06-24-2009, 08:22 PM

Hello fellow FFShrine members, I am here to present you both the US retail and japanese soundtracks to Atlus's latest, most creative, and possibly deepest tactical jRPG experience on the DS yet, Knights in the Nightmare, composed by Shigeki Hayashi.

Here are details regarding the extremely niche, yet highly reviewed, title.

Knights in the Nightmare is a strategy RPG from Sting Entertainment, the fourth episode of the Dept. Heaven saga (other titles in the saga include Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone and Riviera: The Promised Land, both released for PSP and GBA).

Website: Official Knights in the Nightmare Website (

Genre: Strategy RPG

Rating: T for Teen

The Island of St. Celestina is said to have once been a paradise for the angels..

Atop the cliffs facing the northern shores of St. Celestina, a beautiful old castle still stands.

This castle's name is Aventheim.

Named the "Palace of Profound Knowledge" in an ancient tongue, this massive fortress was constructed by a sage a milennia ago. Even now, as the age of glory and prosperity slowly fades, Wilmgard, the Lion Hard King, rules the castle with the twelve knight orders that serve him.

However, St. Celestina will fall into a nightmare, and the only light upon the old castle comes from the eerie luminance of an evil moon...

* Incorporating strategy RPG, real-time strategy, and shooter elements, you've never experienced a game like this. Control a Wisp with your stylus and activate the souls of deceased knights to aid you in destroying foes on the map. Enemies fire bullets in multiple directions, making it vital for players to master the unique touch controls
* Find and recruit the ghosts of seven different classes of knights from your kingdom, and learn of their pasts, hopes, dreams, and untimely deaths. Sacrifice their souls to one another to balance their skills and create your ultimate party
* This twice-told legend entangles you in a dark and brooding tale that is simultaneously examined through events both past and present. Complete the adventure to unlock the ability to play through the game with a new narrative twist, placing the antagonist in the starring role

Trailer (
Tutorial Video (Part 1) (
Tutorial Video (Part 2) (
Tutorial Video (Part 3) (
Tutorial Video (Part 4) (

Destructoid: 8.2/10 (
RPGamer: 4.5/5.0 (
RPGFan: 82/100 (
IGN: 8.8/10 (
Gamespot: 8.0/10 (;img;2)

Every premium boxed launch copy includes the soundtrack CD and an exclusive preorder artbook bonus at participating retailers.

Incredible Artbook Samples (courtesy of Gamespot) :

There are 2 different OSTs for Knights in the Nightmare, an English Promotional Music CD and a Japanese Full OST. I provide both.

English Promotional Music CD (Selected English Tracklist) : 135 MB

Knights in the Nightmare ~ Symphony of Souls, the US Promotional Music CD uploaded through Rapidspread. A high quality rip straight from the Music CD bundled with the KitN Premium Edition. Credits go to Corran for the actual rip.

Download Link : Rapidspread Click Here ( - 135MB

Comprehensive Japanese OST (Full Tracklist from the Japanese Edition) : 240 MB

Entitled "Knights in the Nightmare - Perfect Audio Collection". This is a 2008 - 2CD - release featuring a more comprehensive tracklist of the game's musical score. I believe it covers all of the BGM in the Atlus title, and not just a select few from KitN ~ Symphony of Souls, unless the US and Japanese releases carry slight alterations to the music tracks.

Rapidshare: Click Here ( - 240MB
Credits to Gamespot for the images, and for neogaf forum member Volcynika's original thread (
Please comment to show your appreciation and thanks to all of you who are working hard in keeping ffshrine such a wonderful community.

06-25-2009, 01:24 AM
Bump. Thread is too fresh to get knocked out just yet.

Please do comment when you have the time.

06-25-2009, 05:51 AM
Awesome, just got into the game and am loving the soundtrack. Thank you!

07-06-2009, 03:54 PM
I love the BGM of the game..
thank you that you post the soundtrack download link~

07-07-2009, 02:28 PM
Wonderfull job creating this thread. I have to agree that this is one hell of a deep TatRPG. The tutorial alone is a hell of a bite to swallow. I do have to say that I still love riviera and yggdra union, but KitN is a welcome family member.

Thanks for the download link and for anyone who hasn't played this game, I'd recommend at least trying the game.

07-08-2009, 04:35 AM
Haven't get to play this game yet, but I
Love the music thanks for sharing

07-27-2009, 01:33 PM
Thanks for the music! I didn't think that the US version was going to be released so quickly though, was preparing myself mentally to do it in japanese ~_~'''

07-27-2009, 03:17 PM
Killer post. I'm really attracted to the art style and that there really aren't enough quality tactical RPGs. I just added this game to my "buy soon" list.

08-19-2009, 06:00 PM

Another Mad Dancer
08-19-2009, 07:11 PM
I`d have to say that both this game, it`s music and the TC are made out of WIN and AWESOME; the two strongest(yet, unfortunately, scarcer) elements on da internetz.

Compliments aside, was it just me or does this soundtrack feel rather castlevaniesque? Not that there is anything wrong with that.

09-01-2009, 07:22 AM
I've been looking for this game's music ever since I got the game. Knights in the Nightmare is absolutely awesome!!

And you're awesome for uploading all of this. Thanks!!

V Guyver
02-08-2010, 03:10 PM
this is so awesome, thnaks for the upload. I thought I would never get to replace my stolen copy. Oh Joy!

Chocolate Misu
02-08-2010, 10:37 PM
I have this game but haven't gotten around to playing it yet, even though I played through half the tutorial. I need the time to practice at it and play only that until I finish it :p At least I can listen to the music before I get into it. Thank you :) Atlus stuff is frikin' great.

02-15-2010, 04:33 PM
lovely game, of all the games that I have played this has the best storyline

08-07-2010, 02:21 AM
Thanks for the upload. Soundtrack is breathtaking.