07-28-2002, 04:31 AM
I've heard you can get Rikku and Auron's ultimate weapons by typing "MASAMUNE" and "GODHAND" into the password-thingy on the airship. Where do you find these passwords in the game? :confused:

Also, I was just walking around the Calm Lands and I found a spot on the ground that says something like "keep searching for me" or something in Al Bhed. What does that refer to? I did find a guy in the northernmost part of the Calm Lands who explained how the big gorge got there. That was kind of cool, there was a nice movie sequence of the scenery. But was that what the message was refering to?

And one more thing. This is kind of a nit-pick but how come Maester Kelk Ronso speaks perfect English and all the other Ronso speak broken English? :confused:

07-28-2002, 09:10 AM
In the back of the Calm lands there is a guy who is guarding something.If you win a chocobo race he will go away behind him is a door(you have to power up the cloudy mirror i think)because it doesn't open.
But I don't know much about those things you mean,I'm trying to find all the secrets as well...

I've found the cloudy mirror in the remiem temple,I have the masamune but the treasure chest off the godhand weapon isn't opening.

I think that Kelk Ronso speaks perfect english because he's a Measter,he is more intelligent and wiser then a average Ronso.

But with all the secrets in the game i can't help you,I have to find them myself first before I can tell you...:eye:

The Unknown
07-28-2002, 11:20 PM
The item in the Calm Lands is the Calabog(sp?) Tidus's legendary weapon.

You need to power up the Cloudy Mirror before it can open the doors and chests to legendary weapons. There is a path of light off to the left at the entrance of Macalania Woods. Go up that and there is this dome, plant thing which will power up your mirror and the weapons once you have the corresponding sigils and crests.

You can't use the password Masamune to get Auron's ultimate weapon. You can enter MURASAME which will take to get one of Auron's best weapons but not his legendary weapon.

Also, you can pick up nice armor for Rikku using the password VICTORIOUS and GODHAND to find her legendary weapon

You find these passwords from scrambled letters next to blue jewels in various locations of the world. There's one near the entrance to Kilika Woods and one on Bikanel Island. Not sure where the other one is. Then you have to go somewhere to translate and unscramble the password. But you don't have to do this for the passwords to work. You can just enter them and a new location will show up for your ship.

That's enough typing for me. Good luck :)

07-29-2002, 02:53 AM
There is also one on the ruins in Besaid. I can't remember what you get, but there are two treasure boxes with very good weapons in them.

I guess "keep searching for me" could be referring to the family that you must reunite in Macalania Woods or it could be referring to Belgemine and The Magus Sisters. Hmm, that's a good question. There are a lot of cryptic clues in the Calm Lands, and I'm not really sure what they all mean.

I agree with Robin on that Maester Ronso thing. He must be smarter than all the other ronsos and probably has had more enactment with the humans.

Wasn't it weird though that no other person besides Al Bheds actually knew the language? I mean Maester Mika didn't, certainly Maester Kelk Ronso had no idea, and I'm pretty sure Seymour didn't either.

Wait a second, how could the non-Al Bheds play Blitzball for the Psyches if they don't know Al Bhed? Hmmm?

07-29-2002, 05:11 PM
Tekno, the non-Al Bheds probably learn the language, like Tidus does when he finds the primers. The racial problems that exist in the rest of Spira don't seem to apply to blitzball. I had two Guado and an Al Bhed on my team when the Guado attacked Home, and the Aurochs didn't break out into a civil war or anything. (Although, this may have something to do with the fact that the blitzball players are just computerized characters with no real personalities... :uh?: )

You guys are probably right about Kelk. I still think it's weird, though. Kimarhi seems pretty smart and he lives with humans, but he still speaks broken English.

So everyone knows the passwords but no one knows how to get the passwords? :eye: I've seen the code things but even translated from Al Bhed they make no sense. I guess I'll just have to look at them again.

Cetra Angel
08-23-2002, 04:54 PM

About the passwords:

To get Rikku's 'Victorious' (which is a targe) you have to enter the password into the airship. You find the 2 parts of the password in Kilika Forest and on Bikanel Island. A hint for this is mentioned on the 'blue gem thingy' on Besaid Island "Kilika and Bikanel join as one.". Remember that? If you take a few steps back you can actually see the save points for both of the Besaid Ruins secrets (the other being Murasame, a sword for Auron).

There's no point searching out the clues if you already have the passwords tho.

And you don't get Aurons best weapon, you just get a good one.


Oh come on, these are basic!

VICTORIOUS (a targe)
MURASAME (a sword for Auron)
GODHAND (Rikku's Celestial weapon)

There, the 3 passwords!

09-17-2002, 10:15 PM
Im not sure about the other two but I know how VICTORIOUS was worked out. At the Besaid it says 'Kilika and Bikanel join as one'.

At Kilika you find:


At Bikanel you find:


Join them together and you get:


If u sort of read it up and down u get:


lone wolf
09-19-2002, 02:55 AM
man your good, i only got the first part "thepasswordi' and i couldn't figure out the rest. f you pay attenetion at the part when they are describing each one of the measters, they say that all have been trained to speak each language. of coarse, they broken english would be a barrier between the ronso and the humans so they had to teach each measter the proper way to speak. each measter is able to speak perfect languages which acounts for everyone showing them respect.


02-23-2010, 05:35 AM
Also, I was just walking around the Calm Lands and I found a spot on the ground that says something like "keep searching for me" or something in Al Bhed. What does that refer to? I did find a guy in the northernmost part of the Calm Lands who explained how the big gorge got there. That was kind of cool, there was a nice movie sequence of the scenery. But was that what the message was refering to?

I'm not sure what it is refering to but I do know there is more to it. If you start at the largest spike thing in the calm land and click 'X' it will say something like "with the ???? at your back, walk 42 and left 4" if you follow that instruction you will get to the spot that says "Continue on" and then if you press the metal thing sticking out of the ground near it, it will say something like "right 16 then right 4" and that's where I lose the trail. If anyone can go further than this, I implore them to do so."

02-23-2010, 01:38 PM

02-23-2010, 04:41 PM
I'm not sure what it is refering to but I do know there is more to it. If you start at the largest spike thing in the calm land and click 'X' it will say something like "with the ???? at your back, walk 42 and left 4" if you follow that instruction you will get to the spot that says "Continue on" and then if you press the metal thing sticking out of the ground near it, it will say something like "right 16 then right 4" and that's where I lose the trail. If anyone can go further than this, I implore them to do so."

Holy fuck, are you kidding me?!?!?!?!?!?! You are, aren't you?! Okay, normally I'd be nice, but I had a rough night at work and you deserve my worst; grow both halves of your brain and gain some sense, moron. You see where it says 2002? Yes, I said 2002! That was the time of the last post. Do you new members seriously read these forums backwards?! It doesn't work that way! Your first impression here was quite the doozie if you ask me. If you think the person you quoted is even going to bother reading what you just said, then I think it's time you reconsider sticking around this, or any forum. Better yet, go learn some basic math and figure in the gap between years. It's pretty big! Very, very big! Do you need me to simplify that any further? Any questions, please don't ask. No one wants to read them :D

Ahh, now that I'm calmer, I still stand by everything I said up there, just a little (and I do mean only a LITTLE) nicer. :D