06-25-2009, 12:40 AM
Hi all

I'm working on a non-commercial video-game (not based on Space Harrier) in which I have been using some pretty ropey music tracks that I know originate from the SEGA arcade hit Space Harrier.

The two tracks I do have are in this folder - (approx. 450kb)

Now, the problem is, I don't know the track names for these two tunes. IIRC one is from the SH high score table name entry, the other may (or may not be) when you ride a dragon in the bonus round, although I'm not 100% sure about this. This tune left an indelible mark on me when I played Space Harrier on my Amstrad CPC all those years ago. I loved it then and still love it's floaty, light theme now.

I've not been able to download the Space Harrier OST, but I have got the Space Harrier II complete collection, which seems to also comprise of pretty much every tune from Space Harrier too, except those two tunes.

I've got other SEGA albums too, but neither tune is on any of them.

Can someone please put me out of my misery and identify these tracks, and if possible post links to better quality ones, or the original SH soundtrack?

Many thanks


Simon B
06-25-2009, 01:15 PM

are you lucky today?

06-25-2009, 03:10 PM
Thanks for the reply, I have all of those. The two tracks I'm after aren't there I'm afraid :(

I think the tunes I want may well have been created specially for the 8bit computer versions of Space Harrier. I could have sworn that they were from the arcade game though.

Anyway, thanks for your help :)

Simon B
06-25-2009, 11:42 PM
otherwise i never listen these both track before.

06-26-2009, 09:58 PM
Hi again

I managed to find better versions :)

The tracks are named Space Harrier '97 Tune 3 and Tune 4 (by Chris Abbot) and are remixes from the C64 and CPC versions. So not official SEGA tunes, but still excellent in their own right and both fitted very well into the home computer versions.