07-03-2009, 05:16 AM
Hello everyone. I have recently decided to take part in the Kongregate & Scion's Artistic Intersection Contest. What is this contest you ask? It's a contest where composers upload their original music intended for video games, and each week five winners are announced based upon the highest rating that week. The top rated compositions are later automatically entered into the grand prize round which are rated by "Kongregate's expert panelists." The chances may be slim for me, but I'm up for the challenge. So if you have a few seconds to spare, come sign up (http://www.kongregate.com/accounts/new)! It literally took me 20 seconds to make a user name. No email confirmation either.

If you have a few more minutes to spare, come listen and rate my newest instrumental for the contest. It's called "Vexed Anger (http://www.kongregate.com/collabs/sounds/Withope/vexed-anger)."


Check out some of the other composers too. A lot of talent within the site.

Further details regarding contest:

Thanks for your time. Stay well.

07-03-2009, 09:03 AM
Nice work. I think this would work well for an "in the void" end-game scenario or a "remembering the past/facing your demons before the last battle" kind of scene, too. For example, the scene in Chrono Cross where they're at Leene's Bell and "People Seized with Life" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ4Di2orahA) is playing over the dialogue and then continues playing through the battle sequence. Your piece has that multi-functionality, too, because of the aggressive percussion.

07-03-2009, 09:09 PM
Thank you. Ya know, I never thought of this piece like that. I can certainly see it landing in a scene where the character is uncomfortably facing his/her internal problems before the final confrontation.

If you're interested, I uploaded another piece. More DnB inspired:

07-12-2009, 08:57 AM
Very nice. The combination of pizzicato strings and breakbeat reminded me a little of Aphex Twin's "Girl/Boy Song," (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdZs5PVcwBs) which I mean as a compliment.

07-14-2009, 07:44 PM
Well, thank you. That's a great compliment actually.

If you're interested or anyone else is interested, I have uploaded another piece entitled "We'll See."
