06-24-2009, 06:10 PM
I made this post in other thread but i think here will it fit better

Im from poland
And in poland we have sit thats called OdSiebie wich mean [FromYourSelf]

This site is mix of rapidshare megaupload youtube and imageshack

Its far more than something like Rapidshare or Megaupload cause on "OS" every user got his own profile + site where ppl can see other ppl files/folders

For example this is my profile/site

Main Page Here [so u can try to upload something]

Its maybe in Polish but site is very sugestive and anyway its not many options u can choose from so its simple

On left u have (O Mnie = About Me) under it files i last uploaded and lower comments of ppl about my files and site but u dont care that

And on left u under [Foldery (pliki ZeroX4)] is all my folders wich contains files such as games music and movies even software .

For Example i uploaded Castlevania Order Of Ecclesia OST

And u can Listen or download every single track here


Download All Tracks here

(Note: I Made that -All Track- files and uploaded them- this site isnt making it itself)

Even u dont know my language the download button got sugestive arrow pointed down and small (download this file) upon it so there is no way u would not know what to do.
And music Player on this site works fine for any country (i tested with my friends)

U even can upload movies and it works there better than on youtube but even in poland no 1 care about it

So now there is 1 question why im making post about it and answer is cause :

OdSiebie maybe is in polish language but u get

Unlimited transfer for download/upload files
Unlimited number of files u can download/upload at once
Time of how long files will be on servers - FOREVER
No waiting time between download/upload of files
No waiting time to download/upload
No entering code/text to download/upload files
-Max size of file u upload 100 per 1 file

OdSiebie Uploader - size 776 kb (just drag and drop files to it and it will start upload)

And most important its absolutly FREE to use no premium/special users no paying for anything no credit cards or etc...

problem is that this site is only in Polish by the moment but if any of u r interested i can make full faq (translation) about what is what on that site and about usage of uploader anyway its very simple site and uploader r very sugestive as i mention it above

Example files


Flash (Application) Game
