4 heroes than the one used in Dissidia.

...same goes for 5...

6? Edgar. Easy. He has tons of tools, and would add a lot of variety. I would say Sabin, but Tifa would easily cover the "Fighter/Monk" over him. You know, being a Final Fantasy 7 character. And a well-endowed female. <3 I'd want Barret, though. His gun shootin' would add some more variety.

Or you can take Irvine from 8 for that. But screw that. I don't really like him that much. Especially over the lovely Quistis. So she's in the game.

uhhhh...Covered 9...10? Wakka. Hands down. Auron is another "big-sword" type, and Cloud and Sephiroth's over there, so that quota is filled. Kimahri or Wakka, leaning on Wakka since Quistis is already a Blue Mage of sorts...

Never played 11 or 12, so no comment on those.

tl;dr =
1 - Black Mage
2 - Leon, I guess
3 - Not Onion Knight, Sage or Ninja. Maybe Viking, Scholar and uh I don't even
4 - Kain
5- Whoever
6- Edgar, please.
7- Tifa (but I want Barret. :( )
8- Quistis
9- Steiner
10- Wakka

I kinda rambled on a bit, but yeah. I hope you all enjoyed my essay. :3

07-23-2009, 06:04 PM
It's very informative, thanks for posting it.

Tatsubei Yagyu
07-27-2009, 02:40 AM
Glad you appreciate it. <3