07-03-2009, 08:11 AM
I've been wondering, what's everybody's least favorite Final Fantasy? What's the Final Fantasy that's usually ignored because there's nothing special about it or that it just has a lot of flaws? Which FF has gotten the least amount of praise by the community?

07-03-2009, 08:26 PM
XII by a longshot. Easily the worst game in the series when it comes to storyline and music. FF II is better, that says something.

This is all of course, my opinion.

07-03-2009, 10:41 PM
Well, the question 'Least favourite' is purely subjective, so it's liable to cause debate. However, my least favourite is FFX. Goddess, what a horrible mess this game is.

A terrible cast of characters (with the exception of Auron and Lulu), one of the worst battle/ability systems ever, and a lame plot that tried to clone FFVII and IX's 'meaning of life' scenario but failed miserably, because it's metaphysical framework is a crude affair cobbled together for momentary narrative convenience. And the less said about it's sequel the better. ><

As for the game that is regarded as the 'social pariah' of the series by many people, that would probably be FFXI: Online, if only because it's a MMORPG, not a single player game like the rest of the series (although FFXIV will also be following FFXI's footsteps into the Massively Multiplayer realm).

The steep difficulty level and endless grinding (sadly, Square Enix merely copied a lot of Everquest's faults when they originally developed FFXI, rather than try to fix them which is what Blizzard did when they developed World of Warcraft two years later), put a lot of people off playing it, especially those players who want to try and complete 'every' FF game (usually for bragging rights) and are then horribly disappointed when hearing FFXI is online only.

However, that's to do FFXI injustice, as the game has probably the deepest and most involving storyline in the series (and it's still being added to), and the world is huge with some absolutely breathtaking environments. And yes, it's one of my favourite FF games. I just had to spend 4+ years of my life grinding and slaving away at levelling, missions etc to get there. :(

07-03-2009, 10:43 PM

XII's story isn't bad, it's just short. The main problem with XII is that the ratio of storyline to optional content is insanely off.

07-03-2009, 11:23 PM
Indeed, Neg.

Though I did get lost in the story, and at some point I stopped caring or trying to bother understanding what was going on, and instead focused on completing everything in the game.

XII is like a completionist's dream. Or nightmare, depending on how you look at it. If you don't enjoy the task of completing everything and just do the story and be done with it I would not recommend XII.

Problem is, a lot of the optional content is impossible to know about without the guide. Not only the Zodiac Spear, there's more things like that which you need to follow very specific instructions to acheive and most likely won't "luckily" get, and there are no in-game hints telling you how to do it. The only reason the Zodiac Spear is so notorious for this is because it's missable and screw-out-of-able. There actually is a missable Iga Blade as well, accessible via Diamond Armlet in a chest in the Garamsythe Waterway that DOESN'T regenerate but you can pass it on your early visits there long before you can get the Diamond Armlet and open without knowing. Not that there aren't other ways to get an Iga Blade, though they are hard to come by.

But what I don't get is why so many people hate the Zodiac Spear and such when VI has almost the same thing with chests in the World of Balance and the World of Ruin where some are worth waiting for and missable otherwise.

But saying that XII's music sucks... well, can't take you seriously anymore.

As for my least favorite, well I haven't played any of the classics except VI and out of what I've played I'll have to say... IX. I see this game get raved over a lot but I didn't enjoy it as much as the other playstation ones.

But does anyone agree with me that it's completely retarded to say a game sucks because the battle system is easy to manipulate, even if it takes hours? Like VII for instance... or even VIII. Yes, because you can waste your time leveling up or collecting stuff early for hours that in the long run can make the game a joke, that kills the whole game's credibility... give me a break, most people who play the game the first time wouldn't waste their time doing that, in fact most people who play the game would never bother with that at all. VIII gets a lot of shit for that.

07-05-2009, 05:22 AM
Final Fantasy II - I could never figure out the battle system, so I never even really got into playing it. It's the only one in the main numbered series other than XI that I haven't played.

Of the ones that I have played fully, I suppose III, only because I can barely even remember the plot.

And when I say II and III, yes, I mean the original II and III and not any of this renumbering crap.

07-05-2009, 05:36 AM
We are so l33t, Agent. Hi5