07-28-2002, 08:09 AM
What is the STUPIDEST thing you ever done in FFseries?

Mine are:

FFVII:When I fought Emerald Weapon, I cast Full Cure on Tifa without knowing that Tifa has been casted with reflect magic O_o

FFVIII:When i finally got Squall and Rinoa cards i didn't save as soon as possible because i'm too overjoy. I don't know what evil has come to me, I play the card battle again with that "Queen". In that battle I use Squall and Rinoa cards with full of confident that i'll win the battle easily and you know what happens next ?..........I LOSE!!!. And because i agreed to play with "All" (?) rules, she take all my cards including my Squall and Rinoa!! and when i want to start again by loading my previous data ( which mean i've to waste my time again to get Squall and Rinoa cards ;_; ) I accidentaly click to save the data!!........after that i never play it again ;__;

I think that's all that i can remember for now ^^

07-28-2002, 02:54 PM
Ouch, I feel your pain. >_<

I've done a lot of stupid things before, but off the top of my head the only one I can think of is dying in a battle in FFV because I had been playing FFX earlier and was still thinking "With the CTB, I have all the time in the world to make my choices!" Revenge of the ATB...

Rabid Monkey
07-28-2002, 04:30 PM
Like Fujin said, I know I've done a few in my days but I can't remember them... Though there was that time I spent about 8 hours on chocobo racing only to forget to save before I turned the game off...

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-28-2002, 07:31 PM
On Final Fantasy 7, I played all day upto the end of the second disk. Think how good i'd done and feeling great inside, (and how it was time to goto bed) I turned off the playstation.

But guess what, I forgot to save once, I was pretty pissed of at my stupidity.

The thing is by the time I got to the end of the second disk I had my main party at Lvl 99, with the materia I had at the time Mastered.

07-28-2002, 08:05 PM
Buying Final Fantasy: The Legend of the Crystals Anime. XD

But gamewise... in FF7 after Yuffie returns all of my materia and they are all scrambled up, I accidently died in a battle because of it and I didn't save.... which forced me to have to fight the boss again without Materia >_<

Another thing would have to be in Final Fantasy X International. I had to restart the game 5 times to figure out how to get the New Sphere Grid. Damn Japanese Menus >_<

Neo Xzhan
07-28-2002, 10:09 PM
In FF7 I got the submarine and I didn't save bfore that so I defeated 1 of the hardest bosses in the game (I believe it is calld carionarmor or sumthing) and I got the submarine. I got the huga materia and I wanted to go to the Gelnika plane. But I was kinda weary from my last battle and every1 was near death and by acident I bumped into Emerald Weapon. I tried 2 escape but no luck. I died and had 2 play about an hour to make up for it.

07-28-2002, 10:15 PM
hmmm one that I can remember is that me and my dad both had a saved game of FF7 of the memory card, I was helping my dad fight a boss and when I saved I saved over my game *lol* ^_^ and I got to the 3rd disc :(

07-29-2002, 02:01 AM
In FF6 I saved my only file in Cyan's Soul. I didn't have X-Zone, and was at like Lv30, and I couldn't beat the boss.....damn I had to restart the whole game.

07-29-2002, 05:30 AM
Well, in FF9, equiped Vivi with the Reflect x2 ability and went into battle with the final boss. I cast Reflect on Zidane, but I cast Flare on Garnet instead of Zidane...

07-29-2002, 08:38 AM
I uhmm delete saved files every now and then and oh well o_O then I have to do everything over again and I just happens on accident and usually on the GC not with Final Fantasy ;)
Stupidest thing I've ever done with FF; going into battle with Ruby Weapon after 4 hours of just leveling up and getting those 4 lvl limit breaks and such... I was wtf is that red thing? bump.... battle.... .DEAD.. .everything gone cause I didn't safe

07-29-2002, 04:23 PM
Er, had for me to remember. Probably the worst thing I've ever done is went without saving my game.

I can think of one specific time I forgot to save my game and I kept trying to go further into the game to find a save point.....and I died ;_;

I hate it when that happens. Gotta do all that work over again =\

07-30-2002, 05:30 AM
I corrupted the memory card and we like lost everything {my brother said i did..XD}.. i just lost like a couple of slots but my brother lost like over 1,000 hours.. i tried asking him{asleep, won't answer} but i know it was over this amount..not sure though...

It's like i do things wrong in a game{i save} and he gets mad, it's my problem not yours... note:When he plays a game, he has to do it the right way or it will bother him..he said this...

08-01-2002, 02:50 PM
In FFT i had my whole attack team stacked with nothing but calculators and hit nothing but my own people until i ended up diein ;_;

08-01-2002, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by Neo Xzhan
In FF7 I got the submarine and I didn't save bfore that so I defeated 1 of the hardest bosses in the game (I believe it is calld carionarmor or sumthing) and I got the submarine. I got the huga materia and I wanted to go to the Gelnika plane. But I was kinda weary from my last battle and every1 was near death and by acident I bumped into Emerald Weapon. I tried 2 escape but no luck. I died and had 2 play about an hour to make up for it.

that boss isnt THAT hard =P....lets see something stupid....welll i forgot to equip myself with anything once before i went into a boss battle with sephiroth =P

08-01-2002, 06:14 PM
Well, for one thing, buying a screwed up Memory Card for the PS2 so now I can't play my FFX anymore. But I don't think that counts.

I remember playing FFVIII and I was playing on my brother's game. I saved for him, but I accidentally saved on my block. I was so pissed off that I deleted both games out of frustration and we had to start over.

08-02-2002, 01:09 AM
Stupidest thing I've done? I broke my FF7 disc by stepping on it. That was pretty darn stupid. O.o

Good thing they only cost $20 now. ;)

08-02-2002, 01:43 PM
Somehow managing to lose in a battle that I should have won really and not saving -_-.

08-02-2002, 02:04 PM
I was playing for around two hours, leveling up and mastering my materia. When I was done, I *didn't* save, and I accidently flew into Ruby Weapon, while wearing crap materia and no summons at all. And well.. he killed me. ;-; I had to play 3 hours just to make up for everything, and yes, then I *did* save. >_>

Skye Vrbas
08-02-2002, 02:38 PM
I droped FF10 :(
It broke :(
Now I have 2 times FF10 :)
1 good , 1bad:(

08-02-2002, 05:00 PM
Completely erasing my FFV game, twice, at about ten hours into each game. I haven't the courage to try and play that game again.

Alice Wonderbra
08-02-2002, 07:27 PM
In FF7, I had just gotten the sub, so I was supposed 2 surface & go somewhere....Junon, maybe? Then I saw this weird thing swimming around, and I was just like, "hmm, what's that? ill just check it out." of course, omega (or whatever--i havent played it n 4ever, so i dont remember the weapons' names) killed me in no time flat. yeah...i figured out what that was after the first round and the game over deal. :rolleyes:

EDIT: It was Emerald.

08-04-2002, 10:34 PM
Another dumb thing i did was saveing all of Cora's data over my own (just the FF's). I had to work forever to get back to where i was ;_;

08-08-2002, 07:23 PM
on FF7 I was on the boss after the last Jenova and was sorting out all my charachters and when I went in to battle I realised I had the wrong charachters and materia :(

Quistis Trepe
08-24-2002, 08:43 PM
It was in FFVII. After Aeris died and you had to fight Jenova*Life, I had Cloud, Tifa, and Yuffie. I had Yuffie with the Leviathan materia w/Elemental to her armor. I started weakening Jenova with Tifa's limit breaks, and then, after unleashing Comet, Bahamut, and Kjata, I thought, I'll use my Leviathan summon. So Yuffie summoned Leviathan....
AND IT HEALED JENOVA BY 1100 PTS.!!!!:eek: It took a couple more minutes for me to defeat Jenova.

And...once I got to disc 2, where you're about to go to the Northern Crater...I saved over a save file I was meaning to keep! It was before Aeris died!

08-27-2002, 10:35 PM
probably when i got 6 remedy+ to get Doomtrain and then i used one

08-28-2002, 03:18 AM
I guess the dumbest thing I've done was went to fight one of the Dragon Zombies in Final Fantasy VII. I wanted to get Pandora's Box, but I didn't realize it was a final attack and that it only uses it once per game, so I just sat there waiting and waiting and waiting for it to cast it. Finally, I got tired of waiting and just axed the sucker. I got the message "Dragon Zombie's skill power is used up" and although I didn't realize it at the time, it had casted Shadow Flare so many times that when I went to kill it, it didn't have MP for Pandora's Box. By the time I figured it out I had played for like two additional hours. Fortunately I had a save backup, but I still had redo like two hours of gameplay.

09-19-2002, 09:51 PM
I have done many dumb things, don't remember most though. Mainly not saving.

In FF7, I went into Northern Crater and didn't know where to use the save crystal and ended up dying by the hands of bizzaro sephiroth. I was pissed, I almost cried cause I went through every nook and cranny of that place gaining lvls, probably 2-4 hours down the drain, happened 2+ years ago so my mind is a little sketchy.

In FF8, doing the thing with Bahamut and Ultima weapon, I FINALLY beat the guy and went down to the bottom to fight Ultima Weapon to find that I couldn't save (didn't have the thing that lets you use unseen save points equipped) and I was malled by Ultima. Those both were years ago and wasn't that lazy then, so if it happened now, it wold be enough to make me stop playing the game for a few weeks.

Don't remember much else, other than doin stuff like using a megalixer or the equivalent and or healing the entire party to find that one more hit would have been enough to defeat the boss.:notgood:

09-23-2002, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Laburnski

FFVIII:When i finally got Squall and Rinoa cards i didn't save as soon as possible because i'm too overjoy. I don't know what evil has come to me, I play the card battle again with that "Queen". In that battle I use Squall and Rinoa cards with full of confident that i'll win the battle easily and you know what happens next ?..........I LOSE!!!. And because i agreed to play with "All" (?) rules, she take all my cards including my Squall and Rinoa!! and when i want to start again by loading my previous data ( which mean i've to waste my time again to get Squall and Rinoa cards ;_; ) I accidentaly click to save the data!!........after that i never play it again ;__;

Oops, that would never happen to me because i save 3 times the first time i save game, then every time i save i save over the oldest save file so i have my games saved back as far as 3 save points for backup.

09-23-2002, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by RED_XIII#2

In FF7, I went into Northern Crater and didn't know where to use the save crystal and ended up dying by the hands of bizzaro sephiroth. I was pissed, I almost cried cause I went through every nook and cranny of that place gaining lvls, probably 2-4 hours down the drain, happened 2+ years ago so my mind is a little sketchy.

That didnt sound too bad to me, considering when i used to play i used to just go down to the crater for 10 hours at a time and i did that loads of times just "for fun!" i didnt save or anything. I used to go down to the end bosses for fun to fight em etc, often dying but it didnt bother me. Seeing as its just a game

09-24-2002, 07:23 PM
Eh, I've had my share of save errors. I saved my pitiful file over my brother's much further along file, which was not very nice of me. The only thing I can recall off the top of my head is just hitting reset instantly about 2 or 3 times when the chocobo monster in FFX knocked me off the edge, not realizing that you didn't have to beat him...

09-24-2002, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by Quistis Trepe
It was in FFVII. After Aeris died and you had to fight Jenova*Life, I had Cloud, Tifa, and Yuffie. I had Yuffie with the Leviathan materia w/Elemental to her armor. I started weakening Jenova with Tifa's limit breaks, and then, after unleashing Comet, Bahamut, and Kjata, I thought, I'll use my Leviathan summon. So Yuffie summoned Leviathan....
AND IT HEALED JENOVA BY 1100 PTS.!!!!:eek: It took a couple more minutes for me to defeat Jenova.

Thats one of my favourite fights in the game, with the music and all. Also one of the easiest battles in the game, i used to heal her anyway so that the battle would go on for longer. I liked the way the music carried into the battle too

10-13-2002, 12:37 AM
I was going against Safer Sephiroth and i accidentally cast ultima on myself after he did supernova. So of course i died and i have to wait 4 more times until i finally beat him.

11-06-2002, 10:40 PM
I do this all the time,

I get confident, I don't save, I die :eye:

The Wandering Knight
11-08-2002, 12:29 AM
Well....Lucky me i save all the time and I never -and I mean NEVER die in FF games:D...well, except in tactics:p- But the most stupid thing I ever done is turning my console off WHILE the file got corrupted...SO i had to doing everything all over...
One more stupid thing I've done...I wanted to ride my golden chocobo but instead I set it free...well I had my saved file:p...but it was way stupid of me...
Can't remember anything else, just some dumb moves like casting cure3 on all charecters while I forgot that I casted reflect on them.. and having hard time recovring and then I find out that it was one more hit and the monster's done..

11-21-2002, 06:49 AM
Originally posted by Locke255
I do this all the time,

I get confident, I don't save, I die :eye:

That's how my brother is, he'll go hours without saving then he'll die.

Stupidest thing I've done? I thought all my materia ALLs were gone. as in my brother sold them (yah never know), I did think he did that. But my someone (can't remember who) found them. Now that was just stupid of me....:uh?:

11-21-2002, 04:50 PM
using curative magic on someone who was in zombie status. LOL

Neo Xzhan
11-21-2002, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by Baldric
using curative magic on someone who was in zombie status. LOL

That happened to me a couple of times in FFX ^_^.

11-22-2002, 01:40 AM
The stupidest thing i ever did was play Final Fantasy Mystic Quest =0.

No really, hmm....the stupidest thing I really did was play FF7 without a memory card. This was when FF7 first came out on psx. I was having so much fun i forgot about it, well i made it to the end of the first disc then i was too tired to play any more. My god, if only i had a memory card that night.........

11-22-2002, 04:43 AM
cast regen on seymour lol

11-24-2002, 08:14 AM
ff6: no troubles

ff7: overwriting my 70 hours file with another file with only 1 hour.

ff8: buying it. i hate that game.....

ff9: didnt have any troubles that made me mad

ff10: overwriting my 110 hour file with a 30 minute file. :D

ff tactics: buying it. what a waste of 20 bucks. i only played it for 20 minutes.

12-02-2002, 03:38 PM
O_o Tactics was the best! But i would have to agree about FF8, it blew. In FF3 i sadly keep getting stuck because when i play any FF, i don't really read too much of the text so i just get lost and it takes 2,000,000 years to find out where to go next..... until i get stuck 10 minuites later (hints why i like FFT) o_O

12-04-2002, 05:51 AM
ya but tactics had brutal graphics. i had enough troubles with ff7's graphics.....

12-09-2002, 09:42 PM
burn on the ff series by vivi...

FF7's graphics were great when it came out, but can understand the whole tactics thing...tactics was a great game none the less.

In FF6 I spent 10+ hours flying around in my airship wondering what to do. I had to find Terra and have her talk to her race to help me out, or something like that, and I revisited every place in that game. One night I was flying aroung and pressed a button and was zapped to the inside of the airship and there she was...I am such an idiot...I even looked at walkthroughs to figure out what to do after countless wasted hours and took countless more wasted hours figuring how to get inside the airship.

:( :o :notgood: :rolleyes: :mad: :uh?: :eye:

12-11-2002, 03:12 AM
Oh man, just reading this thread makes me wince mentally, lol! Hmmm...... the dumbest thing I've done would have to be......o yea! I was playing FF9 for about the 3rd time and i was going for Excalibur 2 (for those who don't know, you have to complete the entire game in under 12 hours...) anyways, i was on disc 4, going a good 9 hours strong and this is the time my building decided to have a black out. and o yes, o yes, i hadn't bothered saving, because you know, nothing like a blackout could EVER happen to ME.................. lol *sigh* you should have seen me. I just sat there in a slient disbelieving rage for about half an hour until i finally gained the composure to scream and throw things at my TV....haha

12-11-2002, 04:19 AM
Hey, Dark_Starlight , all I want to know, is: Did you ever recover enough to try for it again? (Oh, and one more thing: if so, did you succeed?)

12-12-2002, 04:40 AM
lets see........the stupidesst thing i ever done was when i casted a refelct spellon boss in FFX.........then i forgot aand casted Ultima on it and it whiped out all my guyz and i didn't save..

12-15-2002, 04:26 AM
I saved my ff game file over my brother's game file... he was farther than me... he was SO mad!:notgood:

12-15-2002, 08:42 PM
When i was near the end of FF8 i accidently switched the console off while i was saving my game and lost all my data.

lone wolf
12-15-2002, 11:35 PM
i would have to say that the worst thing that happened to me was the day i was playing ff7 and had finally got a gold chocobo and got knights of the round, i emediatly went to the sunked ship and mastered it, went to cosmo canyon and i had finally gotten everything in the game, i just finished picking up the master materia and just loaded up cloud with it. He was Now unbeatable. but then i decided i would help my little brother on his chapter, so i *saved* mine and then loaded his up and helped him, and as soon as i beat the boss, he was so happy, and it didn't seam like 2 seconds, i hear, oh no, don't be mad, and i turned around to see that in his happied rush, he had just saved over the game i had been working on for almost a year and a half, i just lost it, i had to leave the room and tear apart his room, but i never did finally get the muster to go back and try and get it all again


12-24-2002, 10:57 AM
Well...on FFVIII i got all the cards, all items you could imagine and just...everything! And offcourse i saved, cus i save often, just in case...and i helped my friend on VIII...getting summons and Lv....the usuall...and i managed to SAVE...over my new perfect file with everything on!!!
Hmmmm...that explains why i always duplicate my RPG game saves...

ultima weapon
12-27-2002, 08:16 AM
I think the stupidest thing was when i was on Seymour Flux on FF10.He was nearly dead and all i had to do was cast HASTE on Tidus.But i cast Haste on Seymour and i was just sitting there saying "Oh no,oh no,oh no ,oh no" and just watched Seymour kill my party.

Oh..wait i remember doing something or should i say forgeting something of FFVII.

I was on the final boss and Sephiroth had killed Barret and Tifa.Cloud was left with Danger status HP {can't really remember what his exact HP was}.So i went to my summons menus and i saw Phenoix,but insted i Summoned shiva and Sephiroth used Supernova.When i loaded up my save again i realised that Phenoix would have revived Barret and Tifa and would have did fire damage on Sephiroth.

Yeah i know it was long but i had to tell how it wnet step by step.......or something like that :I

Nanaki XIII
01-03-2003, 12:34 AM
The thing I felt the dumbest about was in FF7 when your doing the excavation game in bone village. I looked everywhere for that item i needed and i think it was 8 hours of digging that i found out i could climb the ladder and dig on the upper part of town too. DOH!

01-03-2003, 05:53 PM
The stupidest thing I've ever done is when I forgot to restore my character's hit point when confront Nemesis at the monster arena in FFX -_-

01-09-2003, 04:20 PM
The stupidest thing I have ever done was probably on Final Fantasy 8 I went through like a whole disk wihtout saving.

Heavens Cloud
01-09-2003, 04:47 PM
ooooo my turn i have done some pretty stupid stuff ^_^

ok in FF7 i spent hours trying to get everything and hours leveling up materia in the crater i had 3 of everything rare including knights of the round and final attack and my big mistake was letting my brother start a new game and leaving him alone for a few min ya he saved over my file pretty fast o_O

in FF8 on the final boss i had reflect on Rinoa and i also had triple on all my guys so i used triple curaga Rinoa because she was low on health and well ya the boss ended getting about 8000 to 9000 health :notgood:

in FF9 i was leveling up my guys to fight that wierd circle thing ya know the one hidden in the chocobo place thats in the sky and garnet got a virus you know where you cant level up or anything after battle ya well i was all out of the things that cure that and the problem is you cant buy the cure at any store in the game you have to get it from a certain enemy so i searched the whole game for hours but didnt find it but that was my second time playing FF9 the last time i got to Kuja at the end and couldnt beat anyways i havent played it since o_O

and finaly in FF10 you know that chocobo race in the calm lands where you have to get the perfect time to get Tidus's thing ya well after many attempts i finaly got it but i never saved and all my people wre very low on health and i ran into those dam snake things! ya well i died and had to start again but no worries i beat that dude in only 2 tries the second time around ^_^

01-20-2003, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by Angel*Rinoa
hmmm one that I can remember is that me and my dad both had a saved game of FF7 of the memory card, I was helping my dad fight a boss and when I saved I saved over my game *lol* ^_^ and I got to the 3rd disc :(
another FF7 screw up, I trained my party * Cloud, Tifa,and Vincent* to the same level and went to the Northern Crater and ran into a fight with those stone dudes and they used that one finishing attack where if your level is divisable by six you die and got game over! by the way I never saved when I trained to the same level!!

LinkVivi over and out
*takes a deep breath*