07-30-2002, 04:33 AM
Okay, this is sort of a general discussion topic for Final Fantasy VII limit breaks. I've decided to split it up into categories.

Most Powerful:

I think it's pretty hard to argue against Omnislash for this one. Hits numerous times for powerful damage, often as much as 9999 if Cloud has the Ultima Weapon and Max HP and a good strength rating. One could also probably make a case for Great Gospel. It grants invincibility (peerless) status and I think it also heals all characters. Another good one is Highwind. I think it may even hit more times than Omnislash and if you pump Cid up to a ridiculously high strength score, I think it could probably even do more damage. One other good one is Yuffie's Doom of the Living. I think it hits about as much as Omnislash and since it's a 3rd level limit, she can get a bit more often than any of the fourth level counterparts.

Most Useful:

Well, obviously some of the above are useful. Red XIII's Lunatic High is good early in the game to put all characters in Haste status. (I'm sure it's also being quite helpful to all of us who are playing the no materia/upgrade challenge as well.) Yuffie's Clear Tranquil and some of Aeris's stuff are useful for healing. (Clear Tranquil is *way* more useful than you might think if you haven't used it much.) Some of Cait Sith's special slot limits can be quite useful if you're willing to risk them.

Coolest Looking:

Omnislash looks really sweet. Another one that looks absolutely awesome is Red XIII's Howling Moon. That full moon is sweet. Also, just about any of Vincent's transformation limit breaks.


I'd probably have to go Yuffie's All Creation on this one. It's totally stupid. What's the point of giving her a 4/1 that completely bites in comparision to her 3/2? Also Cait Sith's two Cait Sith's and a Bar instant death slot limit and any time Vincent uses one of his elemental based limit attacks on an enemy that's healed by that particular element.

07-30-2002, 05:03 AM
Well, maybe in the Useful & Coolest looking ones you could add Tifa's limit break, if you get like all hits or something but no misses.. i like it..i dunno bout you guys though...

07-30-2002, 06:00 AM
Hmm. I don't know. I've never been a bit fan of Tifa's limit. The most you get is eight hits if you get lucky and each one is against a single opponent. Not that thrilling if you ask me.

07-30-2002, 08:50 PM
I liked tifas Limit. I found it alot more usefull that clouds, untill I got Omnislash, which is by far the most powerful. Omnislash was also pretty cool looking. Not really sure about the dopiest.

07-30-2002, 08:57 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Yeah, if you give Cid enough Power Sources and get his strength stat high enough, Highwind would be more powerful than Omnislash as it hits more times. But yeah, those two are the most powerful by far. Catastrophe isn't bad either, but seems to be less damaging than the other two...

Healing Wind is useful, especially early on, as is Lunatic High as you said before. At another board a challenge was posted where you are only allowed to gain EXP from bosses and set battles, basically the closest to a no levelling up game as you can get. In that, both of those limit breaks have proved to be extremely useful to me, even more than normal.

And yeah, I hate Vincent's limit breaks too. Especially when I used Galian Beast against Materia Keeper, and it kept healing it with Beast Flare. In the end, the only way around it was to let Vincent die, otherwise I couldn't cause enough damage :p And yes, All Creation was crap, only 9999HP damage, Doom of the Living was indeed much better.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-30-2002, 09:40 PM
Most Powerful:
Omnislash or Highwind, closely followed by Earth Rave.

Most Useful:
Great Gospel obviously, closely followed by Clear Tranquil.

Coolest Looking:
Dragon dive or Dynamite, both belonging to Cid.

All Creation, I hate this, thats how crap I think it is.

07-31-2002, 12:50 PM
Most Powerful:
Omnislash :D:D:D

Most Useful:
All of them were useful ^_^

Coolest Looking:
Yuffie's and Cid's were cool looking...but I think Tifa's was the best XD

Vincents really pissed me off...grrrr ^_^

Neo Xzhan
07-31-2002, 08:07 PM
Most powerfull: Omnislash

Coolest: Final Heaven

Most usefull: Great Gospel

Dopiest: Chaos

07-31-2002, 10:02 PM
actually i hate tifa's limits because i never had so lucky to see her final heaven

08-01-2002, 12:36 AM
actually i hate tifa's limits because i never had so lucky to see her final heaven
It's not hard to get. Just look online for the proper notes for her piano. Then play it with her in your party on Disc 2 or 3 and you'll be able to get it and see it.

08-02-2002, 09:07 PM
I never use Cait Saith so i can't say his are anything they can be good or bad...

Bahamut ZERO
08-02-2002, 09:52 PM
Most Powerful:

Cloud's Omnislash, for reasons already explained. Also, Aeris' Great Gospel, as it makes you invincible. If you can't get killed, you're laughing, no matter WHAT is thrown at you.

Most Useful:

Aeris' Great Gospel, as you're invincible as a result. Omnislash again, as it will kill any enemy dead with the right weapon and high enough level. Mention to Tifa's complete limit break in that seven hits can also kill any enemy with one limit.

Coolest Looking:

Catastrophe rocks! And Cosmo Memory. Both look devastating, although Cosmo Memory's feeble 9999 damage doesn't do it justice.


I'd say anything to do with Cait Sith. I don't like Cait Sith.

08-17-2002, 10:18 PM
no i didn't mean that
what i meant was that i never were so lucky to get "hit"
i always missed the limit

08-19-2002, 02:32 AM
LOL you missed hit everytime? Just go fight Emerald weapon, he will load your limit bar in no time, and just take your time and get a hit.

08-19-2002, 02:35 AM
Yup. Or if you've already killed Emerald, find a Master Tonberry and let him hit Tifa a few times with Everyone's Grudge.

GI Joe Real American Hero
08-20-2002, 01:46 AM
where or when do you give red cosmo memory??

08-20-2002, 01:49 AM
If you got Vincent, then you should have Cosmo Memory. It's one of the prizes when you beat the Lost Number in the Nibelheim Mansion, along with the key to the basement that gets you Vincent.