06-29-2009, 10:05 PM
Ok I cannot find a title or anything. Basicly it is a song from Kurokami the animation that is not on the OST that was posted here(which i am great full for)

In episode 17 it starts around 19:25
In episode 19 it starts around 16:20

Can anyone help me at all?

07-19-2009, 01:56 PM
This song is called "Explode with Rage" and can be found in Kurokami Original Soundtrack Vol.2 disk. The only problem is: I can't find where to download it from (no matter how hard I try)!
The disk can be ordered from Amazon though...

07-19-2009, 10:45 PM
i am locking for the same song x) i hope someone will upload it sonn =)

07-20-2009, 11:54 PM
Omg finally replies. I'm going to look around for it, maybe i'll get lucky.Will report back If i am.

07-21-2009, 03:21 AM
O.K. I want to get the second soundtrack to because of this song, but I could tell you that people post these songs on youtube all the time. i know you probably know this, BUT I know a way to get those videos to be mp3 files, here's how:
copy the video link,
go to www.filsh.net (it's in german, but trust me you will know how to get it)
paste the link on the part that says video link
put them on any type of mp3 you want (you can also make it as loud as you want)
then press the box next to the word "Ja"
this is only until the second ost comes out, and I hope this helps you temporarily.

07-21-2009, 12:55 PM
it wont help, because the songs arent on youtube. ^^ i already checked that x)

07-24-2009, 03:03 AM
The song isnt on imeem or youtube. also Vixy.net is easier and in english.

07-29-2009, 07:23 PM
haha ive also been looking for it cus when i heard the song i just had to have it

Now have no fear the song is right hear http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=60841519 :D ywyw

Convert Here


Yw :D

08-05-2009, 05:29 AM
It was finally put on youtube too, and i converted it with vixy beta, but its 8kbit

If anyone one finds a real MP3 for this lemme know. The quality is horrible, but I have to admit its better then nothing. I have heard worse.