Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-31-2002, 06:31 PM
Are there any FF's that start to grow on you after a while.

Because this has happened to me, with FF8 it is now joint 2nd along with FFIX

07-31-2002, 07:18 PM
personally, i think the newer games are great with the graphic and all, but i find they dont grow on me.... i need a good storyline for the game to grow on me, thats why my 2 Favorite FF Games would have to Be Final Fantasy 4 (2 US) and Final Fantasy 6 (3 US)....those games have the best storylines in the whole series.....but thats just what i think.


07-31-2002, 10:01 PM
To me, FFVIII was a real classic. After that, my whole life changed. I was more and more into gaming and anime and I became sort of a tomboy, seing as most girls in my school are all into NSync and makeup and stuff. I think it's mostly the story and music that gets me hooked into the games.

07-31-2002, 10:23 PM
FF7. the more i played it, the more involved i got...whenever i saw the ad on TV, i was like "i own that game, i own that game, i kick so much ass!!!" well, kinda, but not quite.

FF7 just ruled so much, and the more i played, the more it grew on me. just started replaying it, as it goes.

08-01-2002, 01:17 AM
The game that took some time to grow on me was FF10. It started off a bit weird, and it took me some time to start caring about Tidus. But in the end, that game became a favorite. Along with FF8. FF8 is still a bit confusing for me, and I don't enjoy it as much as the others. (Don't get me wrong, I like it, just not as much)

FF9 was the proverbial "love at first sight." Put it in the PSX, liked it right off the bat, and it kept me hooked all the way from "Sure is dark..." to "The End." :)

FF7 is the same. I love FF7. Back when I first played it, I wasn't into RPGs at all, so in a way, it did have to to grow on me. But when I went back and played it again after a year, I was HOOKED. :)

08-01-2002, 05:33 AM
FF5 had to grow on me. At first, I didn't like the Job System. But I got past that and it got really good, especially some of the plot twists that rattled my brain ^_~.

08-01-2002, 06:24 PM
FF7 changed my life it was the first rpg i ever gamed
and i felt in love with the ff series

08-02-2002, 01:56 PM
FF8 was the FF game that grew on me. It made me realize as being a geek like Quistis was can actually be quite fun too once I got used to it. When I was walking around my school halls that Balamb Garden song was following me on and it made me proud to be who I am.

Later on I became quite opular and I still am actually and I think I have FF8 to thank for that ^_^.

08-03-2002, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by deepthroat
FF7 changed my life it was the first rpg i ever gamed
and i felt in love with the ff series

Same here, same here.

None of the games grew in me. I fell in love with 7, i fell in love with 9, and i just didn't like 8.

Vorn: Devourer of Worlds
08-04-2002, 02:10 AM
FF9, for sure. The first time I played it, I thought 'this is an okay game, but not up to par with 7.' After I beat it a couple more times, I began to like it more than 7. The same thing holds today.