06-30-2009, 04:39 PM
no one mentioned the Star Ocean series and with SO4 just released. Dissapointing, the whole series rocks. doe anyone have any comments on any of them

What about the Shadow hearts series too? the are ace?. Expecially SH Covenant.

06-30-2009, 04:41 PM
SH stands for Silent Hill, in these parts ;)

Don't let Lord Brimstone tell you different. I'll take care of him if he pops his head in here.

06-30-2009, 06:34 PM
oh sorry. SH was supposed to mean Shadow Hearts.
Silent Hill is ace too, i have every one of them from origins to homecoming.

06-30-2009, 07:17 PM
Please to be checking out our SH thread in this forum. :D

06-30-2009, 11:15 PM
SO2 is my favorite game ever. The original SO (which I've played only the translated rom) is pretty good. It feels a BIT like a downgrade since I played SO2 first, and it has a lot of the same features that are later touched up in SO2.

I didn't really care for SO3. The characters/storyline were pretty flat. They ruined (imo) item creation which used to be such a fun part of the game. There's some neat aspects though and there's definitely some big fans of the game on the forums that will probably comment here.

Haven't played SO4 but have heard its not really that spectacular.

06-30-2009, 11:21 PM

Love child of Palin/McCain, alleged hero, and joke to millions.

07-01-2009, 12:25 AM
All my friends adore SO4 but I actually can't stand it.

It just seems to be one big grind, get Fallout 3 imo

07-01-2009, 03:17 PM
played fallout 3 got all the achievements. im a pro on it. also went out of the way to get the special edition guide for my collection.
I agree it rocks. one of the greatest releases yet. dead space was alos good for an EA game.

For Solefolia: SO4 has a great item creation its more simple. you just go to your ship, put your party into groups and watch em make recipes which tells you the ingredients needed to make the recipe. no hassle and not much money is used up like so3.
Battle system bonuses are easier, it isnt based on numbers of battles rather skills happening in battles eg: killing an enemy with a critical hit gives you +10% exp each time you do so. My advice if you liked the item creation on so 1+2 you will like the game cos some of the old ideas are integrated into the gameplay.

Neg: Edge is such a worrier in the game throughout. i think he is a leader that was never meant to be a leader. my fave character has got to be Sarah, she is a funny retard. lym reminds me of a chilled out stoner lol