07-30-2002, 01:03 AM
Zidane and Dagger are supposed to be 16.
Freya is supposed to be 21.
Eiko is supposed to be 6.
Vivi is supposed to be 9.
Steiner is supposed to be 33.

Did you think the characters in FF9 acted their age? I know this could be open to a whole bunch of debate, but I'll try to tell my perspective.

Zidane - a 16-year-old being the leader of a very unlikely group of people and literally saving the world. I thought in some cases, Zid definitely seemed to be the 16 years old he was. He's hyper, energetic, and flirty. But in other cases he acts older than his 16 years. He's extremely independent, self-sacrificing, and he's got a dark, brooding side that makes him seem older than he is sometimes.

Dagger I could believe was 16 years old.

Eiko seemed unbelieveably precocious for a 6-year-old. She knows her culture and religion far more than I cold believe a 6-year old would care for!

Sooo... what do you guys think? What about the other characters? I know, weird question. But I thought I'd ask... ^_^

07-30-2002, 08:55 AM
Interesting and original topic idea, kurohime...

Well, Vivi definately acted older than he was. He's meant to be 9, yet he's pondering his existence and all sorts of stuff. I guess it could be different for him, being the created black mage thingy, but eh.

Steiner...acted a little stupid and immature for a 33 year old.

Freya's was probably about right...perhaps a little older would be better.

...I guess I agree with the other ones you said though.

What aboot Amarant and Quina? Do we even know their ages?

07-31-2002, 11:16 PM
Zidane, yeah, i reckon 16. but he had to deal with alot of stress, which would have made him older. plus, no parents, so he would be independant. orphaned kids act older than they are, coz they have to.

Freya, yeah, 21, but again, suffered the stress of losing her b/f, i forget his name.

Eiko, thats just odd :eye: she's some kinda child geniuse! (sp?)

Vivi, again, strange, but like Bigfoot said, he was created artificially.

Steiner, well, he could have been 33...a bit of a jerk for a 33 yr old, but i could see him as being 33.

when i think about it, playing the game, i saw em all as kids

07-31-2002, 11:31 PM
I can definitely say that Garnet and Beatrix are certainly acting their age. Eiko, she's more of an 11-year-old, but I guess that's what being an orphan does to ya. I think they all do, except for Steiner. He looks old, but his attitude is like a 5-year-old's.

08-01-2002, 12:11 AM
I was sure Zidane was a few years older than garnet, it deffo said somewhere in the game that he was like 19/20. And he was friends with freya when they were kids *if you remember, if you went into one of the bars in I think the industrial zone in the castle which is owned by the frog guy, he goes in and freya tells him to shut up and they have an argument before embracing as friends* and if Freya is 21, Zidane must be a little closer to her age than 5 years younger wouldn't you think!

08-05-2002, 02:57 PM
Other than all the circumstances of making a RL person act older than their age meeting the answer for this question you have to see it this way. They are the general age of heros in anime. Most anime heroes are saving the world in their mid teens. I mean look at Goku from DBZ he beat the red ribbon army at what? 13? Gohan beat Cell about that age too.

So I find it quite believable with the genre. Not only that but I think if I was 16, and in Zidane's circumstances I'd act alot older too. Not to mention looking at Squall. He is 17 and acts what 48 *laughs*

08-18-2002, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by kurohime
Zidane and Dagger are supposed to be 16.
Freya is supposed to be 21.
Eiko is supposed to be 6.
Vivi is supposed to be 9.
Steiner is supposed to be 33.

Did you think the characters in FF9 acted their age? I know this could be open to a whole bunch of debate, but I'll try to tell my perspective.

Zidane - a 16-year-old being the leader of a very unlikely group of people and literally saving the world. I thought in some cases, Zid definitely seemed to be the 16 years old he was. He's hyper, energetic, and flirty. But in other cases he acts older than his 16 years. He's extremely independent, self-sacrificing, and he's got a dark, brooding side that makes him seem older than he is sometimes.

Dagger I could believe was 16 years old.

Eiko seemed unbelieveably precocious for a 6-year-old. She knows her culture and religion far more than I cold believe a 6-year old would care for!

Sooo... what do you guys think? What about the other characters? I know, weird question. But I thought I'd ask... ^_^

Well Zidane had to live those years not knowing what was to become of him.....where he would end up....jail who knows so I could see he had to be independent so I guess that is what made him act older.

Dagger was like a normal 16 year old girl wanting to go off and leave her world behind.

Eiko is 6 and knows a lot I could believe that cause she lived by herself ever since her Grandpa died and her Grandpa or the Moggles culd have taught her the past and of the Eidolons

Vivi I believe is because he was created...and well he had was very un wise at the beginning of the game but as he witnessed the death of the mages it made him realize and grow up

Freya...well is just Freya....she is a soldier.....and well she is head strong

Steiner was very immature for his age......but none-the-less he was sworn to protect Garnet/Dagger and we she got hurt he was angry and I beleive that is what made him reveal his age.

Armarant is well....Armarant

Quina..........doesn't have a mind.......:eye:

08-19-2002, 12:53 AM
heres my opinion.

zidane- he acted his age. i act the same way, and i'm only 14. except i'm not the a "leader" type of person.

vivi- acted WAY older then he was. he acted more like 15, maybe 14.

eiko- she acted older then she was. i mean, she new what love was and everything. i still dont know...

steiner- he acted younger then he was. whenever garnet would get mad at him he would pout like a kid.

garnet- she acted her age. but she was well developed for a 16 year old, if you know what i mean.

the other characters don't really matter, cuz they weren't as important.

07-16-2004, 06:21 PM
I always thought that Eiko and Vivi were the same age and i thought that Freya was a little bit younger like a year or two

Zidane also acted older than he was because he had people looking up to him as an older brother

Aerith Gainsborough
07-17-2004, 01:23 PM
Most characters on FF act older than they are. I don�t know, why they make some of them so young. Vivi and Eiko for example. I mean, that�s terrible. They are little, but they don�t act like little kids. Not even like kids. Not really..... Why can�t they just be a little older? :(

Well, and Steiner? All I can say about him is..... yeah, he�s acting stupid sometimes, but that�s not a question of age. I mean, there�s no limit. There�re people with 50 or more and they act stupid. And I think, this has nothing to do with age. ;)

The other way is a lot harder. Little kids acting like adults? Kind of hard, because they don�t have the experience....... :rolleyes:

That means Vivi and Eiko don�t act like their age, all the others .....got nothing really to say there. ;)

07-17-2004, 04:11 PM
Oh, for heaven's sake, stop reviving two year old threads. >:

Aerith Gainsborough
07-18-2004, 01:20 PM
quote: Originally posted by Tokiko

Oh, for heaven's sake, stop reviving two year old threads

First, I didn�t see, it is an old thread already.
Second, why can�t we revive an older thread? I mean, this question is timeless. If we open a new thread with the same question, everybody will say "Please use the search button". If we take the one we have already, people thell us, not to revive older threads.

Sorry, I don�t understand this. I mean, even if this thread is old....well, can�t newer members answer there, because it is too old? :(

07-19-2004, 04:49 PM
Eiko has a more mature way of speaking, but I don't think she's out of character for a 6 year old. When I was a little girl I used to be "in love" with boys all the time.

Vivi had a lot of childish qualities to him as well. He was extremely innocent and naive.

I imagine anyone thrust into a Final Fantasy-esque situation would have to grow up a little fast, so young characters with adultish thoughts were never bizarre to me.

07-25-2004, 07:45 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Vivi
[B]heres my opinion.

steiner- he acted younger then he was. whenever garnet would get mad at him he would pout like a kid.

steiner had to listen to dagger though since she was royalty.

Vivi FF
07-26-2004, 12:05 AM
I think that Zidane and Garnet acted a bit older. I mean, I'm 16. It would be fun to like lead a whole bunch of people on adventures and stuff, but you know, I don't think a 16 year old would be responsible enough to deal with everything that's going on, and also to make sure his friends' lives are not lost.

I think a lot of everyone else acted a bit too old. Eiko in particular as she is completely aware of everything that's going on. She acts like she's smarter than Vivi, but I think living alone as an orphan could do that to you.

07-26-2004, 04:26 AM
Originally posted by Vivi FF
I think that Zidane and Garnet acted a bit older. I mean, I'm 16. It would be fun to like lead a whole bunch of people on adventures and stuff, but you know, I don't think a 16 year old would be responsible enough to deal with everything that's going on, and also to make sure his friends' lives are not lost.

Well, stuff like that's really all just a matter of how quickly you have to grow up. Neither Garnet or Zidane would have had an especially easy childhood, so they both would have had to grow up a bit fast.

The same goes for Eiko.

07-27-2004, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by Ndi

Well, stuff like that's really all just a matter of how quickly you have to grow up. Neither Garnet or Zidane would have had an especially easy childhood, so they both would have had to grow up a bit fast.

The same goes for Eiko.

what about Vivi? He seemed to know some stuff that you wouldn't expect someone his age to know.

07-28-2004, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by Garnet

what about Vivi? He seemed to know some stuff that you wouldn't expect someone his age to know.

well, for one thing, Vivi is considerably less. . .introspective when we first meet him. He doesn't really take on any adult-like qualities until after he begins to question his existence.

Vivi is also a black mage, and they have extremely limited life spans in comparison to human. You can expect them to age the same way that we do. ;)

07-28-2004, 11:23 AM
Aerith, you can check how old a thread is by reading the date of the final post. And trust me, even if the topic is worth discussing, it makes a lot more sense to open a new thread than dragging a two-year-dead to the surface.
It's confusing: Suddenly there's a thread with several replies from people whom you hadn't seen in YEARS, or who you don't even remember.

This is a general rule, though, and I think that when I posted the above comment, there'd been a few similar reviving-cases (just dumber).

Aerith Gainsborough
07-28-2004, 01:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by Tokiko

you can check how old a thread is by reading the date of the final post

I know. But I'm not looking at the last 10 post, just to see, if this one is old or not.

And trust me, even if the topic is worth discussing, it makes a lot more sense to open a new thread than dragging a two-year-dead to the surface.

If you see it that way.....

It's confusing: Suddenly there's a thread with several replies from people whom you hadn't seen in YEARS, or who you don't even remember.[I/]

No problem to me, because there are so many new names every day.....

[I]This is a general rule, though, ....

Only in here, I guess.

07-28-2004, 03:08 PM
Yes, only at FFS. And guesss where you are posting?

I hope you don't want to start an a discussion with me about this. I'm really not in the mood for this. Just accept that two year old threads shouldn't be revived.

Aerith Gainsborough
07-28-2004, 03:47 PM
@ Tokiko

No, I don't want to start an discussion about that. I was just saying, what I thought. It's still weird. When is a thread too old? After 3 month, after 6 month, or after 1 year? :(

But like I said, I'm won't check every posts date, that means, if the onces before are new, I'll give my answer to it , without feeling guilty. ;)

07-28-2004, 03:52 PM
Trust me, after TWO YEARS it is too old, dammit.

And if you revive a thread that's been dead for two years, especially if it's a longer thread, I don't care if you feel guilty or not, it'll be closed, and you better not start argueing about this.

And if this thread goes any more off topic... Geez...